Disorders of the Cornea Flashcards
Corneal Abrasion Etiology
- Probably the most common eye injury seen in practice
- Ill fitting or over worn contact lens
- Foreign body
- Chronic dry eye
- Trauma – fingernail, animal paw, paper, cardboard, make-up applicators, branches or leaves
Corneal Abrasion Symptoms
foreign body sensation
difficulty opening eye photophobia
excessive tearing
Corneal Abrasion Signs
Conjunctival injection (red eye) blepharospasm excessive tearing
Corneal Abrasion Diagnosis/Work up
- Slit lamp exam w/ fluorescein dye usually confirms abrasion
- If abrasion is result of high speed penetration (i.e., lawnmower, string trimmer, hammer, power tool etc) then ocular CT or MRI (if non ferromagnetic) get to Ophtho consult stat
Corneal Abrasion Tx
- Topical local anesthetic drops (facilitate exam & relieve pain)
- oral analgesics for large abrasions
- abx gtts (drops) w/contact lens abrasion
- otherwise abx is controversial
- patching generally not used any longer
- if retained FB – Eye MD
Herpes Simplex Keratitis Etiology
Herpes Simplex Keratitis Symptoms
pain is mild if at all
Herpes Simplex Keratitis Signs
Most cases are unilateral
mild conjunctival injection
epithelial dendrites seen with fluorescein staining
stromal scarring can occur with advanced disease.
Herpes Simplex Keratitis Tx
Urgent referral to eye doctor, topical antiviral meds
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus Etiology
Latent Varicella (Chickenpox) Virus – still unclear whether pts vaccinated against VARICELLA CAN get HZ (live vaccine) – but reported cases of children w/Varicella vaccination HAVE gotten HZ
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus Symptoms
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus Signs
vesicular rash seen in V1 distribution of the trigeminal nerve
can also include uveitis
even glaucoma
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus possible DDX
Herpes simplex – but rash does not follow dermatomal pattern of zoster
Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus Tx
Oral acyclovir for 7 – 10 days
Corneal ulcer affects what part of eye?
Ulceration of the cornea