Motor dysfunction of smooth muscle of the individual parts of the digestive system -
Aperistalsis refers to a lack of propulsion
Indigestion of food and absorption of nutrients -
malabsorption syndrome
hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, tears or
inflammation in the esophagus, diverticulosis and diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s
disease, colonic polyps, or cancer in the colon, stomach or esophagus.
Bleeding into the individual parts of the digestive tract –
Perforation of the wall of the digestive system with subsequent leakage of the contents to the
peritoneal cavity
- appendicitis and diverticulitis
Obstruction in moving of the contents of one part of the digestive system to the next section
- hernias; colon cancer; diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease
- is the forceful emptying of stomach and intestinal contents through the mouth
the vomiting center lies in the ___ and includes the reticular formation and
tractus solitarius nucleus
medulla oblongata
stimulation of the vomiting center occurs
directly by irritants or indirectly.
the sudden expansion of the stomach and duodenum in the sudden accumulation of contents
irritation of the stomach mucosa by toxic substances
- Direct -
reflex response to intense pain - trauma of ovary, testis, uterus, bladder and kidneys or stimulating the vomiting center, for example. metabolic acidosis or brain lesions
- Indirect -
(malfunction of digestion)
. Dyspepsia
- frequently it is ___ dyspepsia
functional (non-ulcer)
- dyspepsia similar to ulcer symptomatology:
pain predominates
- dyspepsia similar to dysmotility symptomatology:
nausea, vomiting, bloating
non-absorbable substance in the intestine draws water into the lumen by osmosis
osmotic diarrhea
peptic ulcer
long-lasting reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus
an increase in the frequency of defecation and the fluid content, volume, and weight of feces.
(fat in the stools)
− caused by an inflammatory disorder of the intestine, such as ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease, or
microscopic colitis
Small-volume diarrhea
lactose, milk sugar, is not digested by the intestine => high osmotic activity => binds water => increase
in the intestine volume content
lactase deficiency
− caused by resection of the small intestine (short bowel syndrome), surgical bypass of an area of
the intestine
Motility diarrhea
(large-volume diarrhea)
Osmotic diarrhea and secretory diarrhea
− caused by excessive mucosal secretion of chloride- or bicarbonate-rich fluid or inhibition of net
sodium absorption
Secretory diarrhea (large-volume diarrhea)
- difficult or infrequent defecation
- it is associated with difficulty emptying of solid stool, which is usually painful
Bleeding in the upper GIT parts
(esophagus, stomach, duodenum
Bleeding in the lower GIT
(jejunum, ileum, colon, rectum)
sudden and intense bleeding in the GIT is ___ and manifests the presence of blood in the
stool or vomit
life threatening
presence of blood in vomit, in the form of fresh blood or blood precipitates
blood in vomit in the form of
“coffee grounds”
blood flows more slowly in the stomach - it’s time for him to digest it - hemoglobin converts to
acidic hematin (black)
dark stool caused by digested blood
chronically recurrent losses of small amounts of blood that usually results in anemia due to iron losses
Occult bleeding
interfere with nutrient absorption
malabsorption syndromes
-failure of the chemical processes of digestion (intestinal lumen)
-caused by deficiencies of enzymes (__, __)
inadequate secretion of __ and inadequate reabsorption of __ in the __
pancreatic lipase, intestinal lactase
bile salts
bile in the ileum
-failure of the intestinal mucosa to absorb (transport) the digested nutrients
-result of ___
mucosal disruption
– malabsorption of proteins
excretes certain digestive enzymes and is also the most important area for the absorption of nutrients
Small intestine
___ area depends on the construction of normal mucosa, which is shaped into the ___
malabsorption of sugar
Lactase Deficiency
__ and __ are considered to be primary diseases of malabsorption in our geographical area.
- celiac and lactose intolerance
- caused by the the allergic response in the small intestine to gluten
- lack of activity - enzyme which degrades lactose (milk sugar)
- Lactase
lactose is decomposed by
results in
intestinal bacteria to gas
abdominal cramps, bloating and diarrhea often
is characterized as ___ disorders, which may be due to __, or __ that impairs esophageal motility
mechanical obstruction of the esophagus
functional disorder
- intrinsic -
- extrinsic -
The most common cause of extrinsic mechanical obstruction is ____
- Mechanical obstruction
tumor, strictures
originate outside the esophageal lumen and narrow the esophagus by pressing inward on
the esophageal wall.
- caused by neural or muscular disorders that interfere with ___ or ___.
- typical causes of functional dysphagia in the ___
- __ (a muscle disease) and neurologic impairments caused by stroke, MS, PD, ALS
Functional dysphagia
swallowing or peristalsis
upper esophagus
___ is a primary esophageal motility disorder characterized by an inability of the ____ to relax and is constantly ___
lower esophageal sphincter
MANAGEMENT of dysphagia
- Esophageal dilation
- Surgery
- Medications (antacids, antibiotics)