DNA Viruses Flashcards
Parvovirus is
Naked single stranded DNA virus
The smallest DNA virus is
Parvovirus transmission through
Respiratory droplets
Vertical transmission
Parvovirus B19 cause in children
Slapped cheek fever aka fifth disease
Parvovirus rash , erythema infectiosum
raised, indurated rash Start on the face and move downward
Parvovirus B19 cause in adults
- Joint pain , arthritis and edema
2. Aplastic anemia
Parvovirus B 19 in fetus cause
severe anemia, CHF, hydrops fetalis; spontaneous abortions
Polyomavirus is
Naked Circular double stranded DNA virus
Polyomavirus JC causes
PML Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Occur mainly in AIDS or immunocompromised patients with CD4 count <200.
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy cause demyelination leads to
non-enhancing multifocal brain lesions in white matter
Nephropathy particularly in transplant patients, hemorrhagic cystitis
Parvovirus is
Naked single stranded DNA virus
The smallest DNA virus is
Parvovirus transmission through
Respiratory droplets
Vertical transmission
Parvovirus B19 cause in children
Slapped cheek fever aka fifth disease
Nephropathy particularly in transplant patients, hemorrhagic cystitis
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy cause demyelination leads to
non-enhancing multifocal brain lesions in white matter
Polyomavirus JC causes
PML Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Occur mainly in AIDS or immunocompromised patients with CD4 count <200.
Polyomavirus is
Naked Circular double stranded DNA virus
Parvovirus B 19 in fetus cause
severe anemia, CHF, hydrops fetalis; spontaneous abortions
Parvovirus B19 cause in adults
- Joint pain , arthritis and edema
2. Aplastic anemia
Parvovirus rash , erythema infectiosum
raised, indurated rash Start on the face and move downward
HPV is
Naked DNA virus
HPV 1-4 associated with
Verruca vulgaris = cutaneous common wart
HPV 6 and 11 associated with
- Laryngeal papillomas aka recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
- anogenital warts aka Condylomata acuminate
HPV 16 ,18, 31 , 33 associated with
Anogenital cancers
Guardasil vaccine
inactivated subunit vaccine covers serotypes 6, 11, 16, and 18
HPV malignancy pathogenesis
- E6 inhibits tumor-suppressor gene p53
- E7 inhibits tumor-suppressor gene Rb
Pap smear
screening of cervical cancer (finding of koilocytic cells)
• Is an AIDS-defining illness; ………………….. increases the risk of HPV-related cancers
HSV is
Enveloped dsDNA and linear virus
Cowdry bodies (intranuclear inclusion bodies) Associated with
HSV transmission
Sexual , vertical
HSV1 cause
Cold sore (Herpes labialis)
Keratoconjunctivitis(serpiginous corneal ulcers on fluorescein slit lamp exam seen)
Erythema Multiform may appear 1-2 weeks after infection
HSV1 latent in
Trigeminal ganglia
Herpes rash has
“dew on rose petals” appearance
Herpetic Whitlow
Herpes rash on the fingers, more common in dentists
HSV2 infection cause
Painful inguinal lymphadenopathy
Aseptic meningitis in adolescents & adults
HSV2 lies dormant in
Sacral ganglia
Tzanck test
a smear of an opened skin vesicle to detect multinucleated
giant cells commonly seen in HSV-1, HSV-2, and VZV infection
Herpes treatment
Varicella zoster virus is
Enveloped dsDNA (a member of Herpes family)
1ry infection of VZV
Chicken pox
VZV transmission
Respiratory droplets , vertical (TORCH)
Adult presentation of chickenpox is with
pneumonia and encephalitis; occurs especially in immunocompromised patients
Vaccine of varicella zoster is
Live attenuated vaccine for children
VZV treatment
Acyclovir , Famcyclovir and Valacyclovir
VZV remains latent in
Dorsal root ganglia
Reactivation of VZV occur with
Stress , aging and immune compromised state
Reactivated form of VZV infection is called
Shingles aka Herpes Zoster
Herpes zoster or Shingles present with
painful vesicles that have “dew drops of rose petals”
appearance to one dermatome
Post-Herpatic Neuralgia
the pain that results after the rash subsides and persists for months.
Herpes Zoster Opthalmicus
vision loss is possible when CN V1 is affected
Congenital Varicella Syndrome; presents with
limb hypoplasia, cutaneous dermatomal scarring, and
CMV is a member of ……………. family
CMV remains latent in
mononuclear leukocytes like B and T cells and macrophages
CMV transmission
Congenital transfusion(TORCHES), sexual contact
Congenital CMV characterized by
Blueberry muffin rash Jaundice and hepatosplenomegaly Sensorineural deafness Periventricular calcifications Seizures Hydrops fetalis
………. is #1 cause of sensorineural hearing loss in children AND congenital viral infection
CMV In a transplanted organ patient or in an AIDS patients it causes
Interstitial pneumonitis
In AIDS patients , CMV causes
Esophagitis with linear ulcerations
CMV colitis with ulcerated walls
Owl-eye inclusion (enlarged cells with basophilic intranuclear and
intracytoplasmic inclusions ) seen with
CMV infection
CMV treatment
ganciclovir or foscarnet with human immunoglobulin In patients who are Resistance to
ganciclovir is through UL97 gene
CMV in Children and Adults causes
Mononucleosis (fever, fatigue, splenomegally and atypical lymphocytosis)
EBV primarily transmitted through
Saliva aka ‘‘kissing disease”
EBV causes kissing disease that presents with
pharyngitis and tonsillar exudates
Tender lymphadenopathy
atypical reactive CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, aka Downey Cells; seen on blood smear is seen with
EBV infection
EBV remains latent in
B cells
EBV envelope glycoprotein bind …………….. to infect B cells
If mistakenly given amoxicillin or ampicillin for EBV treatment , can develop characteristic
Maculopapular rash
Associated malignancies with EBV
Burkitt Lymphoma
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Hodgkin B Cell Lymphoma of Mixed Cellularity
Hodgkin B Cell Lymphoma of Mixed Cellularity diagnosed with
Reed-Sternberg cells that look like
owl eyes
African or Endemic form of Burkitt Lymphoma involve
The maxilla or mandible
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: predominately found in
Asian adults
Hairy Oral Leukoplakia in AIDS patients
A non cancerous lesion that occur with EBV infection
Diagnosis for EBV infection
Monospot test
Patient with mononucleosis should Avoid contact sports until resolution due to
Risk of splenic rapture
HHV-6 infects
CD4 T cells
Roseola or exanthema subitum is characterized by
Fever generally lasts 4 days
once fever subsides, a lacy(شريطي) diffuse blanching macular body rash appears that spares the face
Children with roseola can develop
Febrile seizures
HHV-8 causes
Kaposi sarcoma
AIDS and immunosuppression associated with
Kaposi sarcoma
Kaposi sarcoma causes
- dark violaceous( بنفسجي اللون) plaques or nodules on the nose, extremities, and mucous membranes
- proliferation of vasculture (desregulation of VEG-F)
Kaposi sarcoma lesions can be found in
GIT but more commonly on hard palate
HHV-8 can also infect B cells and cause
B cell lymphoma (primary effusion lymphoma)
Kaposi sarcoma have Higher incidence in
Russian men and African populations
Kaposi sarcoma can be confused with
bacillary angiomatosis from B. henselae
Poxviruses make their own
The only DNA virus that replicates in the cytoplasm and has own RNA polymerase is
Pox virus
Pox virus diagnosis
Guarnieri bodies(inclusion bodies) found in infected cells (intracytoplasmic)
The largest known DNA virus is
Pox virus
Small pox virus lesions
all vesicles are in the **same stage of development –
synchronous rash – as opposed to the nonsynchronous Varciella chickenpox rash
Molluscum contagiosum virus(a member of pox family) causes
flesh colored papule, dome shaped, with central umbilication on the skin
Molluscum contagiosum affects
the trunk region in children
diffuse Molluscum contagiosum in adults suggest
Suggest HIV infection