Dismantling Apartheid Flashcards
De Klerk Reasons for Reform International
De Klerk interested in defending Afrikaner interests, but more pragmatic in outlook.
communist powers in Africa have broken down following collapse of USSR so cannot play the ‘cold war card’
he left himself open for negotiation fearing that whites would lose all power otherwise. Learning from Rhodesia
De Klerk Reasons for Reform Local
wanted to avoid civil war because of black superior numbers.
wanted to promote stability for the elite wanted wealthy whites to enjoy economic prosperity(lift sanctions, attract investment, enjoy globalisation, participate in international sport)
gambled on ANC fragmenting and allowing Afrikaners to retain more power through more socially and politically conservative blacks
Reforms of de Klerk
lifted ban on ANC PAC and SACP.
Released Mandela and other activists
abolished censorship and death penalty
partly lifted state of emergency.
publicly committed to new democratic constitution and equal rights
1990 repealed separate amenities act
1991 repealed population registration act and group areas act
Consequences of de Klerk reforms
petty apartheid legally repealed as well as other key parts of apartheid legislation
Unbanning political parties and Mandela allowed talks to proceed openly
State of emergency still enforced and many apartheid practices were sustained
Apartheid dead on paper but de Klerk used resources to keep it in practice
Importance of de Klerk
determined to achieve a solution because had political insight that Afrikaners doomed without one
wanted to disintegrate black forces and played on both sides to secure white interests. he also did his best to squash opposition from AWB and white extremists
needed to win over local and international interest proving it was a new govt post apartheid.
de Klerk successful in proposal for transitioning to a non-racial gender inclusive democracy.
Importance of Mandelelelela
CODESA hammering out a constitution for post-apartheid SA acceptable by all sides. Breaks down 1992, but resumed.
under pressure from blacks to continue armed struggle but refuses knowing he needs de Klerk to get blacks political power
1993 a government of national unity for 5 years announced(power sharing)
Mandela prevented civil war in 1993 after murder of Chris Hani, head of SACP, by using political maturity
Chief Buthelezi
Chief of KwaZulu Inkatha party
Worked with the NP as he wanted to retain power over his Bantustan.
Provoked black on black violence such as the Boipatong massacre. Zulus carried weapons in public as part of their culture as warrior people
Against the work of Mandela and apartheid resistance groups.
He agreed last minute to participate in the elections abandoning his separatist aims to make a unified SA
Joe Slovo
Jewish broad minded and creative negotiator
had more power over the militant of ANC than mandela
1990 publicly announces support for ANC renunciation of violence
1992 ‘sunset clauses’ which guaranteed govt employees job security and pension rights 10 years after power transfer
Cyril Ramaphosa
1991 Ramaphosa was secretary general of ANC and head of NUM largest trade union
Good negotiating skills in CODESA talks to ensure both parties were satisfied
Ramaphosa brokered the agreement that there should be a govt of national unity 5 years after power transfer
Election 1994
April 1994 19 million voted in first free elections of SA
Great symbolic and emotional significance because the burden and curse of Apartheid was lifted; for blacks it was an act of liberation.
Mandela and ANC 1994
ANC won 62.5% of vote to become ruling party
Mandela became president in a govt of national united SA becomes a fully democratic non racial state
NP 25% of vote meaning de Klerk was Mandela’s deputy
Inkatha gained 10% so Buthelezi became a govt minister
Mandela got most credit because…
1. everything he had done to bring it about since release in 1990 ie CODESA
2. his sacrifice of 27 years incarceration