Australian vertebrate evolution Flashcards
split of supercontinent: features
- all landforms joined together 550-180 million yrs ago (Pangaea)
- 180 million yrs ago (Jurassic) split into supercontinent: Gondwana + Laurasia
- Gondwana= Australia, Africa, Madagascar, NZ, S America, India
- 45 million yrs ago, Aus split from Antarctica
- Aus isolated as it moved north towards equator
list 3 forms of evidence: existence of Gondwana
- matching geology
- matching fauna
- plate tectonic models
matching geology features:
- rock strata around continental margins match exactly in many places
- SA and Antarctica
- W Africa and E South America
matching fauna: features
- many groups of animals in Aus have close relos in S America, Africa, India, NZ,
- NOT northern asia, europe, N america
plate tectonic models: features
- run back and forth
Australian tectonic plate movement:
- one of fastest moving
- 7cm northward/ yr w slight rotation
changing climate of Aus: 100 mya
100 mya: Aus + Antarctica joined, climate cool and wet - covered in temperate rainforest (Antarctica ice free)
changing climate of Aus: 45 mya
45 mya: split Aus became drier and warmer, less rainforests more schlerophyll + grasslands
- Aus moved north of Tropic of Capricorn (northern edge was tropical)
changing climate of Aus: 15 mya
15 mya: emergence of circumpolar current - climate increasingly arid
- long history of isolation, before split was peninsula of Gondwana
- already low diversity before being island
- may explain lack of placental mammals, oddities
peninsular effect:
- faunas progressively impoverished from mainland to out edge of peninsula
- therefore unique fauna og from Gondwana survived and adapted to Aus’ changing env
Aus contact:
- Aus plate crashed into Asia allowing limited faunal exchange
- glacial period sea lvls low, nearly united continental shelves
- deep water trenches separated flora and fauna of Aus to asia
- 15mya gained some bats, birds, small reptiles
Wallace Line:
faunal boundary line separating zoogeographical regions of asia and australiasia
poorly known as lil fossil evidence prior Oligocene (33.9mya)
- nice evidence of mammals in particular after that
Aus freshwater fish: origins
- prior to Oligocene evidence scarce
- lungfish in Koonwarra Lake: Aus part of Gondwana (cool alpine env)
- bony tongue fish also date back to Gondwana
vicariance vs dispersal:
- galaxiids
- smelt
- cod
- their fam may have Gondwanan origins, debated
- marine phases to life history
modern freshwater fish:
- relatively low diversity
- few are 1º freshwater
- majority marine derived
- lay eggs
- cloaca (monotreme= single opening)
- no nipples
- our fauna dominated by them
- echidna diverged from platypus but retained electrosensitivity (not useful on land)
- ancestors found in Antarctica and S America
reptiles and amphibians of ancient Aus:
- amphibians and reptiles all present in fossil record
- however no evidence of aridity, but warm, moist forested
- Miocene (6mya) shift of increasing aridity and shift in fauna
- no land based tortoises, venomous snakes outnumber non-v
marsupial origins:
- first ancestor 125mya in NE china (Siberia)
- oldest fossils in Aus 55mya
- Coloco opossum only living member sharing common ancestor w modern Aus marsupials
Miocene-Pliocene boundary: survivors
- some genera persisted from Miocene to present many had specialised niches, marsupial moles, m. carnivore (Thylacine)
- connection to asia was firmly established, during low sea lvls Aus and NG continuously connected via land bridge
- refuge for cassowary, possums, tree kangaroos and wallabies
- big changes in diversity, diet, geographic distributions
Pleistocene rollercoaster/ extinctions:
- 360k ya extreme shift in dist and abundance of taxa
- 4 glacia maxima= extreme aridity exemplified by dune fields, leoss deposits
- much of taxa confined to refugia –> promoted allopatric speciation
- Pleistocene megafauna extinction in particular (many widespread extinctions)
Aus climate today: list (8)
- extreme temp
- lil water
- high unpredictability
- erosion
- fire regimes
- poor soils
- low topography
- low 1º productivity
Aus climate today: features
- Aus big land size= many diff climate zones:
- north: tropical influences (hot humid summer, warm dry winter)
- south: cooler, mild summer, cool rainy winter
- driest inhabited continent
- lowest runoff, water in rivers, smallest area of permanent wetlands of continents
- most variable rainfall
Aus climate today: 1º productivity
- poor soil
- low relief, geologically extremely stable (no volcanism)
- 1º productivity v low
Aus fauna today:
- combo of isolation and severe selection of species who could adapt to arid, unpredictable env/ find refuge
- survive repeated climate catastrophes
- not v diverse
- highly unique
- living fossils (lungfish, monotremes, tuatara only surviving relo of snakes/ lizards)
- mammal fauna dom by marsupials not placentals
- huge no. parrots
- crazy diversity reptiles
- snake fauna dom venomous elapids vs. colubrids
- frogs dom by myobatrachids
- freshwater fish nearly all marine derived
- isolation led to high % of endemic species through adaptive radiation
- 92% plants
- 83% mammals
- 45% birds
- 89% reptiles
- > 70% freshwater fish
responses to aridity: key features
- low average rainfall
- high evaporation
- unpredictability
- temp extremes
responses to aridity: how
- rainfall controls 1º production
- all Aus verts (incl fish) have to adapt to conditions/ access to refugia
- to persist, need access to predictable and adequate supply food, cope w temp extremes
- access to water and temp extremes provide immediate stresses, but w constant background of low energy env (main constraint)