Domain 5: Leadership & Professionalism Flashcards
Leadership and Professionalism
What is slack or float?
- Degree to which a task can be postponed without delaying the end of the project
- Tasks that fall along the critical path have no float
What is a critical path and how do you calculate it?
- Minimum time required to complete the project
- Calculated by finding the longest path from beginning to end
Data should be FAIR. What does FAIR stand for?
Adair’s “Action Centered” leadership model says that the leadership function meets needs in what three areas?
Task, Team, Individual
In the Healthcare Quality Professional Leadership Development Model, the fundamental entry level skill that a leader must develop is:
Professionalism & Professional Values
Best mechanism to control scope creep
Integrated change control - rigorous process to determine the need for changes in the scope of a project
Examples of task dependencies
Finish to Start - Task B can’t begin until task A is completed
Finish to Finish - Task B can’t finish before Task A is finished
Start to Start - Task B can’t start until Tak A is started
Start to Finish - Task B can’t finish until Task A is started
Process to changing scope of the project
Integrated change control - involves accepting or rejecting any changes to the scope of the work as well as coordinating those changes among workers and stakeholders
Process of creating an effective team
- Articulate team goal
- Define rules of operation
- Clarify individual roles
What does disparate impact refer to in terms of recruiting?
Certain classes of people will be over-represented in the recruitment & selection process
What tool allows a project risk manager to prioritize resources among several identified risks?
Probability impact chart - stratifies risks based on their impact and their probability of occuring
What is McClelland’s acquired needs theory?
3 individual needs that influence a person’s motivation:
- Need for achievement - need to excel by setting and accomplishing challenging goals
- Need for affiliation - an individual’s need to belong, be liked and be accepted
- Need for power - need to be influential, lead and make lasting impact on others
What is Monte Carlo analysis
Iterative process where the risk of a project can be calculated from the combination of its component risk
4 steps of situational leadership
- Directing - high direction, low support
- Coaching - less direction and increased support
- Supporting - further decreased direction and similar support as coaching
- Delegating - providing guidance & support as needed
Focus of servant leadership
Growth and well-being of people and communities
Focus of National Center for Healthcare Leadership Competency Model
- Transformation
- Execution
- People
Best way to change organizational culture
Change behavior NOT structure.
Behavior driven by norms, social values, identity structure and mental models.
Difference between single vs double-loop learning
Single loop learning - maintain current mental models and basic assumptions when something goes wrong
Double-loop learning - question both mental models and basic assumptions when things go wrong
Difference between critical and analytic thinking
Critical thinking - Takes facts and uses them to form an opinion or belief. Use to develop strategic plan.
Analytic thinking - uses facts to support conclusions or thought.
Tools for creating new ideas or innovating
- Attribute listing - break down problem into smaller bits
- Brainstorming
- Visioning
What is the Cynefin framework
One model of complex decision making. Sorts all issues into 5 contexts:
- Simple
- Complicated
- Complex
- Chaotic
- Disorder
Difference between strategic and tactical thinking
Strategic thinking = focused on long-term
Tactical thinking = more immediate (“in the moment”)
Biggest driver of tactical thinking
What are McKinsey’s five dimensions of effective leadership and which dimension has most significant impact on work/life satisfaction?
- Meaning (biggest impact)
- Positive Framing
- Connecting
- Engaging
- Managing energy
What does Reeve’s leadership theory emphasize?
Leaders need not be experts in every dimension. However, they must ensure that some leadership team member provides every leadership dimension.
6 Methods for measuring training effectiveness
- Kirkpatrick taxonomy model
- Level 1 = Reaction
- Level 2 = Learning
- Level 3 = Behavior
- Level 4 = Results (return on expectations) - Phillips ROI Model
Add ROI to above - Summative and Formative evaluation method
- Includes feedback on training both while being developed (formative) and delivered (summative) - Outcomes Framework
- Intended for CE activities (e.g. CME)
- Start with highest level then work your way backwards - Kaufman’s Levels of Learning Evaluation
- Input
- Process
- Micro-level results
- Macro-level results
- Mega level impact - Anderson’s Model of Learning Evaluation
- Stage 1: evaluate
- Stage 2: measure contribution to strategic results
- Stage 3: Determine ROI and find most relevant approaches
5 levels of Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs
Higher-level needs become motivators only after lower-level needs are met
- Physiological
- Safety
- Social
- Self-esteem
- Self-actualization
5 attributes of strategic thinking
- A systems perspective
- Intent focused
- Thinking in time
- Hypothesis-driven
- Intelligent opportunism
5 styles of conflict management per Thomas & Killman
- Forcing (Competing)
- Accommodating
- Avoiding (Withdrawing)
- Compromising (Lose-Lose)
- Collaborating (Win-Win)
4 types of leaders according to leadership/managerial grid model by Black & Mouton
- Authoritarian
- Country club - uses rewards but not punitive power for fear of jeopardizing relationships
- Impoverished leader (“delegate and disappear”)
- Team leader - strong on task and people skills/relationships
4 leadership and maturity styles per Situational Leadership model
Leadership styles:
1. Telling (S1)
2. Selling (S2)
3. Participating (S3)
4. Delegating (S4)
Maturity styles:
M1 = low maturity –> M4 = high maturity
Environmental scan methods
- Political
- Economic
- Social/cultural
- Technological
- Environmental
- Legal - PEST
- STEEPLED= PESTLE + Ethical + Demographic factors
- SWOT - Strength / Weakness / Opportunities / Threats
3 Group Decision Making approaches
- Nominal group technique
- Involves multi-voting (ranking or rating all options and choosing highest rank option) - Consensus mapping
- Reaching consensus about how to arrange or sequence multiple inter-related activities (e.g. implementing new IS). Based on expectation of compromise. - Delphi Method
- Experts answer questionnaires, facilitator summarizes and experts asked to revise answer. Repeat until group opinion moves toward a final answer.
Job description that identifies a position as having “exempt status” indicates what?
Exempt is a federal wage and hour term meaning not eligible for overtime pay over 40 hours of work per week
What is PERT chart used for
Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) - Estimates minimum project duration and amount of scheduling flexibility
6 steps of human resource management
- HR planning
- Staffing
- Development
- Evaluation
- Compensation
- Maintaining the workforce
Difference between strategic planning and long-term planning
Strategic planning works BACKWARD from desired future state
Long-term planning begins with current state and works FORWARD to estimate future needs
3 organizational factors important for success of Strategic Information System Plan (SISP)
- Organizational commitment
- Senior management involvement (*independently associated with SISP success)
- Team involvement