Domain 1 Flashcards
What is Choral Reading?
Reading aloud in unison with a whole class or group of students.
What is the Five Fingers Test?
A method for teaching students to select books at their reading levels. Student selects a book and reads a page, putting up a finger each time a word cannot be read. Five fingers? wave bye bye to the book!
Balanced instructional program
Characterized by the strategic and appropriate selection of what skills should be taught given a student’s level of reading development.
Comprehensive Program
An instructional program that helps students achieve all grade level English Language Arts standards
Categories of English Language Arts Standards
a. word analysis, fluency, vocabulary development
b. reading comprehension
c. literary response and analysis
d. writing strategies and writing applications
e. written and oral English language conventions
f. listening and speaking strategies
g. speaking applications
Three types of assessment.
- entry-level
- progress monitoring
- summative
Purpose of entry-level assessment.
Takes place before instruction.
- Determine which students have prerequisite skills and knowledge
- determine which students have mastered the skills that are going to be taught
Purpose of formative assessment.
Takes place during instruction.
Determines which students are making adequate achievement toward target standard.
Purpose of summative assessment.
Determine which students have achieved the standard.
It is important to assess whether students can “transfer” skills and knowledge they have used.
Five alternative assessments for students with an IEP.
- Give more time
- Assess in chunks
- Change mode of delivery (product)
- Provide practice assessments
- Provide a simpler version
Three kinds of norm-referenced scores used in standardized tests.
- Percentile scores
- Grade equivalent scores: raw scores converted to a grade school level.
- Stanine (standard nine) scores. raw scores are converted to a scale from 1 to 9. 5 is average.
Informal Reading Inventory
A battery of assessments administered individually:
- Graded word lists
- Graded reading passages
- Reading interest survey
- Concepts about Print
- Phonemic Awareness
- Phonics (Sound/Symbol)
- Fluency
- Structural analysis
- Vocabulary
- Spelling
Three kinds of norm-referenced scores used in standardized tests.
- Percentile scores
- Grade equivalent scores: raw scores converted to a grade school level.
- Stanine (standard nine) scores. raw scores are converted to a scale from 1 to 9. 5 is average.
San Diego Quick Check
A type of graded word list to determine:
- Reading level (rough estimate)
- “Sight” vocabulary
- Decoding skills (phonics)
San Diego Quick Check
A type of graded word list to determine:
- Reading level (rough estimate)
- Detect errors in word analysis
a. “Sight” vocabulary
b. Decoding skills (phonics)