Disorders of Testes and Penis Flashcards
- what is this?
- incidence is directly related to ___ and ___.
- when do testes normally descend into the scrotum?
- course of dz
- pathologic changes such as ___, ___, and ___ occur at 6-12mo.
What: undescended testes or absent testes
Incidence is directly related to birth weight and gestational age.
*premature males
Testes normally descend into the scrotum during 7-9mo gestation
-spontaneously decent during the first 3months of life, but by 6months of age spontaneously rarely occurs.
pathologic changes to the undescended testicle such as:
- delay in germ cell development
- changes in spermatic tubules
- reduced number of leydig cells occur at 6-12mo.
- consequences if untreated after 6mo age
- dx
- tx
- infertility: decreased sperm counts and quality
- malignancy risk is increased
- indirect inguinal hernias
- increased incidence of testicular torsion
- examine genitalia
- differentiate between undescended and retractable testes.
- US
- laparoscopy
- orchiopexy after 6 mo of life (surgical placement and fixation of testes in the scrotum)
- lifelong follow up
- what is this?
- cause
- dx
- tx
What: excess fluid collection between the layers of the tunica vaginalis, can be unilateral or bilateral
- primary congenital:
- -associated with indirect inguinal hernia
- secondary:
- -trauma, epididymitis, testicular torsion, orchitis, infection, testicular cancer, appendiceal torsion
- transillumination
- US
-Primary causes: surgical correction
-secondary: treat the underlying condition
T/F, if hydrocele develops in a young man without apparent cause it should be considered CA until proven otherwise.
T/F, in an adult male hydrocele without apparent cause should be considered CA until proven otherwise.
False, hydrocele in adult male is relatively benign.
- what is this?
- causes
What: accumulation of blood in the tunica vaginalis, causes scrotal skin to become dark red or purple.
- abd surgical procedure
- scrotal trauma
- bleeding disorder
- testicular tumor
- what is this?
- characteristics
What: panless, sperm containing cyst that forms on the epididymis located above the posterior to the testes.
- solitary or multiple
- usually greater than 2cm
- freely moveable and should transilluminate
- if large may become painful and require excision
- what is this?
- MC at what ages?
- MC side, why?
- sx
- what does this look like?
- Tx
What; varicosities of the pampiniform plexus
MC between 15-35YO in men
MC in left side; incompetent valves are more common in the left.
- asymptomatic
- dull aching
- atrophy
- infertility
- pain goes away when lying down
Looks like a “bag of worms”
- surgical ligation of the gonadal vein
- interventional radiology (embolization of veins)
- necessary in young males who are showing testicular atrophy*
- for those not needing increased fertility = NSAIDS and scrotal support
Testicular Torsion:
- what is this?
- MC what ages?
- what is the blue dot sign?
- presentation in neonates and adolescents?
What: urological emergency, twisting of the spermatic cord cutting off blood supply to the testis
MC in perinatal and prepubertal ages ( 10-25YO )
Blue dot sign = torsion of the appendix testis
Presentation neonates:
-firm smooth painless scrotal mass, scrotal skin red with some edema.
Presenatation adolescents:
- n/v
- tachycardia
- large, firm, tender, testes
- pain radiates to inguinal area
- twisted testicle will be higher
- absent cremaster reflex*
- swelling and redness
Testicular Torsion:
Dx: color doppler US must be done right away!!
-refer to urology for surgical detorsion and fixation (orchiopexy)
-may require orchiectomy
-can attempt manual detorsion. normal torsion twist inward so to untwist them it looks similar to the “opening of a book.”
(twist outward and laterally)
- causes
- sx
- dx
- tx
- UTI/Prostatitis(e.coli, pseudomonas, gram + cocci)
- post vasectomy
- trauma
- *most are caused by bacterial pathogens!!!
- unilateral pain and swelling in the epididymis over a period of days
- redness and swelling of scrotal skin
- tender groin/lower abd
- fever
- dysuria
- urethral discharge if gonococcal
- CBC, UA/UC, urethral culture or urine NAAT, gram stain
- scrotal elevation and support
- abx
- oral analgesics but heath says avoid these
- tighty whiteys or boxer briefs
- definition
- cause
- signs and sx
def: testosterone deficiency with associated signs or sx, deficiency of sperm production, or both. Can be primary or secondary.
- primary hypogonadism: –failure of testes to respond to FSH and LH
- -testosterone is low to inhibits production of FSH and lH
- *MC is klinefelters
- secondary hypogonadisM:
- -failure of hypothalamus to produce GnRH or the pituitary to produce enough FSH or LH
Signs and Sx:
-congenital: 1st trimester = inadequate male sexual differentiation, 2nd or 3rd trimester = microphallus and undescended testes
- childhood-onset: impairs 2ndry sex characteristics. Have poor muscle development, high pitched voice, small scrotum, decreased penis and testicular growth, sparse pubic and axillary hair.
- adult onset: decreased libido, ED, depression, anger
- dx
- tx
Dx: FSH, LH, and testosterone levels
-Testosterone replacement therapy
- definition
- cause
- PE
- Dx
- Tx
Def: inabiliity to get prego after trying for at least 1 year for couples under 35 and 6mo for those older than 35YO.
- blockage of reproductive system
- medicines
- undescended testicles
- infection
-Testicular size, vas deferens, spermatic cord, penis, rectum, body habitus
- semen analysis
- -semen volume 2-5ml
- -pH 7.2-7.8
- -sperm density greater than 20million
- -motility 50% forward progressive
- -morphology greater 60% normal
- Antisperm aby test
- hormonal analysis
- transrectal US
- scrotal us
- boxer shorts
- avoid hot tubs
- timing of intercourse
- avoid illegal drugs, chemicals, and spermicidals
- medications: clomid, impipramine, zoloft
- surgical:
- -varicocelectomy
- -vasovasostommy
- -testicular bx
- -transurethral resection of ejaculatory ducts