Diseases Of The Stomach And Ileum Flashcards
What are some diseases of the stomach and duodenum
Peptic ulcer disease
Acute gastritis
Colonic diverticula
Hirschprung’s disease
Malabsorption syndrome (MAS)
What causes peptic ulcer disease
H. pylori or chronic NSAID use
(And also in Zollinger-Ellison syndrome - gastrinoma, or Crohn’s disease)
What is PUD characterized by
One or more ulcerative lesions in the duodenum (most common) or stomach
What are the RFs (risk factors) of PUD
Smoking/Heavy alcohol use (delay healing as well)
What are the presentations of PUD
Usually asymptomatic but presents as:
Epigastric pain (gnawing/burning)
How does acute gastritis come about
It results from acidic damage due to imbalance between damaging and protective factors of the stomach
What are the RFs of acute gastritis
H. pylori
Smoking/heavy alcohol consumption
NSAID overdose
Severe burn (Curling ulcer) or increase ICP (Cushing ulcer)
What are the presentations of acute gastritis
Iron deficiency anaemia (IDA)
Epigastric pain
Dyspepsia and early satiety
Microscopy (redness and hyperemia indicating a superficial inflammation)
What are the types of acute gastritis
Type A atrophic gastritis
Autoimmune gastritis
Type B atrophic gastritis
H. pylori gastritis
What is IBD
It is the chronic inflammation of the bowel. It has an unknown etiology
What are the two types of IBD
Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis
What is a colonic diverticula
It is the outpouring of only the mucosa and submucosa through the muscularis propria due to intramural pressure (Eg. Constipation due to low fiber or uncontrollable peristalsis) or areas where the muscle is transversed by vessels. It is mostly a false diverticulum
What is the most common location of a colonic diverticulum
Sigmoid colon (narrowest part of the colon)
What are some complications of colonic diverticulum
Usually asymptomatic or with abdominal discomfort and painless hematochezia
Diverticulitis presents with LLQ pain, fever, leukocytosis but no bleeding
What are some complications of a colonic diverticulum
Hemorrhage (most common cause of lower GI bleeding in adults due to session of the surface which causes painless hematochezia
Fistula (most common is a colovesical fistula). Presents with dysuria, air/feces in urine and recurrent UTIs
-Inflammation (diverticulitis) and abscess (persistent fever and abdominal pain despite antibiotic treatment)
Perforation (presents with acite abdomen due to fecal peritonitis)