Disorders Flashcards
Multiple Sclerosis
-Autoimmune: antibodies attack protein CNS myelin (oligodendrocytes) –Attack this protein b/c it’s similar to a previous invading virus
Gullain-Barre Syndrome
-Similar to MS, but in the PNS myelin (schwann cells) -Rare -Causes parasthesia, paralysis, loss of sensation
Brown-Sequard Syndrome
-Ipsilateral loss of light touch -Contralateral loss of pain & temp
-Normal Vision
-Nearsighted -Eyeball is too long or cornea is too curved -Trouble seeing long distance
-Farsighted -Eyeball is too short or cornea is too curved -Trouble seeing short distance
R/ L Monocular Blindness
-Severed optic nerve -Can’t see R/L eye
Bitemporal Hemianopsia
-Severed optic chiasm –Ie. tumor in thal under chiasm presses on axons & causes damage -Can’t see temporal visual field
R/ L Homonymous Hemianopsia
-Severed optic tract -Trouble w R/ L temporal & R/ L nasal visual field
R/ L Superior Quandrantanopsia
-Damaged axons in LGN where glutamate is released –Neurons in LGN send axons to occipital lobe in the cortex –Radiate & create topography -Damage to R/ L Superior quadrant of visual field
R/ L Homonymous Hemianopsia with Foveal Sparring
-Damage to optic radiations/ striate cortex -Foveal sparring b/c of their separate blood flow/ already have been processed
-Lazy eye -Binocular vision = affected -Foveas can’t focus on the same thing
Hearing Loss via Wax
-Is conductive -Wax build up -Difficulty hearing
Otitis Media
-Middle ear infection -Eustachian tube = shorter & +horizontal in children therefore they’re more infection prone
-Stapes fuses to the oval window -Stuck, can’t move
Occupational Deafness
-Over activation of hair cells causing HC death –Ie. someone in a band
-Comes with age -Hair cells at the base of the cochlea die –Are high freq & die because when any sound comes into the ear, there is always activation of high freq hair cells
Antibiotic Ototoxicity
-Antibiotics kill hair cells w a high dosage -Antibiotics end in “icin”
Acoustic Neuroma/ Vestibular Schwannoma
-Tumor of schwann cells -Benign tumour that compress’ nerve fibres
-Bilateral loss of VOR -Causes apparent motion of objects & blurring of vision -Results when hair cells = destroyed by ototoxic medications (ie. streptomycin)
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
-Disloged otoconia from utricle enter posterior semicircular canal; causes dizziness in certain head positions
Positional Alcohol Nystagmus
-Alcohol enters cupula -Makes it lighter than endolymph (& therefore buoyany) -Deflects the cupula in certain head positions -Turning head activates horizontal canals = spinning
Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
-Lou Gehrig’s disease -Death of LMNs & UMNs -Flaccid paralysis, areflexia, muscle atrophy
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
-Death of skeletal muscle; muscles don’t have normal structure & degenerate -X-linked recessive genetic mutation -Gene for a muscle cytoskeletal protein (dystrophin)
Myasthenia Gravis
-Autoimmune destruction of skeletal muscle ACh receptors -Alpha motor neurons & muscle isn’t damaged -Normal life expectancy w treatment –AChE inhibitors
Retrograde Amnesia
-Loss of stored memories
Anterograde Amnesia
-Inability to form new memories
Alzheimer’s Disease
-Neurofibrillary tangles, Intracellular -Amyloid plaques, extracellular -Retrograde & anterograde amnesia -Affects memory, attention, language, thinking, personality -Genetic, autosomal dominant
-Autoimmune: antibodies attack protein CNS myelin (oligodendrocytes) –Attack this protein b/c it’s similar to a previous invading virus
Multiple Sclerosis
-Similar to MS, but in the PNS myelin (schwann cells) -Rare -Causes parasthesia, paralysis, loss of sensation
Gullain-Barre Syndrome
-Ipsilateral loss of light touch -Contralateral loss of pain & temp
Brown-Sequard Syndrome
-Normal Vision
-Nearsighted -Eyeball is too long or cornea is too curved -Trouble seeing long distance
-Farsighted -Eyeball is too short or cornea is too curved -Trouble seeing short distance
-Severed optic nerve -Can’t see R/L eye
R/ L Monocular Blindness
-Severed optic chiasm –Ie. tumor in thal under chiasm presses on axons & causes damage -Can’t see temporal visual field
Bitemporal Hemianopsia
-Severed optic tract -Trouble w R/ L temporal & R/ L nasal visual field
R/ L Homonymous Hemianopsia
-Damaged axons in LGN where glutamate is released –Neurons in LGN send axons to occipital lobe in the cortex –Radiate & create topography -Damage to R/ L Superior quadrant of visual field
R/ L Superior Quandrantanopsia
-Damage to optic radiations/ striate cortex -Foveal sparring b/c of their separate blood flow/ already have been processed
R/ L Homonymous Hemianopsia with Foveal Sparring
-Lazy eye -Binocular vision = affected -Foveas can’t focus on the same thing
-Is conductive -Wax build up -Difficulty hearing
Hearing Loss via Wax
-Middle ear infection -Eustachian tube = shorter & +horizontal in children therefore they’re more infection prone
Otitis Media
-Stapes fuses to the oval window -Stuck, can’t move
-Over activation of hair cells causing HC death –Ie. someone in a band
Occupational Deafness
-Comes with age -Hair cells at the base of the cochlea die –Are high freq & die because when any sound comes into the ear, there is always activation of high freq hair cells
-Antibiotics kill hair cells w a high dosage -Antibiotics end in “icin”
Antibiotic Ototoxicity
-Tumor of schwann cells -Benign tumour that compress’ nerve fibres
Acoustic Neuroma/ Vestibular Schwannoma
-Bilateral loss of VOR -Causes apparent motion of objects & blurring of vision -Results when hair cells = destroyed by ototoxic medications (ie. streptomycin)
-Disloged otoconia from utricle enter posterior semicircular canal; causes dizziness in certain head positions
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
-Alcohol enters cupula -Makes it lighter than endolymph (& therefore buoyany) -Deflects the cupula in certain head positions -Turning head activates horizontal canals = spinning
Positional Alcohol Nystagmus
-Lou Gehrig’s disease -Death of LMNs & UMNs -Flaccid paralysis, areflexia, muscle atrophy
Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
-Death of skeletal muscle; muscles don’t have normal structure & degenerate -X-linked recessive genetic mutation -Gene for a muscle cytoskeletal protein (dystrophin)
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
-Autoimmune destruction of skeletal muscle ACh receptors -Alpha motor neurons & muscle isn’t damaged -Normal life expectancy w treatment –AChE inhibitors
Myasthenia Gravis
-Loss of stored memories
Retrograde Amnesia
-Inability to form new memories
Anterograde Amnesia
-Neurofibrillary tangles, Intracellular -Amyloid plaques, extracellular -Retrograde & anterograde amnesia -Affects memory, attention, language, thinking, personality -Genetic, autosomal dominant
Alzheimer’s Disease