CNS Pathology Flashcards
What is hydrocephalus
Increased volume of CSF within the skull, accompanied by dilatation of the ventricles
In majority of cases of hydrocephalus, there is increased intracranial pressure
Internal hydrocephalus: hydrocephalus involving ventricular dilatation
External hydrocephalus: localised collection of CSF in the subarachnoid space
CSF is mainly produced by what structure
The choroid plexus
What is the total volume of CSF
120-150 ml
What is the flow path for CSF
CSF formed in the lateral ventricles flows through the foramina of Munro to the third ventricle and from there by the aqueduct of Sylvius to the fourth ventricle.
•The fluid then passes through the foramina of Magendie and Luschka of the fourth ventricle to reach the subarachnoid space of the brain. It then spreads through the subarachnoid space over the surface of the spinal cord.
•It is absorbed into the blood by the arachnoid villi present along the
What is primary hydrocephalus
Actual increase in the volume of CSF within the skull along with elevated intracranial pressure.
•Obstruction to the flow of CSF (commonest).
•Overproduction of CSF.
•Deficient reabsorption of CSF.
What is non-communicating hydrocephalus
Occurs when the site of obstruction of CSF pathway is in the third ventricle or at the exit foramina in the fourth ventricle, the ventricular system enlarges and CSF cannot pass into the subarachnoid space
What are some common causes of non-communicating hydrocephalus
Congenital non-communicating hydrocephalus e.g. stenosis of the aqueduct, Arnold-Chiari malformation, progressive gliosis of the aqueduct and intra-uterine meningitis.
Acquired non-communicating hydrocephalus may occur from expanding lesion within the skull. These conditions are as under:
•Tumours adjacent to the ventricular system e.g. ependymoma, choroid plexus papilloma, medulloblastoma and others
What is communicating hydrocephalus
Occurs when obstruction to the flow of CSF is in the subarachnoid space at the base of the brain, it results in enlargement of the ventricular system but CSF flows freely between dilated ventricles and the spinal canal
What are some non-obstructive causes of hydrocephalus
Overproduction of CSF e.g. choroid plexus papilloma
Deficient reabsorption of CSF e.g. following meningitis, subarachnoid haemorrhage and dural sinus thrombosis
What is a secondary hydrocephalus
Secondary hydrocephalus is much less common and is defined as compensatory increase of CSF due to loss of neural tissue without associated rise in intracranial pressure (normal pressure hydrocephalus) e.g. from cerebral atrophy and infarction
What are some morphological features of hydrocephalus
Grossly, there is dilatation of the ventricles depending upon the site of obstruction. There is thinning and stretching of the brain. The scalp veins overlying the enlarged head are engorged and the fontanelle remain open
•Histologically, severe hydrocephalus may be associated with damage to ependymal lining of the ventricles and cause periventricular interstitial oedema
What are some infections of the CNS
Meningitis (acute pyogenic, acute lymphocytic, chronic)
Brain abscess
HIV encephalopathy (AIDS-dementia complex)
Spongiform Encephalopathy (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease)
Progressive Multifocal Leucoencephalopathy
Fungal and Protozoal Encephalitis
Where are brain abscesses most common
Cerebral hemispheres and less frequent in the cerebellum and basal ganglia
Describe a brain abscess
Grossly, it appears as a localised area of inflammatory necrosis and oedema surrounded by fibrous capsule.
Microscopically, the changes consist of liquefactive necrosis in the centre of the abscess containing pus.
It is surrounded by acute and chronic inflammatory cells, neovascularisation, oedema, septic thrombosis of vessels, fibrous encapsulation and zone of gliosis. The CSF and overlying meninges also show evidence of acute and chronic inflammation
What is a tuberculoma
An intracranial mass occurring secondary to dissemination of tuberculosis elsewhere in the body. Tuberculomas may be solitary or multiple.
•Grossly, it has a central area of caseation necrosis surrounded by fibrous capsule.
•Microscopically, there is typical tuberculous granulomatous reaction around the central caseation necrosis. A zone of gliosis generally surrounds the tuberculoma. Advanced cases may show areas of calcification
What is neurosyphilis
Syphilitic lesions of the CNS used to be common and serious, but more recently there is evidence of atypical neurosyphilis in cases of HIV/AIDS.
•The lesions in syphilis may be in the form of syphilitic meningitis (distinctive perivascular inflammatory reaction of plasma cells and endarteritis obliterans) found in secondary syphilis, and neurosyphilis consisting of tabes dorsalis (slowly progressive degeneration of the posterior roots of the spinal nerves and the posterior columns of the spinal cord by the spirochaetes, what happens to the pupils?) and generalised paralysis of the insane occurring in tertiary stage
What is HIV encephalopathy
HIV does not have neurotropism.
•HIV infects the cells of monocyte-macrophage cell line including microglial cells.
•HIV infection then sets in a cascade of toxic mediators and cytokines—TNF-a, IL-1, IL-6, TGF-b, IFN-g, platelet activating factor (PAF) and endothelin, all of which cause damage to the neuroglial tissues.
•Late in the course of AIDS, a group of signs and symptoms of CNS disease appear termed HIV encephalopathy or AIDS-dementia complex. One major clinical feature of this entity is the occurrence of dementia.
•Clinically, the disease develops in about 25% cases of AIDS while autopsy studies reveal presence of HIV encephalopathy in 80-90%
What is progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
Progressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy (PML) is a slow viral infection of the CNS caused by a papovavirus called JC virus
•PML develops in immunocompromised individual like CMV and Toxoplasma encephalitis does, and is, therefore, an important form of encephalitis due to increasing number of cases of AIDS.
•PML infects oligodendrocytes and causes progressive demyelination at multifocal areas scattered throughout the CNS.
•Grossly, the lesions consist of focal, irregular gelatinous areas most prominent at the junction of grey and white matter. Main areas affected are cerebrum, brainstem, cerebellum, and sometimes spinal cord
What are some examples of CVAs
Ischaemic brain damage:
○Generalised reduction in blood flow resulting in global hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
○b) Local vascular obstruction causing infarcts.
● Intracranial spontaneous (non-traumatic) haemorrhage:
○`a) Haemorrhage in the brain parenchyma (intracerebral haemorrhage)
○b) Haemorrhage in the subarachnoid space (subarachnoid haemorrhage).
● Traumatic brain haemorrhage:
○a) Epidural haematoma
○b) Subdural haematoma
○c) Parenchymal brain damage.
What is ischemic brain damage
Ischaemic necrosis in the brain results from ischaemia caused by considerable reduction or complete interruption of blood supply to neural tissue which is insufficient to meet its metabolic needs.
The brain requires sufficient quantities of oxygen and glucose so as to sustain its aerobic metabolism, mainly by citric acid (Krebs’) cycle which requires oxygen.
Moreover, neural tissue has limited stores of energy reserves so that cessation of continuous supply of oxygen and glucose for more than 3-4 minutes results in permanent damage to neurons and neuroglial cells
Deprivation of oxygen (anoxia) to the brain may occur in 4 different ways:
●i. Anoxic anoxia, in which there is low inspired pO2.
●ii. Anaemic anoxia, in which the oxygen-carrying haemo - globin is reduced.
●iii. Histotoxic anoxia, in which there is direct toxic injury as occurs in cyanide poisoning.
● iv. Stagnant (ischaemia) anoxia, in which the damage is caused by cessation of blood with resultant local accumulation of metabolites and changes in pH.
In all these different forms of anoxia, the end-result is ischaemic brain damage which may have one of the following two patterns:
●Global hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy, resulting from generalised cerebral hypoperfusion.
●Cerebral infarction, resulting from severe localised reduction or cessation of blood supply.
What is global hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
The brain receives 20% of cardiac output for maintaining its vital aerobic metabolism. A number of factors determine the maximum length of time the CNS can survive irreversible ischaemic damage:
●Severity of the hypoxic episode.
●Presence of pre-existing cerebrovascular disease.
●Age of the patient.
●Body temperature.
In normal individuals, the brain continues to be perfused adequately up to systolic arterial pressure of 50 mmHg by an auto-regulatory vascular control mechanism.
Below this critical value there is risk of ischaemic/hypoxic encephalopathy.
Occurs in cardiac arrest followed by relatively delayed resuscitation, severe episode of hypotension, carbon monoxide intoxication and status epilepticus.
Hypoxic encephalopathy may be followed by either a post-ischaemic confusional state and complete recovery, or a state of coma and even a persistent vegetative life and brain death.
Three types of lesion may occur:
Selective neuronal damage: Neurons are most vulnerable to damaging effect of ischaemia-hypoxia and irreversible injury followed by oligodendrocytes, astrocytes the microglial and vascular endothelium. This is influenced by:
●Different cerebral blood flow
●Presence of acidic excitatory neurotransmitters called excitotoxins.
●Excessive metabolic requirement of these neurons.
●Increased sensitivity of neurons to lactic acid.
Laminar necrosis: In this, superficial areas of cortical layers escape damage while deeper layers are necrosed.
Watershed infarcts: perfusion of overlapping zones, being farthest from the blood supply, suffers maximum damage. Particularly between the anterior and middle cerebral arteries, producing parasagittal infarction.
What are the morphological features of a GHIE
The pathologic appearance of the brain in hypoxic encephalopathy varies depending upon the duration and severity of hypoxic episode and the length of survival.
Survival for a few hours: No pathologic changes
Survival 12-24 hours: red neurons.
After 2-7 days: Grossly, there is focal softening. Laminar necrosis and watershed infarcts develop.
Microscopically: reactive fibrillary gliosis, cortical loss of pyramidal cell layer is more severe than that of granular cell layer producing laminar necrosis.
What is cerebral infarction
Cerebral infarction is a localised area of tissue necrosis caused by local vascular occlusion—arterial or venous.
Occasionally, it may be the result of non-occlusive causes such as compression on the cerebral arteries from outside and from hypoxic encephalopathy.
Clinically, the signs and symptoms associated with cerebral infarction depend upon the region infarcted. In general, the focal neurologic deficit termed stroke, is present.
However, significant atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease may produce transient ischaemic attacks (TIA)
Arterial occlusion: Occlusion of the cerebral arteries by either thrombi or emboli is the most common cause of cerebral infarction. Thrombotic occlusion, most frequently, the result of atherosclerosis, and rarely, from arteritis. Embolic occlusion is commonly from from cardiac mural thrombosis.
Venous occlusion: Rare but can occur with increased predisposition to thrombosis. Superior sagittal thrombosis may occur.
Non-obstructive causes: Compression of the cerebral arteries
Grossly, cerebral infarcts may be anaemic or haemorrhagic.
An anaemic infarct: seen after 6-12 hours. Soft and swollen with blurring of junction between grey and white matter.
2-3 days: softening and disintegration.
Eventually, there is central liquefaction with peripheral firm glial reaction and thickened leptomeninges, forming a cystic infarct
A haemorrhagic infarct is red and superficially resembles a haematoma. It is usually the result of fragmentation of occlusive arterial emboli or venous thrombosis.