DNA transcription & RNA modification Flashcards
is the first step in gene expression
at the molecular level, a _______ is a segment of DNA used to make a functional product (either an RNA or a polypeptide)
means the act or process of making a copy
copying DNA sequences with RNA
the structure of DNA is not altered as a result of ______________ process
(it can continue to store info)
the overall process by which the info within a gene is used to produce a functional product which can, in concert with environmental factors, determine a trait.
gene expression
structural genes encode the _________ _______ sequence of a polypeptide
amino acid
steps of gene expression
- transcription produces messenger RNA (mRNA)
- the mRNA is translated into amino acid sequences
- the synthesis of functional proteins determines an organisms traits.
produces a RNA copy of a gene
a temp. copy of a gene
production of amino acid chain (polypeptide)
becomes part of a functional protein that contributes to an organisms traits
- the DNA strand that is actually transcribed
- the RNA transcript is reverse compliment
template strand
________ _______ aka sense strand aka nontemplate strand
coding strand
the base sequences is ________ to the RNA transcript (except for the substitution of uracil in for thymine)
RNA transcripts play different functional roles:
> 90% of all genes are structural genes which are transcribed into mRNA
-only mRNA is translated into amino acid seqs
the RNA transcripts from nonstructural genes are not ______________
- important cellular functions
- they can still ________ traits
- RNA transcript can become part of a complex that contains _______ subunits (ex: ribosomes, spliceosomes, signal recognition particles, telomerase)
DNA seq define the beginning of a gene
DNA seq define the end of a gene
-signal the end of transcription
regulation of the level of RNA synthesis
regulatory sites
proteins must recognize and interact with DNA to produce mRNA
transcription factors
the stages of transcription:
- initation: transcription factors interact with promoter seq and enables RNA polymerase to bind to promotor (DNA is denatured)
- elongation: RNA polymerase synthesizes RNA
- Termination
Termination: ___________ seq reached.
-RNA polymerase and RNA ___________ from DNA
transcription in baceria:
initiation and promotion
promoter region (pribnow box 1975) -seq elements (-35 seq., -10 seq)
initiation and promotion in bac
promotor regions are ___________ not __________
similar not identical
most commonly occurring bases
consensus seq
RNA polymerase, an _________, binds to DNA
-components (core enzymes, composed of ___ subunits
alpha, beta, omega, sigma factor, the 6th subunit (what does each one do?)
enzyme 5 alpha: assembly of holoenzyme, DNA binding beta: DNA binding, RNA synthesis omega: assembly of core enzyme
Core enzyme + sigma factor
RNA polymerase holoenzyme
initiation and promotion: RNA polymerase binds at ___________
-RNA polymerase slides along DNA (_________ factor binds to the promotor)
binding of a ________ factor protein in RNA pol to DNA double helix
RNA polymerase _____________ dna at -10 region (TATAAT)
-OPEN complex
sigma factor jettisoned as _______ transcription starts
initiation and promotion:
- form ____________/bind to DNA
- sigma factor binds to _________
- initiate open complex
- transcribe RNA
- eject sigma factor
RNA elogation/ synthesis:
- ____ nucleotides/second rNTPs connect to 5’ to 3’(3’ OH to 5’ PO4)
- AU/GC rule (AUGC, UACG)
- RNA pol _________ to RNA (RNA attached to ________ DNA)
transcription termination:
- ____________ RNA-DNA releases RNA plymerase
- Rho-dependent termination (sometimes, Rho-protein is ___________)
- Rho-independent termination (sometimes, _____ proteins are required)
Rho utilization site (rut) (upstream of the termination site)
- Rho binds to rut (like a helicase-unzips)
- Rho follows RNA polymerase
rho-dependent termination
Terminator encodes a _________(binds to RNA polymerase)
-RNA polymerase pauses (Rho unzips RNA-DNA)
Rho-dependent termination
- also called intrinsic termination
- terminator( hairpin seq followed by uracil rich seq)
- hairpin binds RNA pol (momentum pulls apart RNA-DNA)
more complex than in prokaryotes
-organelles and multicellularity requires more ________
_______________ __________-different genes expressed in different cells
-requires timing and coordination
transcription in eukaryotes
developmental genetics
transcribes ribosomal RNA rRNA (except 5S rRNA)
polymerase I
transcribes all structural genes (all mRNA and some snRNA)
polymerase II
transcribes all transfer RNA + 5S rRNA
polymerase III
all polymerases are __________
eukaryotic promotor sequences are more _________ and often more complex than those of baceria
for structural genes, at least three features are found in most promotors:
- regulatory elements
- TATA box
- transcriptional start site
_________ ____ (-25) instead of pribnox box (-10): determines transcription start site
TATA box
upstream of core promoter
enhancers and silencers
regulatory DNA elements
on same chromosome as regulated genes
-TATA box, enhancers, silencers
Cis-acting elements (regulation)
genes that encode transcription factors that control expression of other genes
trans-acting elements (regulation)
_________ ______ transcription initiation:
3 categories of proteins required for initiation
structural gene
- rna polymerase II
- general transcription factors (GTF)
- mediator
_________ are always DNA seq
_________ are always proteins that interact with elements
Prok colinearity (1:1 DNA codons match amino acids)
- eukaryotes don’t always exhibit colinearity
- post transcription, RNA is modified
RNA modification
_________ are transcribed and translated
-introns are transcribed, but not ___________
exon, translated
exonucleases cleave nucleotides from the end of a strand
RNA cleavage
endonucleases cleavage nucleotides in the middle of the strand
RNA cleavage
types of RNA modification ::
processing splicing 5' capping 3' polyA tailing RNA editing base modification
Degrading cleaving the ends of an RNA molecule
-RNaseP is a ribosyme(RNA portion is a caralyst)
processing transfer RNA (tRNA)
________-_________ in group I and II introns.
-proteins called maturates enhance splicing rate
self-splicing (uncommon)
- splicing pre-mRNA
- large complex composed of snRNPs(small nuclear RNA&proteins)
- recognize intron-exon boundaries
- dictate configuration of pre-mRNA
- catalyze removal of introns
spliceosome splicing (common)
intron recognition seq:
- characteristic RNA seq define the boundaries of an intron
- 5’ splice site
- branch site
- 3’ splice site
mature mRNA’s have a 7-methylguanosine attached to 5’ end
-polyA tail on 3’ end
capping and tailing pre-mRNAs
changing nucleotide seq of RNA molecule: -insertions or deletions -conversion of one base to another effects: -generate start or stop codons -changing codons (downstream, amino acids)
RNA editing