Diseases Flashcards
What are the four main groups of diseases that effect grape vines?
Fungal, Bacterial, Viral and Phytoplasma
What are some types of fungal disease?
Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Black Rot, Bunch Rot
What are some types of bacterial diseases?
Pierce’s Disease, Crown Gall, Bacterial Blight
What are some types of viral diseases?
Leafroll Virus, Fanleaf Degeneration
What is a type of phytoplasma disease?
Flavescence Doree - a form of grapevine yellows. It causes leaves to discolor and postules and cracks to form in the vine.
What is “Phylloxera”?
An infestation of the Daktulosphaira Vitifoliae, an aphid that feeds on the roots of vines. It’s native to the Eastern United States, but quickly spread through Europe from cutting imported to the Rhone Valley in the early 1860’s.
What is “Powdery Mildew”?
Native to North America, it affects all green parts of the plant, marking grapes, leaves, and shoots with its dusty white mildew growth.
What is “Downy Mildew”?
First noticed as an “oil spot” on vine leaves, as the spores germinate a white, cottony growth develops on the underside of the leaves, causing the leaves to drop off and limiting the vine’s ability to photosynthesize.
What is “Black Rot”?
Native to North America, it spread through Europe in the late 1800’s. It originates as a black spot on the vine’s shoots, leaves, and berries.
What is “Pierce’s Disease”?
Commonly transmitted by the glassy-winged sharpshooter (a leafhopping insect found near citrus orchards and oleander plants) it is a scourge, rendering vines incapable of producing chlorophyll and killing it within one to five years.