Disorders of Deglutition_Lateral Flashcards
Name a possible swallowing disorder that corresponds with the symptom.
Cannot hold food in mouth anteriorly
Reduced lip closure
Cannot form bolus
Reduced tongue movement range or coordination
Cannot hold bolus–premature bolus loss
Reduced tongue shaping/coordination; reduced velar movement
Material falls into anterior sulcus
Reduced labial tension
Material falls in to the lateral sulcus
Reduced buccal tension
Abnormal hold position
Tongue thrust, reduced tongue control
Delayed oral onset of swallow
Apraxia of swallow; reduced oral sensation
Searching tongue movements
Apraxia of swallow
Tongue moves forward to start swallow
Tongue thrust
Residue in anterior sulcus
Reduced labial tension; reduced lingual control
Residue in lateral sulcus
Reduced buccal tension
Residue on floor of mouth
Reduced tongue shaping or coordination
Residue in mid-tongue depression
Tongue scarring
Residue on tongue
Reduced tongue movement; reduced tongue strength
Disturbed lingual contraction
Disorganized A-P tongue movement
Incomplete tongue-palate contact
Reduced tongue elevation
Residue on hard palate
Reduced tongue elevation; reduced tongue strength
Reduced A-P tongue movement
Reduced A-P lingual coordination
Repetitive lingual rolling actions
Parkinson’s disease
Uncontrolled bolus/ premature swallow
Reduced tongue control; reduced linguavelar seal
Nasal penetration
Reduced velopharyngeal closure
Pseudo-epiglottis (total laryngectomy)
Fold of mucosa at base of tongue
Bony outgrowth from cervical vertebrae
Cervical osteophytes
Coating on pharyngeal walls after swallow
Reduced pharyngeal contraction
Residue at top of airway
Reduced laryngeal elevation
Penetration into airway entrance
Reduced laryngeal elevation/reduced closure of airway entrance
Reduced laryngeal closure
Reduced closure of the airway entrance
Aspiration during swallow
Reduced laryngeal closure
Residue in both pyriform sinuses
Reduced anterior laryngeal motion; cricopharyngeal dysfunction, stricture
Residue throughout the pharynx
Generalized reduce pressure during swallow
Esophageal-to-pharyngeal backflow
Esophageal abnormality–further assessment needed
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Tracheoesophageal fistula
Zenker’s diverticulum
Zenker’s diverticulum