DLA 13-14 + lecture 21-22 Flashcards
The rate limiting enzyme of cholesterol synthesis?
occurs where?
what is needed?
HMG CoA reductase
occurs in the cytosol and ER
acetyl CoA, NADPH, and ATP are needed for synthesis
synthesis of mevalonate
HMG CoA is reduced to mevalonate
this reaction is done by HMG CoA reductase
requires two NADPH
the regulatory step
inhibited by glucagon and statins
activated by insulin
esophageal manometry
measures both quantitative and qualitative measurements of esophageal pressure and peristaltic coordination.
typical pressures in the esophagus
UES = +40
mid-esophagus = -5
LES = +20
stomach = +5
disorder of the ENS that impacts the smooth muscle of the esophagus
have great difficulty swallowing food
usually aspirate food
suffer malnourishment
geranyl groups
used to anchor proteins in the cell membrane
farnesyl groups
needed for specific proteins
used for CoQ (ETC) and dolichol-PP (used for N-linked)
Smith-Lemli-Optiz syndrom (SLOS)
caused by a deficiency in 7-dehydrocholesterol reductase
his enzyme is responsible for the final step of cholesterol synthesis
loss of function mutations in DHCR7 leads to this enzyme deficiency
build up of 7-dehydrocholesterol
auto recessive heart defects malformations microcephaly mental disability
cholesterol administration helps with growth but not CNS defects
cholesterol degradation
conversion to bile acids or reduction of the cholesterol by gut bacteria
cholesterol gallstone disease (cholelithiasis)
precipitation of cholesterol in the gallbladder due to bile salt deficiency
diagnosis by CT or sonogram
Cholestatic disease
biliary obstruction of either the small bile ducts or the larger ducts
bile flow blockage leads to lipid malabsorption with steatorrhea
can also have jaundice due to hyperbilirubinemia
causes and treatment of cholelithiasis or cholesterol gallstone disease
decreased bile production (liver dysfunction)
increased secretion of cholesterol into bile
suppression of bile synthesis
blood blockage
malabsorption of bile acids
treatment: removal of gallbladder give chenodiol disintegration of stones contact dissolution
regulation of cholesterol synthesis (basic)
high dietary cholesterol = low synthesis
low dietary intake = high synthesis
HMG-CoA regulation of cholesterol synthesis
phosphorylation by cAMP kinases will inactivate the reductase or reductase will be degraded
gene expression is controlled by cholesterol levels
reductase is activated by substrate availability
insulin activates reductase
glucagon and statin = inhibit
SREBP protein
low cholesterol stimulates the release of this regulatory protein from the ER
results in increased transcription of the reductase gene
increase amount of HMG-CoA reductase
uqibuitin system in proteosomes
degradation of HMG CoA reductase is controlled by this pathway
AMPK and cholesterol
high intracellular concentrations of AMP stimulate AMPK
this enzyme will phosphorylate HMG CoA reductase and inactive it
can be dephosphorylated by a phosphoprotein phosphatase (activated by insulin) and activate the kinase
statin drugs
structural analog of HMG CoA
statin drugs are reversible competitive inhibitors of HMG CoA reductase
prevent synthesis of cholesterol
the conversion of intracellular cholesterol to cholesterol esters
parasympathetic regulation of GI motility
increase the rate of generation of action potentials, leading to more contractions and motility
VIP and NO regulation on GI motility
decreased rate of generation of action potentials,
causing decreased contraction and motility
Two main GIT motility states
fasting state: Migrating motor complex
cleans the stomach and gut during fasting
fed state: segmentation and peristalsis
aids in mixing and moving food
characteristics of the migrating motor complex
function? neural? cause?
pattern of activity during fasting
strong contractions every 90 min
prevent bacterial overgrowth
movement of undigested material
generated by ENS
motilin induces the MMC
stop after ingestion of a meal
interstitial cells of cajal
pacemaker for the SM in the gut
drive basic electrical rhythm
not action potentials
generate slow waves
swallowing reflex
coordinated by cranial nerve 9 and 10 via the medulla
nucleus ambiguus: somatic nerves - regulate pharynx and striated areas of esophagus
dorsal motor nucleus: autonomic nerves- control SM of esophagus