DNA as the genetic material Flashcards
Semester 1 year 1
What are the Mendelian laws of segregation?
-genes come in pairs + one is passed to offspring
-inheritance of a gene doesn’t depend on that of another
-an individual with 2 alleles of a gene will express the dominant
What can we assume from Mendel’s laws?
There must be some sort of physical genetic material
What is genetic material?
Information that, when passed to a new generation, influences the form + characteristics of each individual
What must genetic material be able to do?
-be replicated
-store information
-express the information
-vary by mutation
What did Sutton and Boveri’s work show?
-saw that chromosomes were grouped in pairs + separated
-saw gametes had fewer chromosomes
-saw if chromosomes were destroyed, embryos couldn’t develop –> genetic information must be expressed
-saw chromosomes are linear structures with genes along them
What did the findings from Sutton and Boveris’ work suggest?
-different combinations of chromosomes could cause variation
-consistent with Mendel’s laws
What did Griffith test and what were the results?
-killed S bacteria with heat + injected - mouse wasn’t infected
-killed S bacteria + live R bacteria injected - mouse dies
-killed S bacteria + live R bacteria injected - bacteria have a capsule
What did Griffith’s results show?
-the R cells had undergone a ‘transformation’
-some sort of hereditary material has passed from the S to R bacteria, changing the genotype
-the ‘transforming principle’
How did Avery, MacLeod and McCarthy go off of Griffith’s work?
Questioned which molecules were responsible for the transformation observed by Griffith
Describe the experiment conducted by Avery, MacLeod and McCarthy
-destroyed each component of S strain individually using specific enzymes that digest each molecule
-combined with live R bacteria to test for transformation
What were the results from Avery, MacLeod and McCarthy’s experiment?
Polysaccharides, lipids, RNA, protein destroyed - mice contained live S strain
DNA destroyed - mice contained no live S strain + lived
What do the results of Avery, MacLeod and McCarthy’s experiment show?
For the bacteria to be virulent, they require DNA encoding for enzymes to make polysaccharide coat, not the polysaccharides themselves
What is a bacteriophage?
-type of virus
-bacterium is host cell
What was the question Hershey + Chase wanted to answer in 1952?
Which component of a bacteriophage is injected into bacteria?
Describe the experiment conducted by Hershey and Chase
-label bacteriophage DNA or protein with radioactive isotope –> in 32P, will have radioactive DNA + in 35S, will have radioactive protein
-infect unlabelled bacteria with radioactive phage
-separate phage ghosts from infected bacteria
-centrifuge to separate phage + bacteria
-test phage + bacteria for radioactivity
What are phage ghosts?
The remaining virus on the outside of host
What were the results from Hershey + Chases’ experiment?
-found that DNA had been injected into bacteria
-labelled protein recovered in supernatant
-labelled DNA recovered in bacteria
What did the results from Hershey + Chases’ experiment suggest?
Radioactive DNA is carried from generation to generation