Distance Learning Flashcards
What is the name of the place that can diagnose and treat sexually transmitted infections, where the person can attend with out giving their name if they wish?
Genitourinary medicine clinic (GUM clinic)
What is normal body temperature?
37 degrees
Fill in the blank; fainting means passing out for a short period of time and never last longer than ___minutes.
What are three essential things for keeping the body supplied with oxygen?
The largest artery in the body is the ___?
What is the function of the kidneys?
To extract waste products from the blood
Give one reason why needing to know whether someone has diabetes?
Because diabetes can increase the risk of certain conditions
What is anaphylaxis?
A sudden severe and potentially life threatening reaction to a trigger such as an allergen.
Children under ____ are more vulnerable to abuse than any other age group.
What takes first priority when conducting a telephone assessment of a patient?
Whether they have any life threatening illness or injury
Are antibiotics effective against viruses or bacteria?
Give two reasons why it is important to find out if someone has suffered from cancer?
- Symptoms may be related to their cancer or their cancer treatment.
- The cancer may have returned.
When an artery is cut the blood spurts or pumps out. Why is this?
It is under pressure and pumps blood out at the rate of the heart beat.
What is an AAA?
Abdominal aortic aneurysm
List 3 possible symptoms of meningitis in adults.
Severe headache Fever Nausea and vomiting Ill appearance Altered mental state, confusion, delirium Seizures or fits Photophobia A stiff neck Rapid breathing rate Severe muscle pain
List 3 symptoms of meningitis in infants and toddlers.
Fever Vomiting refusing feeds Very sleepy and reluctant to wake up Not wanting to be held Ill appearance Floppy and unresponsive Unusual crying Pale and blotchy skin Cold hands and feet
Sometimes if a person experiences bleeding high up in the t they vomit. This may appear bright red or have lots of dark brown bits in resembling soil or coffee grounds. What causes the vomit to look like this?
Exposure to stomach acid as the blood has passed through the digestive system.
Why can some ear problems cause a person to feel dizzy?
Ears help with balance
List 4 possible causes of breathing problems
Heart attack
Airway blockage
When assessing someone who has fallen in their arm the system will ask questions about whether their arm is cold, pale in colour,or blue to the area beyond the injury. What is this question trying to exclude?
Damage to the blood vessels, which could damage or cut of blood supply
True or false? The pain of a heart attack is never felt in the abdomen.
Two words or phrases a person might use to describe the sensation of palpitations?
Heart feels like it skips a beat
Heart is racing/pounding
What is the most common cause of a mouth ulcer?
Biting the side of the mouth
What is sepsis and what causes it?
Blood poisoning, caused by the body’s overreaction to an infection
List 4 symptoms of sinusitis
Facial pain Headache Nasal obstruction, yellow discharge Fever Bad breath Pain in gums Coughing
List 2 factors associated with a head injury that would require ED treatment?
Any loss of consciousness since the injury Any previous brain surgery Any vomiting since the injury Amnesia for events prior to injury Severe headache Any history of bleeding or clotting disorders Current drug or alcohol intoxication Any safeguarding concer
How might unconsciousness affect a persons airway?
The tongue may fall back and block the airway
What is a rigor?
Violent shivering from an especially high fever
What is shock?
Failure of the cardiovascular system to keep bloody circulating to the organs.
List 5 potentially life threatening injuries.
Severe head injury Back or neck trauma Chest injury blunt/penetrating Broken bones/severe fractures Drowning Blast injury
State one problem with the overuse of antibiotics.
Bacteria become resistant and immune to the antibiotic and they become ineffective.
List one symptom of possible spinal cord damage
Loss of bladder or bowel control
What is wheezing?
Whistling sound in the chest when breathing
List 3 signs of a possible wound infection
Redness and swelling that is worsening around the wound area
Yellow coloured pus discharge
List 3 symptoms of anaphylaxis
Skin rash and itching
Severe swelling of the lips, tongue and throat
Shortness of breath, difficulty breathing
What is another name for low blood sugar?
True or false? Fruity smelling breath can be a sign of hyperglycaemia
True or false? During an adrenal crisis the persons blood pressure becomes dangerously high which can lean to unconsciousness if not treated.
Why are women more prone to UTIs?
The urethra is shorter and opens near the back passage
Where is the flank?
The fleshy part of someone’s back, below the rib cage and above the pelvis.
What is crush syndrome?
Major shock and kidney failure after crushing injury to the skeletal muscle .
True or false? It is normal for contractions during labour to become very painful and continuous.
If a person is experiencing pain on loading urine, which 2 body systems might be affected by an infection?
Urinary and reproductive systems
How many people are affected by a mental health disorder?
1 in 4