DO NOT USE abbreviations for MT quiz 5 Flashcards
Write- international unit
Do Not write - IU
International unit
Do Not write - U, u
Write out- unit
Do Not write- QD , Q.D, q.d , qd
Write out- daiky
Do Not write- Q.O.D QOD q.o.d qod
Write out - every other day
Every other day
Do Not use trailing Zero.
Use ×mg (x.0mg)
X mg
Do Not use leading Zero
Write out - 0.x mg
0.x mg
Do Not use - MS
Write out- morphine sulfate
Morphine sulfate
Do Not use- MSO and MgSO4
Write out- magnesium sulfate
Magnesium sulfate
Do Not use- >
Write out- greater than
Greater than
Do Not use-
Less than
Do Not use-@
Write out- at
Do Not use- cc
Write out - mL or millileter
ML or milliliters
Do Not use- Ug
Write out- mcg, micrograms
Mcg or micrograms
Do no use - TIW
Write out- three times weekly
Three times weekly
Do Not use- AS
Write out - left ear
Left ear,
Do Not use- AD
Write out- right ear
Right ear
Do Not use- OS
Write out- both ears
Both ears
Do Not use- OD
Write out- right eye
Right eye
Do Not use- OS
Write out- left eye
Left eye
Do Not use- OU
Write out- each eye
Each eye
Do Not use- HS
Write out- “half stregth”, “bedtime”, “hour of sleep”
“half stregth”, “bedtime”, “hour of sleep”
Do Not use- SC and SQ
Write out- subq or subcutaneous
Subq or subcutaneous
Do Not use- apothecary units
Write out- metric units
Metric units
Do Not use - abbreviations for drug names
Write out- drug names in full.
Write “drug names in full”