Domestic Violence Flashcards
In MRI the therapist works with which individual?
The most motivated family member.
The 10 most common issues in Couples Therapy
in order of frequency:
1) communication
2) power struggles
3) unrealistic expectations of marriage or spouse
4) sex
5) decision making. problem solving
6) Demonstration of affection
7) Money management
8) Lack of loving feelings
9) Children
10) Serious individual problems
Situations that contra-indicate couples therapy when there is DV:
1) Current issues with substances
2) violence outside of the home within the past two years
3) Severe violence in the relationship with the past two years
4) extreme obsession with one’s partner or bizarre forms of violence
5) the use of weapons; refusal to remove weapons
6) dual commitment to the therapy.
Some processes require the male/ batterer to complete a domestic batterer’s program prior to couple therapy.
All couples therapy with DV or potential DV includes this
no-violence contract
Time-outs are helpful
All affairs are not the same. Most have nothing to do with sex.
Emily Brown recognizes 5 types of affairs.
1) conflict avoidance affair
2) intimacy avoidance affair
3) sexual addiction affair
4) split self affair*** the most passionate and long lasting.
5) exit affair
Treatment of affairs should begin with identifying the type and the purpose it serves in the relationship.
Therapist through affairs focuses away from the person that was the subject of the affair and toward
what the straying spouse liked best about him/herself during the affair.
Three situations that suggest a poor prognosis for restrengthening a relationship after an affair.
1) infidelity early in the marriage
2) infidelity by the wife
3) combined type of affair - emotional and sexual intimacy
Kaplan’s 3 phase model of human sexuality
a) desire phase
b) excitement phase
c) resolution phase
Kaplan looked to one of more of these phases to contain the proble
Zilbergeld and Ellison 5 components of sexual response cycle
interest or desire arousal physiological readiness orgasm satisfaction - subjective evaluation of how it feels
Which family therapy model is concerned with how the symptom functions in the family?
Which therapy model concerns itself with identifying the symptom and how it interacts with the parents attempts to control it - then attempts to intervene in the cycle.
MRI systemic
Which therapy acknowledged that healthy families switch responses to child behaviors when responses don’t work.
MRI Systemic - otherwise do not have a template of normal families
There are three types of dysfunction recognized within Classical Schools. Name them and which schools use which models.
Which school coined “incongruent Hierarchies?”
+1) cybernetics - positive feedback loop (MRI Strategic)
2) structural - flawed family hierarchy (Strategic, Milan)
3) Functional - one member develops symptoms to control the others. (Strategic, Milan)
Incongruent Hierarchies belong to Strategic and they describe a functional explanation of the symptom.
Good structure and boundaries are a preventative measure for family health.
Which classical model concerned itself with generations and power struggles hidden there?
Which classical model emphasized locating “triadic relationships?”
Which classical model had the dirty game? and looked at power struggles?
strictly Neural is the stance takin by classical therapists in which school(s)?
MRI systemic & Milan
invariant prescription belongs to which model
Which classical model is most directly based upon Bateson’s cybernetics.
MRI systemic