disease chart Flashcards
deficiency, buildup, clinical features
autosomal recessive
Deficiency in Acid shingomyelinase (A-SMase)
Buildup of shingomyelin in lysozomes, bone marrow, CNS, liver and spleen
clinically presents as an enlarged liver, enlarged spleen, neuro defects, cherry red spot on back of retina
Cystic Fibrosis
autosomal recessive
a mutation in the CFTR gene (part of the chloride channel)) causes buildup of chloride in the airway. As Cl- increases, Na+ floods into cells to offset (-) which draws H2O out of airway and into cells resulting in dehydrated airway mucus. clinically thickened airway mucus leads to an increased risk of bacterial infection and difficulty breathing
autosomal recessive
deficiency in the transporter for dibasic amino acids (such as COAL - cystine, ornithine, arginine, lysine) which causes a build up of these amino acids. specifically a build up of cystine creates cystine crystals in the kidney (large kidney stones). This presents itself as renal cholic
autosomal recessive
there is a deficiency in the transporter of nonpolar neutral amino acids which leads to a build up of these nonpolar neutral amino acids in the kidneys and intestines. Clinically presented by failure to thrive, rapid eye movement (nystagmus), ataxia (balance issues), tremors, photosensitivity.