Diversity, classification and evolution Flashcards
how many extant species:
~65 000
vertebrates: list 2 major groups
- non-amniotes
- amniotes
non-amniotes: list
- agnathans
- chondrichthyes
- osteichthyes
- amphibians
aminotes: list
- reptiles
- birds
- mammals
amnion: features
- 2 major groups based on whether amnion exists
- one of 3 membranes within egg, immediately surrounding embryo
- (other 2 are chorion, allantois)
- division roughly aligns w terrestrial/ aquatic life
- amoniotic fluid so embryo bathed in liquid similar to fish and amphibian embryos
non-amniotes: features
- protected by 2 membranes
- fishes, amphibians
- roughly corresponds to aquatic verts
non-amniotes list phylogenetic classification: verts (least - most specific) (4)
- craniata
- vertebrata
- gnathstomata
- osteichthyes
non-amniotes phylogenetic classification: craniata eg.
hagfish (myxiniformes)
non-amniotes phylogenetic classification: verterbata eg.
lamprey (ptermyzontiformes)
non-amniotes phylogenetic classification: gnathostomata eg.
sharks, rays (chondrichthyes)
non-amniotes phylogenetic classification: osteichthyes eg.
lobe-finned fish (sarcopterygii)
non-amniotes craniata: shared characteristics
- brain case
- gills
- distinct head
- differentiated digestive organs
- ventral pumping heart (under neural control)
- tripartate brain
- neural crest cells
- closed circulatory system
eg. hagfish
- eel-like
- known for copious amounts of mucus
- purely marin
- mouth surrounded by tentacles
- scavengers on dead creatures
- accessory hearts
- iso-osmotic
- single semi-circular canal (front/back)
- rudimentary vertebrate (not actual bones)
~70 species
non-amniotes vertebrata: shared characteristics
craniata +
- backbone of vertebrate
- radial fin mm. control movement of limbs/ fins
- 2+ vertical semicircular inner ear canals
eg. lamprey
- marine and freshwater (many move btw two as part of lifecycle)
- pest species (parasites) of other fishes
- sucking disk
- soft bodied
- scaleless
- single, central nostril
- amnocoetes larval form= only filter feeds
~38 species
non-amniotes gnathostomata: shared characteristics
- jawed vert
- teeth
- paired appendages (pectoral, pelvic fins)
- horizontal semicircular inner ear canal (total 3)
- paired nostrils
- 5 gill slits
- series gill arches
eg. chondrichthyes (sharks, rays etc.)
chondros= cartliage icthys= fish
- skates, chimearas
- cartilaginous skeleton
- solid brain case
- 5-7 pairs of gills (and assoc complex arterial sys)
- 2 chambered heart
- intestine w spiral valve
- claspers present in males
- no swim bladder
- teeth at jaw margin
- paired nares
~1200 species (pelagic great whites- deadly vs. majority benthic)
non-amniotes osteichthyes: 2 main classifications
- ray finned fish (actinopterygians)
- lobe finned fish (sarcopterygians)
non-amniotes osteichthyes: shared characteristics
- well ossified bony skeleton
- pair of lungs/ swim bladder (evolved from lungs- maybe 2º lost)
- bony fin rays
eg. actinopterygii (ray finned fish)
aktis= ray pteryx= wing/fin
- single gill opening covered by operculum
- paired fins supported by bony rays
- dorsal fin
- swim bladders mainly hydrostatic
- 2 chambered heart (atrium/ventricle not divided) + conus arteriosis
~32 000 species
most dom class of vert on planet
eg. sarcopterygii (lobe finned fish)
sarkos= flesh pteryx= wing/fin
- single gill opening covered by operculum
- paired fins (limbs) w sturdy internal skeleton and musculature
- single bone connects limbs to girdle (similar to tetrapods)
- diphycercal tail (vert column extends to tip)
- atrium and ventricle party or fully divided
- internal nares
- teeth covered w enamel
eg. name 2 fish classification
- Rhipidistia
- Actinistia