Distal Lower Extremity Flashcards
what are the two divisions of the sciatic nerve?
tibial nerve and common peroneal (fibular) nerve
identify the hamstrings from lateral to medial
long head of biceps femoris (most lateral)
semimembranosus (most medial)
branching from the common peroneal (fibular) nerve, this nerve passes inferiorly to supply cutaneous sensation to the posterior leg as far inferiorly as the lateral foot. What is?
sural nerve
with the lateral gastrocnemius muscle reflected medially, what two muscles would you find beneath?
large soleus muscle and small plantaris muscle
compression or damage to this nerve may produce drop foot
common peroneal (fibular) nerve
this group of muscles, called the triceps surae, join to form the Achilles (calcaneus) tendon. What muscles make up this group?
soleus, plantaris, medial and lateral gastrocnemius
to what structure of the femur does the plantaris muscle attach?
lateral femoral condyle
the superior and inferior lateral genicular arteries, a middle genicular artery, and a medial genicular artery form ___ around the knee joint
form an anastomosis (interconnection) which allows for sustained blood flow as vessels are transiently compressed during movement of knee joint
to what structure of the tibia does the semimembranosus attach?
medial condyle of tibia
the patellar ligament runs from what to what
patellar ligament runs from patella to tibial tuberosity
pes anserinus
fan-shaped insertion of sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscle on the tibia
deep to the pes anserinus (insertion of sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus on tibia) is the ___, which is commonly inflamed in individuals with osteoarthritis of the knee
anserine bursa
what kind of bone is the patella
sesamoid bone - forms within the tendon of a muscle
by convention, we refer to tendon superior to the patella as ___ and inferior to the patella as __
quadriceps tendon (superior) and patella ligament (inferior)
the membrane between the shafts of the tibia and fibula is called
interosseus membrane
popliteal artery has an anterior tibial branch which pierces the interosseus membrane to supply the anterior compartment of the leg, continuing inferiorly as the ____ artery
popliteal artery –> anterior tibial branch –> dorsal artery of the foot (dorsalis pedis artery)
where can the anterior and posterior tibial arteries be palpated, respectively?
anterior tibial artery - dorsum of feet (as dorsalis pedis artery)
posterior tibial artery - posterior to medial malleolus
what muscle crosses the sole of the foot to insert on the base of the first metatarsal?
peroneus longus
the tarsal tunnel runs deep to the ____ in the foot, which runs between the calcaneus and medial malleolus
flexor retinaculum
what two tendons run parallel but in separate compartments of the tarsal tunnel?
tendon of tibialis posterior and flexor digitorum longus