Everything we should consider
px requirement- occupation, hobbies and age, working distances
lens type- SV, multifocals, PALS
does the CD=PD important as we wont have to decentre the lens so gives minimum decentration whilst ensuring px is looking through oc. Gives minimum blank size reducing centre thickness.
Smaller eye size= smaller blank size to start with as well.
frame size and shape= to suit rx and lens type (plastic= smaller minimum edge thickness which can impact on blank size and centre thickness)
semi finished or stock lenses- stock choose blank size carefully to reduce thickness, semi finished better as back surface can be finished to give minimum edge thickness
facial measurements
lens form- flat, curved, aspherics, lenticular- best form high plus requires steep surface curvatures= thick lenses. Compromise by flatter forms but impacts off axis image quality.
lens material- high index, impact resistance
coatings and tints- scratch resistant, anti reflection, solid tint, photochromic
special requirements- spots, low vision aid, short corridor varifocals, occupational varifocals, safety specs, enhanced single vision lenses/ freeform
likely dispensing outcome- lens thickness and weight
field of view
potential problems- near vision effectivity, swapping lens form, swapping from spherical to aspherics (effect on accom and convergence, FOV) TCA in high index, reflection, anisometropic effects, differential prism, unequal mag.
High myopes don’t change best form may not like it, we can measure the surface curvatures with a lens measure and comparing new to old. Some myopes prefer flat form eventhough more distortion and poorer off axis performance.
Aspherics help for positive lenses thinner lenses and better performance so aspheric to spherical= bad
minus lenses thick edges= reduced neg power= can read better so switching from spherical to aspheric reduces that as it gives good peripheral optics so they wont be able to read as great as it acted as an add before.
with spherical surfaces not possible to find best form solution for any fo the 3 design philosophies for powers greater than +7 so her lenses with spherical wont have off axis image quality-> aspherics.
Monocular or bin pxs, distant and near, BVD
Bifocals for all segs
D28 more noticeable than round segments, for d segs negative rx, base up due to the segment at the NVP is cancelled out by some of the base down prism induced by distance portion of the NVP= less induced prism at the NVP. Better near centration for minus lenses.
Round segs- less noticeable than D segs, generally more reading area but for negative rxs they add to the base down prism induced by the distance portion at the NVP= more jump than D-segs and image quality at NVP is poorer. Better near centration for plus lenses.
E-style- largest reading area, most noticeable dividing line so cosmetically the worst, segment centre can be on the segment divide so base up at NVP cancels out base down due to distance. As the segment centre is on the segment divide there will be no jump.
-1.00 eyes are too powerful so can probably read if she takes her specs off.
Aspherivcs= myopes and convergence
work best for positive lenses, normally on front surface, confirm by moving lens measure over surface from centre to edge and should change powers.
Myopes converge less through their specs tha hyperopes as they have a base in effect of negative lenses at their near point so object A will appear to come from object B further away so don’t have to converge as much.
Myopes specs to cl
amp of accom low then his amp of accom is just sufficient fo comfortably focus at his reading distance when wearing his specs as he doesnt have to accomodate as much when wearing them compared to cls. His accom of amp. So yes minus lenses edges of them become more positive so can read better. So dont have to accom as much through spectacles compared to contact lenses, and also may be some off axis decrease in mean negative power in specs giving effective addition in periphery of lenses. Positive moe edge of lenses.
Spherical to aspheric lenses why myopes find it hard and also what is a better solution
myopes often benefit from the increase in positive MOE at the periphery of their lenses which is a decreases in negative power which means their lenses act a little like a varifocal which is a reason why moderate ot high myopes dont need a reading add as early on in single vision reading specs.
In aspherics this increase in positive moe at edge is less so bc presbyopes have a low accom reserve they may have been using this effect to compensate and now no longer has this advantage. And his accom is not enough.
High index lenses may have been a better solution as they produce better results for minus lenses anyway but these require a flatter surface for the same rx so may reduce the peripheral moe but not as much as aspherics. Also increased tcas= colur fringes/ blurring in peripheral zone.
FOV question aspheric
Positive lenses reduce fov
negative lenses increase fov
aspheric lenses for positive lenses flatten in the periphery which means they have a reduced power and so reduced prismatic effect in the periphery so the FOV is greater for aspheric lenes and they also give thinner lenses so a larger frame can be used without making the lenses too thick
Standard axes and if cyl is horizontal at 180 or 90 or 45 what frame is the best
if cyl is horizontal so at 180= widest edges will be top and bottom if spherical lens so narrow frame would reduce the edge top and bottom. Balance this with minimum depth required for varifocals.
Cyl at 90- frames vertically oval or something round would work better as if it was narrow it would make the edge thickness greater
45 degrees- aviator style frame
3) Mrs h 66, rx +5.00/-0.75 x 90 L +5.00/-0.75x 90 Add=2.50D
you give her a pair of varifocals for everyday use and a separate pair of reading specs bc she is a reader and reads in bed has to tilt head in uncomfortable way in varifocals. She returns a few days later and says varis are fine but has to hold book a little further away when using reading specs. She also finds if she slips the specs a little further down her nose where they are fitted she can read much better at her normal reading distance. What may the problem be how would you check and what can you adjust the rx to
back vertex distance in the trial frame during the refraction could have been larger than the bvd the specs are fitted to. You would need to check if the bvd was recoded for the trial frame and compare it to the fitted frame. If it was bvd it would persist for distance as well and same for her varifocals. So check but probably isnt that.
If it isnt a problem then it is due to near vision effectivity error. More likely explanation since varifocals are okay as the lens manufacturers for varifocals usually include an adjustment to the addition to compensate for the NVEE which would explain why she can read in her varifocals but not in her reading specs. Assume trial lenses have 0 nvee.
When her specs moved further down nose effective positive power increases which is why she can read more easily when her specs slip down her nose. This suggests she needs more positive power in her lenses.
To check what adjustment you need to make to the rx fit rms h’s specs carefully and over refract. So its not enough positive power. For near objects the positive thickness contribtues less positive power for a near object so need to add some extra positive power for near.
High plus think ab last question.
Plus lenses become more positive as you move them away
Neg lenses become less positive as move away
Thickness contributes some positive power for distance but less for near so for near may need that extra add
Why cant mutlifcoals and pals be supplied as stock lenses
multifocal and pals cant be supplied as stock as the lenses cannot be rotated to provide the correct cyl axis. Come as semi finished and normally finish rx on back surface.
Neg vs positive lenses
Neg lenses- more edge thickness
pos lenses= centre thickness (plastics can have the least edge thickness can be glazed as knife edge so centre thickness is reduced, need greater edge thickness for supras for the groove to go into so this will require higher centre thickness as well and rimless edge has to be thicker as well to be strong)
Decentration blank size
blank size= (HCD-PD)+LD+2mm
Lens thickness
minimum decentration= best results so pxs pd must closely match the Horizonal centre distance of the frame.
astigmatic rxs the max power and max thickness lies along 90 degrees to cyl axis
smlaler eye sizes reduces edge thickness for minus lense
smaller eye sizes for positive lenses reduces centre thickness
minus lenses have to have a minimum centre thickness and plus lens as well for edge thickness, for plastic it can be knife edge if metal frame bit thicker as needs to be bevelled into the frame)
Aspheric lenses for myopia and hyperopia
minus lenses can start off with flatter form lens rather than best form and then use aspherics to correct any peripheral aberrations as flat form doesnt have good off axis performance if just spherical.
-ve oblique astigmatism so find aspheric surface thar cancels out that so like oblate ellipse so spherical surface will be flatter already and then oblate ellipse reduces edge thickness even more. (aspheric positive surface astig cancels out -ve astig from flatter form)
Aspheric lenses for hyperopia- again go for flatter lens surface and then use aspherics to improve off axis performance. Positive lenses= positive oblique astigmatism with flatter surfaces so choose surface w negative oblique astigmatism so convex hyperbaloid to improve off axis performance of flat form lens and it cancels out astigmatism, it flattens towards the edge. Centre thickness further reduced.
High index better for minus lenses
generally more dense so dont really make a diffence to the weight
aspherics for positive lenses greatest thickness savings
constringence lower tca higher w high index and reflectance is higher so all high index lenes come with anti reflection coating as standard.
Weight- lens thickness to minimum, small eye size, symmetrical lens shapes, matching pxs pds to box centre distance, weight of frame, weight bearing is mostly on the nose so larger nose pads or plastic frames can be comfortable making sure the bridge of the plastic frame fits well.
Further considerations
anisometropia= differential prism at nvp in multifocals
balance lens free form lenses
anisometropia- diff image sizes, iseikonic lenses
2 single vision pairs eg svn gets rid of differential prism as looking through oc, doesnt solve diff in mag but not always that much of a problem,
short corridor- warn px of increased peripheral astig and consequential reduction in reading and intermediate areas greater range of change in power from svd to svn as shorter. Only if necessary and cant get standard vari into frame.
Think about the px. Photochromic doesnt work well in cars
polarized lenses- fishing low sun
contact lenses= larger image size for myopes, better fov for hyperopes. Anisometropia less difference in image size and no differential prism. Myopia control for children as well. Will need adjustment for bvp over 4.00D.
Cosmetically plastic
plastic- generally thicker rims which are good for hiding edge thickness- negative lenses
smallest minimum edge thickness - thinner positive lenses
low incidence of allergy
more likely to break than metal
side length cant always be shortened
a plastic bridge can distribute the weight of the specs more evenly over the nose due to the bride but cannot be adjusted.
Metal- generally thinner than plastic often preferred cosmetically
some metals can cause allergic reacs if metal plating is corroded by skin acid, hypoallergenic metals are titanium and stainless steel
tend to deform rather than break and so can often be repaired
rim screws can become loose leading to loss of lens
side length is more easily shortened than plastic frame
unless the frame has an insert bridge, the weight of the spectacle is distributed over a smaller area than in plastic frames and can cause pressure sores particularly in elderly w looser skin but separate nose pads are adjustable.
Supra- positive lenses have a thin edge which is often not thick enough for the cord groove to be cut therefore positive lenses have to be made thicker and therefore are heavier and may negate the reduction in thickness from high index so centre thickness will be thicker as well
the lens is less stable in the frame than full rimmed specs ie- more likely to break, lenses often chip at the edge where the cord meets the frame.
Cosmetically, the frame is less visible than a full rimed frame
not suitable for large glass lenses or large plus rx as positive lenses have to be made thicker to achieve minimum edge thickness
thickness of bolts determines the max lens thickness so its rx limited
children can it accomodate rapidly growing headssu
sprung sides, flexible materials, near vision, single vision
Frame selection- nose bridge, ask px to smile raising cheekbones which should not be in contact with the frame, adequate ventilation between face and frame at lower and upper rims to avoid condensation forming on the lens
Mr Parker, 20 year old male.
RE- +7.25/-4.25 x 80 VA 6/6 and LE: +6.75/-3.75X 120 VA 6/6
BVD 14mm Occupation- call centre operative Hobbies- reading tv cinema no sports non driver
Cyls are 80 and 120 so close ish to 90 and fairly even so not much anisometropia in vertical or horizontal meridian, reasonable vas. High plus.
-Positive lens- centre thickness (aspheric lens/ high index lens, generally aspheric has more of an impact could go for both and could ask glazing house to do a profile so would the cost would be worth it)
-Some manufacturers make atoric lenses which will be thinner still used for cyls over 1.50D best result in all the different meridians and better peripheral image quality.
Occupation so VDU so MAR increases contrast
-MAR on high index standard due to increased reflectance at surfaces also on aspherics as flat curvatures= more reflections as well more clearer and comfortable
-Check lens you want is available- several designs are not available with cyls more than 4 could sometimes just reduce the cyl by 0.25 and would be able to and wont spend more money, talk to px and tell them why you’re doing it.
-Check BVD of the frame chosen is the same as that prescribed or modify RX
-high plus- small frame is good keep thickness down. Thickest edge here will be horizontal so choose narrow frame
-minimise decentration to reduce minimum size uncut or order surfaced lenses
-Aspherics need to be centred accurately so mono pds and heights to ensure px is looking through oc, need to measure pantoscopic angle and adjust height accordingly, drop the heights by 1mm for every 2 degrees of tilt.
-small frames are good but positive lens fov decreases as well so have to move their heads more. get used to limitations but then don’t make it more difficult for them so if you choose a small frame at least fit it correctly.
Narrow frames are good choice if cyl axis is at 90 for positive lenses.
or 180 for negative lenses= narrow is good
Mrs P L Isley, a 45 year old female. RE: -0.50/ -0.25 x 45 va 6/5 and LE: -0.25DS vA 6/5 add +1.25 occupation shop assistant. Hobbies reading tv badminton swimming driver
assuming first time wearer, job would be best served using a bifocal or progressive considering job and hobbies, good for them easier for them to adapt earlier on and they have a range of wds, no intermediate in bifs, pals is a good choice.
-Small myopic rx- px sometimes may find their vision is more blurred at night and may need correction just for driving in the dark.
-badminton small high velocity impacts possible, CR39 not sufficient protection, if px uses specs for badminton polycarbonate or Trivex lenses if standard lenses used warn px not suitable for sport.
-can get rx swimming goggles as well, mostly spherical only. Although vision without is unlikely to be poor enough to bother with correction.
Miss S Kyle, 20 year old female, RE: +3.75/-1.00 X 90 VA 6/6 and LE- +0.50DS VA 6/5. Previous spec wearer. Occupation university student, hobbies tv reading PlayStation, non driver.
Anisometropia, but vas are pretty equal likely that this px had this since childhood but must have been wearing specs for a long time otherwise amblyopic right eye and lot worse va than you have there.
-single vision lenses- binocular pds but sometimes big difference means if you’re slightly off in both eyes might get a bit of differential prism so always think about maybe doing mono pds
-anisometropia- difference in mag may cause diplopia, may consider iseikonic lenses but these affect off axis image quality, looking at the rx and vas likely shes been wearing rx for long time and if rx hasn’t changed that much and she never got diplopia before then she is unlikely to have diplopia.
-small frames to minimise thickness differences, avoid supra and rimless as you need a greater minimum edge thickness which impacts on tc
-minimise decentration to optimise uncut lens diameter also minimise thickness
-MAR enhances cosmetic appearance and reduces apparent power differnce
-aspheric lenses give thinner flatter profile and less mag, need to measure mono pds and heights. Make sure anti reflection coatings match.
-contact lenses would give less magnification, could just have C/L for the right eye
-would you be concerned if she didnt wear rx at all- amblyopia, sometimes vas can get worse but not going to become amblyopic va may get worse but when they start wearing glasses again it improves again. would if children so up to age 7.
Mr C Kent, 35 year old male RE: -8.50DS VA 6/5 LE: -7.75DS VA 6/5 BVD=10mm
occupation- production engineer, hobbies: tv, reading, fishing, no driver
high -ve lens main concern is edge thickness
-maximum saving in edge thickness accomplished by using high index. Aspheric surfaces in combo with high index may reduce thickness slightly more, aspherics need to be at specific pantoscopic tilt and also centered accurately so take mono pds and measure heights.
-MAR is mandatory on any high index lens, advise them how to clean them
-check the BVD of the frame chosen is the same as that prescribed or modify rx
-small frame so minimise decentration if possible to give even more edge thickness
-plastic frame will reduce the appearance of the lens edge
-remember high index= higher tca this is more of a problem in larger frames or when prism has been prescribed. Lower constringence
-fishing polarised lenses will reduce glare and reflections coming off the water so you can see the fish better, available in 1.67 and 1.74 coming soon
Mr T stark, 25-year old male RE +6.50/4.25 X 140 VA 6/60 and LE- -0.75/-0.50x90 VA 6/5. BVD= 12mm. First time spec wearer. Occupation marketing executive. Hobbies genealogy, rugby, football, driver.
Needs specs at least for driving, diff in power could not be tolerated by the px and the re acuity is poor so rx modified ot a balance lens in re
Balance= mean sphere of lower powered eye= sphere + 1/2cyl= -1.00 or Plano would be fine.
=the px plays sports, polycarbonate or trivex or warn px lenses not designed for high energy impacts, eye protection important for someone with only one good eye
Dr D banner, 63 year old male. Re +2.25/-0.25x 65 and LE- +2.00/-0.50x76 VA 6/9
add +2.50 N5 AND N6 and occupation vdu operative, hobbies tv reading fishing
high add and pxs occupation, distance of vdu but wont really be likely to fall within the focal range of the near vision rx so separate one for screen and reading so hard need to swap. Most screens further than 40cm so reading rx wont work for screens could go intermediate but px fed up of having to swap lose specs.
- PALS bifs wont work as no middle distance. Measure mono pds and heights
-VDU consider using svi rx= better optical quality, whole of lens no peripheral astigmatism, or occupational which optimise intermediate rate of change along corridor is less, many different designs. Some have a small area of DV but none suitable for driving procedure for dispensing occupationals varies
-MAR coating for screen work
-polarising lenses fishing, tinted lens and uv filter, or photochromic lenses
-no specific frame considerations apart from CD=PD but rimless and supra best avoided unless low positive rx
Miss D prince, 51 year old female. 2.50/-2.25 x 180 and LE- +2.25/-2.25x 90 Add +2/00 N5 and occupation school teacher. Hobbies tv, knitting, sewing, gardening and driver.
AXIS far apart re axis is at 180 so in vertical meridian 90 degrees power is +2.50 -2.25 so +0.25. But in the left eye the cylinder power is at 90 so it has no power in the vertical meridian.
-normally cyl axis mirror each other 80 in one eye 100 in the other so mirror image
-anisometropia in the vertical meridian not so worried about horizontal as you worry most about vertical as you look up and down more looking further away from the oc induced prism smaller in horizontal than vertical anyway and less tolerant of vertical
-this px requires bifs or pals as she is reading and glancing up into distance all time due to her occupation
-vertical power in re at distance is +0.25 and in the le its +2.25 resulting in a 2 prism dioptre difference at the NVP. Average threshold for tolerance of vertical differential prism is 1 prism dioptre therefore for bifs/PALS prism control will be required.
-balance out prism- bifocal could go for presto lens, franklin split, unequal segment sizes, bi prism (in vari as well) cosmetically they’re not great. So last choice and expensive as specialist lenses.
-gardening strimming advise safety goggles
Mr B Wayne, 56 year old male
re- +2.50/-0.50 x 180 LE- +3.25/-0.25 X 5 ADD +2.25D
wears round 38 bifocals
does not like the image jump as changes from distance to near viewing
jump is the product of the addition and the distance from the segment top and the segment centre. For a round segment, the distance will be it’s radius so bigger round seg more jump you get as you cross the segment top.
-could use a d segment which will have less jump as the segment geometric centre is closer to the segment top. If the depth is the same as the radius and the segment centre will be on the dividing line and there will be no jump. Reading area reduced. Optically worse since more induced prism at the nvp. Round segments generally induce base down prism at then nvp which counteracts some of the base up prism induced by the distance portion.
-or could use executive bif, if the optical centre of the distance adn near portions lie on the dividing line no jump, larger reading area but cosmetically worse.
-or pals which have a gradual change in power and jump, again reading area smaller
- switching from d seg to round seg for increased reading area- jump will increase
Mr Romanova 82 year old female
re- +1.25DS 6/24 N12. LE- +1.75/-0.75 X 20 6/24 N12 add 2.50 wd 40cm
she wears separate distance and near single vision specs
she wants to be able to read N6
to read N6 she needs 12/6= 2 times mag.
To get 2 times mag she would need to reduce her working distance to half the original so to 20cm and to allow her to focus at this distance her add would need to be 1/0.2= 5.00D
could give single vision rx by adding that 5.00D add to her prescription so you get +6.25DS and LE- 6.75/.-0.75X 20 and thin lenses down.
-or could give her simple magnifier to use with single vision distance prescription. Nominal mag- F/4= 5/4= 1.25 times mag at her working distance. Should be used w her distance Rx and held at 20cm from the page first principal point. Held close to the eye to give the best fov.
If using stand magnifier would need to give her appropriate add which would depend on the stand height.