Diseases/Conditions that Impact Effective Treatment Flashcards
What does orthostatic hypotension post bed rest result from?
Decreased venous tone, which results in pooling of blood in the lower extremities that has trouble returning to the heart, which results in decreased circulating blood volume, which ultimately results in decreased cardiac output
Location of Venous vs. Arterial Ulcers
Venous: Medial Malleolus
Arterial: Lateral Malleolus/ Dorsum of foot
What is a Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) used for?
To measure bone mineral density
What is Multiple Myeloma?
A cancer of a certain type of white blood cell called Plasma Cells. These cancerous plasma cells accumulate in bone marrow and crowd out healthy blood cells
What is the term used for a benign cancer of blood vessels?
What is the presence of Heberden and/or Bouchard Nodes indicative of?
What are Heberden and Bouchard Nodes and what is the difference between the two?
They are small swollen bumps on the joints of your fingers caused by osteoarthritis. Heberden nodes are located on the DIPs and Bouchard Nodes are located on the PIPs
What skin condition is characterized by small puss-filled pimples surrounded by erythema?
Which disease is a form of adrenal dysfunction that presents with hyperfunction of the adrenal gland, allowing for excessive amounts of cortisol (glucocorticoid) production?
Cushing’s Syndrome
What are the signs and symptoms of Cushing’s Syndrome?
Persistent hyperglycemia, growth failure, truncal obesity, purple abdominal striae, “moon shaped face”, “buffalo hump”, weakness, acne, hypertension, and male gynecomastia.
Cushing’s syndrome may be induced by which medication?
What is the difference between a sprain and a strain?
Sprain: an acute injury involving a ligament
Strain: an acute injury involving a muscle, tendon, or their attachment to bone
Describe the Sprain grades?
I: mild pain and swelling , little to no tear of the ligament
II: moderate pain and swelling, minimal instability of the joint, minimal to moderate tearing of the ligament, decreased range of motion
III: severe pain and swelling, substantial joint instability, total tear of the ligament, substantial decrease in range of motion
Describe the Strain grades?
I: localized pain, minimal swelling, and tenderness
II: localized pain, moderate swelling, tenderness, and impaired motor function
III: a palpable defect of the muscle, severe pain, and poor motor function
What are some neurological symptoms of a patient who has Hyperthyroidism?
Tremors, hyperkinesia, nervousness, emotional lability, muscle weakness/atrophy, and increased deep tendon reflexes