Crisis Management Flashcards
crisis is defined as
an acute emotional reaction to a powerful stimulus or demand - a state of emotional turmoil.
Mitchell (2004) further defines three characteristics associated with any crisis:
1) the balance between thinking and emotions is disturbed
2) the usual coping mechanisms fail
3) There is evidence of impairment in the individual or group involved in the crisis
Yeager and Roberts categorize crises into two themes:
1) Private events = impact is on individual and families
2) Public Events = impact is on groups of people
During a client’s acute response to crisis the therapist is responsible for
supporting the client’s response and management of the crisis
NOT - responsible for taking ownership of the problem or a client’s ultimate response.
One popular structured crisis intervention model has been developed by Roberts:
Robert’s 7-Stage Crisis Intervention Model
Yeager & Roberts, 2015
Stage 1 of Robert’s 7
Stage 1 of Robert’s 7-Stage Model has the therapist manage 2 areas of need:
1) Understand and document BioPsychosocial situation - environment, stressors, supports, medical needs including medication, substance use (past / current); internal/external coping strategies and resources
2) Assessing Lethality including a) has a suicide attempt been initiated b) Current suicidality? c) overall safety
Which stage is assessing lethality and what 3 things does this involve?
Stage 1 (Robert’s)
a) has there been a suicide attempt
b) is there a plan/intent
c) is the client safe?
What is stage 2 of Robert’s crisis intervention model?
Establish rapport, emotional intimacy.
Gain trust, support, comfort
accepting/ non-judgmental
What rule is used when following Roberts’s 7 Stage Intervention Model?
Steps are linear. Each step must be thoroughly accomplished prior to beginning the next step.
What tasks follow Stage 2, comforting and establishing trust?
Stage 3: what led to this crisis/ to the client needing help?
1) identify crises 2) prioritize precipitants 3) Therapist use this time to identify client's coping style.
Following stage 3, Identification of Precipitating Factors. Stage 4 of Roberts’ Model:
Encourage the exploration of feelings. When there is safety to do so, begin to challenge cognitive distortions.
The plan of action to address factors that have contributed to the crisis is begun in which Stage?
Stage 5 - after Stage 4 - feelings are explored and distortions are challenged
The action plan is created is Stage _____ and implemented in Stage ______.
The purpose of the Plan is to:
Give the client a solid concrete plan to restore client’s cognitive functioning, equilibrium, and psychological balance.
The last stage (stage 7) involves what actions?
re-evaluate status
re-evaluate crisis
Suicidality/Homicidality Crisis worker/ therapist must establish these 3 things:
1) ideation
2) plan
3) intent
Formal screening and brief screening/or formal each meeting until stability has been demonstrated.
Breaking confidentiality concerning suicidality
to do this legally the client must have:
1) a plan
2) access to the elements of the plan
3) intent
Volini p 235
Tarasoff vs. Regents
A case that established Duty to Warn.
Always consult specific state’s law.
In order for Tarasoff’s Duty to Warn law to be followed in a Duty to Warn or Duty to Protect State:
1) imminent risk-of-harm
2) Identified subject or building or group
3) If the potential of death is not imminent (meaning immediate) then practitioner is not protected to break confidentiality under this law.