DNA Virus Flashcards
In DNA VIRUS, all are double stranded-DNA Except:
In DNA VIRUS, all are icosahedral except:
Poxvirus (Complex)
In DNA VIRUS, all are envelope except:
Pavovirus, Adenovirus, Parvovirus
In DNA VIRUS, all multiply in nucleus Except:
Poxvirus in (cytoplasm)
In DNA VIRUS, the largest is Poxvirus while smallest is Parvovirus. True or false?
Genus: Mastadenovirus
Grapelike cluster with cytopathic effect in cell culture
Replicates in the Oropharynx
Respiratory and Gastrointestinal are common clinical manifestation
Acquired through contaminated respiratory droplets, stool and fomite
Pathogenic to human (with 52 serotypes):
◾️40 and 41: Gastroenteritis in children
◾️8: Conjunctivitis
◾️3 and 7: Pharyngitis
◾️4 and 7: Respiratory Disease Epidemic in Military
Dane particle or Australian antigen: Infectious unit
Associated with acute hepatitis but may lead to
Cirrhosis and Liver Carcinoma
Humans: Only source of the virus
This type of HEPADNAVIRUS;
MOT: Fecal oral
Virus ssRNA: Picornaviridae
This type of HEPADNAVIRUS;
MOT: Sexual, Perinatal, and Parenteral
Virus ssRNA: DsDNA (Hepadnaviridae)
This type of HEPADNAVIRUS;
MOT: Sharing of needles (Parenteral)
Virus ssRNA: Flaviviridae
This type of HEPADNAVIRUS;
MOT: Intravenous drug use (Parenteral)
Virus ssRNA: Delta Virus Becomes infective ONLY with the presence of HBV
This type of HEPADNAVIRUS;
MOT: Fecal oral
Virus ssRNA: Hepevirus (form. Calicivirus)
Large (150 to 200 nm)
Derived from the Greek word “to creep or crawl”: Due to the presence of ulcerative lesions
Consist of 4 components:
▪️Nucleic acid core
Lifelong persistence in their hosts
Types of Herpes Virus:
Spread by direct contact with infected secretions Recurrence of skin lesion after primary infection
HSV-1 and HSV-2
What is HSV 1 and 2 latency?
Sensory Nerve Ganglia
This type of herpes virus causes the following;
▪️“Cold sores” or “Fever blisters”
▪️Gingivostomatitis, Phyryngitis Herpes Labialis,
Herpetic whitlow, Keratitis, Encephalitis
▪️Is the leading cause of FATAL SPORADIC
encephalitis and corneal infection in the United
▪️ENCEPHALITIS in older children and adults
This type of Herpes virus causes Genital Infection
This type of Herpes virus is transmitted through personal contact especially respiratory
Varicella - Chicken pox; Zoster - Shingles
Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) / HHV-3
What is the VZV latency:
Presence of skin rash with blisters that look like Dewdrops on a rose petal
Dorsal Root Ganglia
This is the type of Herpes Virus:
Transmitted through saliva
Causative agent of Infectious mononucleosis (Glandular Fever / Kissing’s Disease), Burkitt lymphoma and Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) or HHV-4
This is the latency of Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) or HHV-4
B lymphocytes
This is a type of Herpes Virus:
a.k.a. Salivary Gland Virus
Tao’s Eye appearance*
Transmitted through close contact with secretions, blood transfusion (WBC), organ transplant and transplacental
This is the most common cause of viral mental retardation and congenital disease
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) or HHV-5
This is the latency of Cytomegalovirus (CMV) or HHV-5
WBC and Endothelial Cells
This is a type of Herpes Virus:
Beta Herpes Virus
Transmitted through respiratory secretions; almost all children from age 2 to 3 years old
Lymphotropic virus and Roseola (Exanthem subitum) – fever with short rash.
Human Herpes Virus-6(HHV-6) and HHV 7
This is the latency of Human Herpes Virus-6(HHV-6) and HHV 7
CD4 (T helper)
This is the type of Herpes Virus that causes;
Kaposi Sarcoma
Gamma Herpes Virus
HHV-8 or Rhadinovirus
This is a type of DNA VIRUS;
Causes warts and exhibit tropism in cutaneous and mucocutaneous
Common strains of HPV:
▪️HPV-1: Plantar Warts
▪️HPV-2 and 4: Warts of the Hand
▪️HPV-6 and 11: Genital Warts
▪️HPV 5 and 8: Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
▪️HPV 13 and 32: Hecks’s Disease
▪️HPV-16 and 18: Condyloma Accuminate
▪️HPV-16: Subset cancer of oropharynx and penile cancer in men
▪️HPV 41-42: Genital Warts
This is a type of DNA VIRUS;
Erythrema Infectiosum
Smallest virus
Viral replication sites are erythroid progenitor cells, adult bone marrow and fetal liver
With characteristic SLAPPED CHEEK appearance
This is a type of DNA VIRUS;
BK Virus / Polyoma virus hominis 1: Hemorrhagic Cystitis; latent state in kidney
JC Virus / Polyoma virus hominis 2: Progressive multifocal leukoencelopathy; latent state in B Lymphocytes
MC virus is associated with Merkel Cell Carcinoma
This a type of DNA VRUS;
Largest and most complex of all viruses
Oval or brick shape virus
Variola / Orthopoxvirus: Causative agent of Smallpox virus
Molluscum Contagiosum: Small, pink, papular, wart- like benign tumors of the skin or mucous membrane
Orf virus: Transmitted by direct contact with sheep in which nodules in hands may be seen
Its vaccine is used in Smallpox which causes Cowpox
This a type of DNA VRUS;
Large ds DNA virus which is the causative agent of African Swine Flu (ASF)
Not transmissible to human but highly pathogenic to pigs (Hemorrhagic fever)
Double stranded DNA genome known to be transmitted by arthropods (soft ticks)