Disease Of Organ Systems GENITOURINARY - 34% Flashcards
Syphilis? cause?
Spirochete infection Treponema pallidum
What is the primary stage of syphilis
Painless hard genital ulcer-chancre that disappears spontaneously
What is the secondary stage of syphilis?
Generalized maculopapular rash, lymphadenopathy and condylomata Alta (flat-topped genital warts)
What is the latent stage of syphilis?
What is the tertiary stage of syphilis
thoracic aortic aneurysm Argyll-Robertson pupil Gummas Charcot’s joint General Paralysis of the Insane Tabes dorsalis
Chronic granulomas our lesions in the bone and soft tissue
Argyll-Robertson pupil
easily accommodates, slow to react to light)
Charcot’s joint
Grossly destroyed joint due to loss of pain
Gabe’s dorsalis
Dorsal column disease
Chancroid? Cause?
Hemophilus ducreyi
Bacterial infection
Painful soft yellow genital ulcers (ducreyi makes you cry)
Painful swollen inguinal nodes
Granulomas inguinale? Cause?
Klebsiella (formally Calymmatobacterium) granulomatis
Bacterial infection
Painless beef red genital lockers
Herpes genitalis
HHV type 2 infection
Lymphogranuloma venereum
Chlamydia trachomatis Type L1-3 Bacterial infection Transient genital ulcer Bulbous Sign of the groove in the inguinal region Rectal stricture
Swollen painful lymph nodes
Inflammation the urethra
Caused by chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhea infection