Disease and Defense Unit 2-class of 2019 Flashcards
what are adaptations (in general)?
reversible changes in size, #, phenotype, metabolic activity, cell function, environment. Can be physiologic or pathologic
what are the 4 main adaptations (of cells)?
Think “Hham”: hypertrophy, hyperplasia, atrophy, metaplasia
increase in cell size—> increase organ size (limit eventually reached and can no longer compensate—> injury). can be physiologic or pathologic. may be reversible. example: uterus in pregnancy, heart in hypertension.
Can hypertrophy occur with hyperplasia?
increase in number of cells (response to stimulus/injury). physiologic=hormonal or compensatory. pathologic=excessive hormonal or GF stimulation (these are very “hyper” cells). increase in cell number. can be physiologic or pathologic. may be reversible. often driven by hormones/growth factors. May be associated with increased risk of neoplasia. eg: mammary gland in puberty, endometrial neoplasia
if stimulation is removed in pathologic hyperplasia, what happens?
abates. doesn’t happen with cancer
decrease/shrinkage in size/function capacity of cell. physiologic=loss hormonal stimulation, decreased workload. pathologic=denervation or diminished blood supply.
mechanism of atrophy:
down with the protein synth and up with the protein degradation!!!!!
reversible change where 1 cell type is replaced by another (“it’s so meta!”). typically because 1 cell is sensitive to stress, and another is better able to handle it. change from benign differentiated cell type to another, usually in response to injury. may be associated with increased risk of neoplasia. “in between” state. best observed and most observed in epithelia. seems to have a “field effect”. eg: columnar to squamous metaplasia, barrett esophagus
what is metaplasia named for (the cells)?
what it ends up as
reversible cell injury
if damaging stimulus removed, you can heal if damage isn’t too badly progressed to severe membrane damage/nuclear dissolution
what classifies irreversible injury?
cell death! necrosis/apoptosis, other causes
cellular swelling is caused by what…?
failure of ion pumps in plasma-which disrupts ionic/fluid homeostasis.
what is fatty change?
accumulation lipid vacuoles in the cytoplasm of cells (especially those that do fat metabolism). Due to increased entry/synthesis of free Fa and decreased FA oxidation. non-specific, reversible.
intracellular changes with reversible injury:
plasma membrane alterations, myelin figures, dilation of ER, nuclear alterations
what are myelin figures?
phospholipid masses derived from damaged cell membranes
what are the 2 big irreversible cell injury morphologies?
necrosis and apoptosis
what are some intracellular changes associated with irreversible injury?
cytoplasmic changes (increased eosinophilia), loss of RNA basophilia in cytoplasm
what are some nuclear changes associated with irreversible injury?
breakdown of DNA and chromatin, kayorrhexis (pynknotic nuclear fragments), karyolysis (nucleus dissolution)
pynknosis is what?
nucleus shrinks, increased basophilia
List the 5 patterns of tissue necrosis:
“Cassie Left Connie For Frank”.
Caseous, Liquefactive, Coagulative, Fibrinoid, Fat
coagulative necrosis
GANGRENOUS!!!!!! (involves multiple layers). Architecture of tissue preserved for several days, dead cells are pale/ghost like, characteristic of infarcts, any white/yellow is still live tissue
liquefactive necrosis
seen in focal bacterial/fungal infections, fungal infections. microbes stimulate accumulation of inflammatory cells. leukocyte enzymes digest the bacteria. there are no histeocytes/giant cells unless responding to microbes
caseous necrosis
tuberculosis infections (and histoplasmosis). derived from white apron, necrotic area is fragmented/lysed cells. has histeocytes/giant cells.
granulomas inflammation
amorphous granular debris enclosed in inflammation border. histologically distinctive pattern of chronic inflammation. fibrosis often forms around it
fat necrosis
fat destruction due to activated pancreatic lipases. chest wall trauma, breast tissue, etc. fat hydrolyzed into free FA and precipitated with calcium into chalky, grey material
fibrinoid necrosis
immune rxn where complexes of antigens/antibodies are deposited into artery walls. deposited immune complexes combine with fibrin and produce bright pink/amorphous appearance on H&E
list the 6 mechanisms of cell injury:
ATP depletion, mitochondrial damage, influx of calcium, accumulation of ROS, increased membrane permeability, accumulation of damaged DNA/misfolded proteins.
“ROS CAn MEet MItch After Dinner.”
ATP depletion and cellular injury
Oxidative phosphorylation+ADP=ATP in mitochondria, or via glycolytic path in absence of O2. Tissues with greater glycolitic capacity can survive better. makes tissue susceptible to ischemic injury (think about DELICATE and not as renewable tissue)
mitochondrial damage and cellular injury
failure of oxidative phosphorylation means: ATP depletion, ROS forms, high conductance channels formed destabilizing mitochondria, releasing of proteins and apoptosis
influx of calcium and cellular damage
ischemia and toxins cause release from intracellular stores
accumulation of ROS and cellular damage
damage by free radicals via 2 paths:
1) all cells during REDOX rxn during mito respiration,
2) phagocytic leukocytes.
consequences=damage is based on removal rate. increased production=ineffective scavenging by enzymes=stress. Removal by spontaneous decay.
increased permeability of cellular membranes and cellular damage causes damage where?
Important sites of damage: mitochondria, plasma membrane, lysosome
spontaneous decay in ROS damage
what is apoptosis?
programmed cell death where cells activate enzymes to degrade cellular nuclear DNA and nuclear cytoplasmic proteins (fragment/fall off!!!!). Doesn’t illicit an inflammatory response
what are some physiologic causes of apoptosis?
programmed destruction (embryogenesis),
involution of hormone dependent tissues (hormone deprivation),
cell loss in proliferating cell=POP!!!,
elimination of used up cells,
elimination of self-reactive lymphocytes,
death from cytotoxic T-lymphocytes
what are some pathologic causes of apoptosis?
DNA damage with inadequate repair (eliminate instead of propagate),
accumulation misfolded protein (ER stress),
cell injury (viral infection, etc.),
pathologic atrophy in parenchymal organs after duct obstruction
what is the morphology of apoptosis?
picnotic nucleus that darkens (condensed chromatin), fragmentation, apoptotic bodies are phagocytosed or taken up by neighboring cells
what is the mechanism of apoptosis?
1) mitochondrial path and
2) death receptor
describe 3 things mitochondrial apoptosis has:
anti apoptotic mechanisms (BCL2, BCL-XL, MCL1), pro apoptotic mechanisms (BAX, BAK), these lead to activation of initiator caspases (8,9; executioner)
what is autophagy?
where a cell eats its own contents! Yum!. it’s an adaptive response/survival mechanism for times of deprivation. disregulated sometimes (cancer, disease, IDB, neurodegenerative disorders), role in host defense (degrades some pathogens: Mycobacteria, HSV-1, etc)
what are four main paths of abnormal accumulation of substances in a cell?
1) inadequate removal;
2) accumulation of abnormal endogenous substance,
3) failure to degrade due to inherited enzyme deficiencies,
4) deposition/accumulation of abnormal exogenous substances
hemoglobin derived granular pigment. accumulates with excess of iron. found with Prussian blue
wear and tear pigment. accumulates with age/atrophy. its a complex of lipid an dprotein
accumulation of tryglycerides
deposition of cholesterol in macrophages in gallbladder
what is pathologic calcification?
abnormal deposition of calcium salts (and iron, magnesium, other minerals)
dystrophic calcification
dead/dying tissue. absence of systemic derangement in calcium metabolism. appears purple to pink.
psammoma body/calcification
sign of degeneration and cell turnover. laminate of calcification. seen in benign and malignant proliferations (meningioma, papillary thyroid carcinoma, serous carcinoma). outside of cell-aggregate of dead cells and contents.
metastatic calcification
seen in normal tissues. secondary derangement to calcium metabolism. (precipitates and deposits out of tissue). hypercalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, Paget disease, etc.
innate immune system
nonspecific defense mechanism. occurs immediately/very soon.
what are they physical barriers of innate immune system?
skin, mediators in the blood, immune system cells
adaptive immune system
antigen specific response. more complex-requires antigen processing. Specific cells must be made/designed for each antigen. Maintains memory cells for future encounters (for quick response). takes a while to develop!
acute inflammation: onset, cellular infiltrate, tissue injury/fibrosis, local/systemic signs
onset: fast (minutes, hours),
infiltrate: neutrophils,
tissue injury: mild/self limited,
local/systemic signs: prominent
chronic inflammation: onset, cellular infiltrate, tissue injury/fibrosis, local/systemic signs
onset: slow (days),
infiltrate: monocytes/macrophages/lymphocytes,
tissue injury: severe and progressive,
local/systemic signs: less prominent/may be subtle
list the 4 stimuli for acute inflammation:
Infection, Trauma, Foreign Material, Immune Rxn.
“I Try For My Immunity”
list some possible infections:
bacterial, viral, fungus, parasites, toxins
list some possible trauma:
mechanical, chemical, thermal, nuclear, direct physical/chemical damage to cells
list some foreign materials that could cause inflammation:
substance that directly stimulates inflammation and its associated “stuff”. microbes, etc.
list some immune reactions:
host/environment antigens cause inflammation,
immune reactions or hypersensitivity rxns,
inappropriate response to inflammation/environment.
These often persist, tend to be chronic.
inflammation receptors
pattern recognition receptors present on large variety of cells. they pick up stuff (microbe-derived substance, toxins, necrotic cell material, etc).
Toll Like Receptors (TLR)
10 receptors. they detect a variety of MICROBES (on plasma membrane, endosomes). TLR stimulated—> transcription factors—> mediators of inflammation and anti microbial products (stimulates inflammatory cytokines)
complex of proteins that mediate cell response esp in response to dead/damaged cells or microbes. (stuff=uric acid, ATP, decreased K, DNA). receptors in cytoplasm=important stimulators. Activates capsize 1—> IL1-beta—> inflammation
Pro inflammatory receptors have what 3 locations?
plasma membrane, endosomes, cytosol
vascular changes to inflammation
key component of reaction to bring cells and other material quickly to the site of injury/threat. this directly leads to many early clinical signs of infection
what are the words of antiquity used to describe inflammation?
calor (warmth, increased flow), rubor (increased flow, congested capillary bed, erythema), tumor (permeability, exudate into tissue, swelling)
describe permeability of vessels in inflammation
arterioles dilate, flooding capillaries. Histamine (mediator) acts on smooth muscle to stimulate the dilation (endothelial cells contract).
material is taken from the intravascular space and transported through the endothelial cells via vesicles
list the common cause, protein content, cell content, and specific gravity of Exudate
increased vascular permeability,
increased protein content,
increased cell content and inflammation and RBC,
high specific gravity
list the common cause, protein content, cell content, and specific gravity of Transudate
increased hydrostatic or decreased colloid osmotic pressure,
decreased protein content,
fewer cell content,
low specific gravity
result of increased permeability/leakiness of vessels related to inflammation—>proteins get pushed out!
filtering of fluid, result from cardiac failure. decreased blood protein (oncotic pressure) from liver disease can cause. also caused by heart failure. filtered fluid due to vessel being “tight”
lymph drain what???
accumulating edema and debris that inflammation produces
what are the 4 phases of leukocyte recruitment?
margination/rolling, adhesion, transmigration, chemotaxis “MATCh”
what is leukocyte recruitment?
targeting certain areas for migration of leukocytes in 4 phases, low level of natural peripheral movement, but is first step of ACUTE inflammation
leukocytes accumulate on endothelium (laminar flow-slower/larger go to periphery). Vascular permeability thicker, blood moves slower.
stimulated endothelial cells have adhesion molecules with sugar affinity on leukocytes. endothelium induced to move these surfaces via chemical mediators. local tissues detect threat—>mediators released—>vessel is sticky
what are the chemical mediators for rolling?
histamine—>p selectin. IL1—>E selectin
occurs when leukocytes reach area of activation that has been signaled by leakiness. alter interns on surface into a high-affinity state. (Icam-1 binds these). results in stable attachments sites of inflammation
do adhesion and margination overlap?
YES! first margination, then adhesion
Think phantom of the opera-“Past the point of no return!!! No going back now!!!” after adhesion arrests leukocyte on endotheium. squeeze btw endothelial cells in venules (diapedesis).
how do those darned leukocytes get through the endothelial cells of the venules?
secrete enzymes like collagenous to break up basement membrane of vessels
leukocytes move towards site of inflammation by following chemical gradients of greater density. start in vascular space—>diapedese—>move towards gradient. this is tied to the contractile elements of a cell, direction of greatest chemotactic density determines the movement.
can endogenous and exogenous substances be chemotactic?
Heck yes! bacterial products, cytokines, compliment proteins (C5), arachidonic acid metabolites (LTB4)
what are leukocytes?
inflammatory cells
leukocyte activation
activate when encounter certain substances: microbial products, cellular debris, mediators, etc.
what are the 4 things inflammatory cells can do that other cells can’t do?
1) readily phagocytize material,
2) be poised to kill/degrade engulfed materials (nomnonmnom),
3) readily secrete material into extracellular environment to kill or degrade tissue,
4) produce inflammatory mediators to amplify inflammatory process
recognition/attachment of particle to leukocyte—> engulfment and formation of vacuole—> killing/degrading vacuolated material
what are 2 ways for phagocytes to bind material?
1) receptors for specific products/microbes/necrotic cells,
2) receptors for opsonins
what the heck are opsonins?
host proteins present in blood or produced locally that coat microbes (IgG, C3b, collectins)
what do ROS convert oxygen into when they oxidize NADPH?
SUPEROXIDE ION (toxic oxidizer)
what does superoxide ion spontaneously become?
when in the presence of myeloperoxidase and chloride ions, what does hydrogen peroxide become?
what toxic compounds kill microbes and break down other materials like elastase and lysozyme?
what are NETs?
neutrophil extracellular traps. they are nuclear chromatin that act as scaffolding with embedded antimicrobial compounds providing and area of antimicrobial material that traps microbes. it takes the nucleus, extrudes complex, traps microbes, kills them
what are the 3 general outcomes of inflammation?
resolution, chronic inflammation, scarring
resolution of inflammation
only happens if the tissue can regenerate. occurs in a limited degree of injury (minimal damage). requires termination of inflammatory process
chronic inflammation
generally occurs when the offending agent not removed by acute inflammation so the system transitions to chronic. can be prolonged, followed by resolution or scarring. doesn’t always follow acute inflammation.
occurs when tissue can’t regenerate, after considerable destruction. results from tissue being filled in by connective tissue elements, can significantly impair function
summarize for me how host tissue damage can occur (3 things)
tissue surrounding infectious agents, cleaning up necrotic tissue by inflammatory process may cause damage, inflammatory process directed against host tissue
what are the general points about acute inflammation?
often presented as sequential steps, but can occur w/ chronic inflammation. mononuclear cell infiltrate (cells with small round nuclei), tissue destruction, repair
what 3 settings are characterized by chronic inflammation?
persistent infections, immune mediated diseases, prolonged exposure to toxins
persistent infections and chronic inflammation
some infections difficult to eliminate or stimulate a response to—> associated with delayed hypersensitivity reaction
immune mediated diseases and chronic inflammation
autoimmune diseases, allergic diseases (endogenous response)
prolonged exposure to toxins and chronic inflammation
exogenous substances that can’t be broken down/removed promote inflammation (constant low grade stimulation). endogenous substances may do this as well
blood monocyte. circulates for a day and gives rise to macrophages in tissues throughout body. sometimes given names specific to location (Kupffer cells in liver). All are same origin, basic function
what are the roles of macrophages?
ingest microbes/cellular debris. initiate tissue repair (fibrosis/scar)
classical activation of macrophages:
endotoxin, IFN-gamma, foreign material
classical activation of macrophage production:
ROS, NO, lysozymal enzymes, proinflammatory cytokines
classical activation of macrophage function:
killing microbes, chronic inflammation
alternative activation of macrophage:
IL-4, IL-13 (from eosinophils, T-cells, mast cells)
alternative activation of macrophage production:
growth factors for new vessels, fibroblast activation
alternative activation of macrophage function:
tissue repair, fibrosis
barely noticeable in cytoplasm, involved large variety of inflammatory responses. many chronic disorders mediated by lymphocytes. activation is a function of adaptive immunity
what are the 3 classes of CD4+T cells that promote inflammation?
TH1 CD4+ T lymphocytes secrete IFN-ɣ: activates classical pathway macrophages.
TH2 CD4+ T lymphocytes secrete IL-4, IL-5, IL-13: activates alternative pathway macrophages; also activates eosinophils.
TH17 CD4+ T lymphocytes secrete IL-17: recruitment of neutrophils and monocytes
bright red granules, bilobed nuclei. recruitment is similar to neutrophils, but includes specific chemokines (eotaxin)
what are the 2 notable scenarios you would notice eosinophils in?
parasitic infections (have major basic protein toxic to parasites), allergic reactions mediated by IgE
mast cells
involved acute/chronic inflammation. network of cells in body, can quickly release mediators (histamine, arachidonic acid, etc), coated with IgE to trigger mediator release. well known for allergic involvement-wide distribution and quick response to infections
enlarged macrophages form a nodule, surrounded by lymphocytes. form around organisms and prevent their spread.
can organisms/infections remain viable once sequestered by an granuloma?
what would a granuloma lead you to investigate further?
inflammatory reactions not eradicated by reactions (leprosy, tuberculosis), some immune mediated diseases (crohns), foreign material, sarcoidosis (last resort diagnosis)
what are the mediators produced that are responsible for many systemic effects?
TNF, IL-1, IL-6
vascular cells in hypothalmus are stimulated by pyrogens to produce prostaglandins (PGE2). Act locally to cause central increase of body temp. exogenous pyrogens cause leukocytes to release endogenous pyrogens (act on hypothalamus vasculature) and can also act directly on hypothalmus vasculature
what is the increased acute phase of proteins in the blood in response to?
IL-6 hepatocytes. produce several proteins in greater abundance. clinically used to detect and monitor progress of inflammatory processes.
what are 2 proteins that adhere to cell walls and act as possible opsonins?
C reactive protein (CRP), Serum Amyloid A (SAA)
binds RBCs to make them into stacks that sediment. this becomes the basis of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) to test for inflammation
increased leukocytes in the blood. WBC increase systemically in inflammation. TNF and IL-1 cause more to be released from bone marrow. may see increased number of immature WBC (left shift of leukocytes).
continued inflammation leads to increased production of??
colony stimulating factors (CSF). increase bone marrow production of leukocytes
neutrophilia is/is in response to?
increased nuetrophils, bacterial infection
lymphocytosis is/is in response to?
increased lymphocytes, viral infection
eosinophilia is/is in response to?
increased eosinophils, asthma/parasitic infections
leukopenia is/is in response to?
specific infections (eg: typhoid fever)
give me a synopsis of mediators
produced at site of inflammation or by the liver to be activated at site of inflammation. once they are released they have a short lifespan. they are activated by specific receptors, some have broad and non-specific effects
mediators can be:
reformed for secretion, synthesized on demand
what are cell derived mediators?
vasoactive amines, ARACHIDONIC ACID METABOLITES, platelet-activating factor, cytokines, ROS, NO, lysosomal enzymes, neuropeptides
what are plasma protein derived mediators?
COMPLIMENT, coagulation and kinin
vasoactive amines
histamine and serotonin. Stored in cells for quick release/repsonse.
vasoconstriction to aid in clotting, present in platelet granules
arterial dilator and endothelial contractor. Mast cells, basophils, platelets.
when do mast cells release histamine?
physical features (mechanical, temp), immune (IgE bind), compliment (C3a, C5a), histamine releasing proteins (from leukocytes), neuropeptides, cytokines (IL-1 or 8)
arachidonic acid metabolites (AA)
derived from cell membrane phospholipids, transformed into compounds that mediate inflammation and homeostasis. from leukocytes, mast cells, endothelium, platelets.
how is AA deactivated?
spontaneous decay and enzymes
what are the 2 paths that form AA?
1)cyclooxygenase (results in prostaglandins and thromboxanes), 2)lipoxygenase (results in leukotrienes and lipoxins)
vascular permeability. mediate specific functions of inflammation. LTB4=chemotactic for neutrophils. LTC4, LTD4, LTE4=vascular permeability
inhibit endothelial adhesion/chemotaxis. generated as leukocytes enter tissue. antagonize leukotrienes-anti inflammatory.
what popular medications block the AA formation paths?
NSAIDs block cyclooxyrgenase, glucocorticoids block phospholipase A2 (shut down whole path)
prostaglandins and thromboxjnes
prostoglandins contribute to pain and fever symptoms. presence of enzymes determines the compounds of a specific AA path.
polypeptides that function as mediators in innate and adaptive immune system.
list the 2 important acute inflammatory cytokines
TNF and IL-1
What do TNF and IL1 do?
produced mostly in macrophages, mast cells, endothelial cells. stimulated by microbial products, immune complexes, endothelial cells. cause endothelial activation, induce systemic effects of inflammation
subset of cytokines. small proteins separated into 2 groups (CXC, CC) based on structure. function in chemotaxis, also activate leukocytes
chemotactic for neutrophils
chemotactic for variety of cells
what are 2 important chronic inflammatory cytokines?
IFN-γ, IL-12
stimulates classical macrophage activation
stimulates growth and function of T cells
released from activated neutrophils and macrophages. NADPH oxidase path. Superoxide ion changes to OH ion. can be reduced to a radical or converted to hypochlorous radical (BLEACH) vial myeloperoxidase in neutorphils.
free radical that can be used to kill microbes. mediator vasodilation (antagonizes platelet activation, reduces leukocyte recruitment/attachment). Made by Nitric Oxide synthase (NOS) from L-arginine.
type 2 inducible NOS
induced by macrophages and endothelial cells. responsible for NO inflammation
type 3 endothelial NOS
constitutively expressed in endothelial cells
Lysosomal enzymes
azurophil granules of neutrophils and granules of monocytes. contain enzymes that can kill microbes and digest ingested materials. can damage host tissues (acid proteases, neutral proteases are active outside cell).
protease inhibitors are present where?
in blood/body tissues to limit damage to host tissues. Alpha-1-antitrypsin (neutrophil elastase inhibitor-emphysema), alpha-2-macroglobullin (inhibits proteinases-eg collagenase)
initiate inflammation, active in vascular tone/permeability. active in lung and GI.
what are some examples of neuropeptides?
Substance P. secreted by nerves/inflammatory cells. binds neurokinin-1-receptor. generates pro inflammatory effects in immune and epithelial cells
large number of plasma proteins involved with inflammation nd immunity. opsonize pathogens and induce inflammatory response to fight infection. final complement forms MAC. increase vascular permeability and leukocyte chemotaxis
the components of complement system (C1-9) circulate as _________ molecules in ______.
inactive. plasma. activated by proteolysis. once activated can proteolyses and amplify the reaction (self activate). Key factor is C3 converts cleaving C3 into a and b.
list the 3 separate paths for C3 converts formation:
1) classical: fixation of C1 to antigen-antibody complex. 2) alternative: microbe cell wall components combine with plasma proteins. 3) lectin: plasma letting binds microbial mannose and stimulates classical path
what are the results of activated complement (5 things)?
C3a, C5a increase vascular permeability (stimulate mast cells to release histamine). C5a stimulates lipogenous path for AA metabolism. leukocytes are activated via C5a, 4a, 3a to increase endothelial adhesion. C3b is opsonin for enhanced phagocytosis. MAC.
how do you block C1 activation and complement?
C1 inhibitor, Decay accelerating factor (DAF), and factor H
what is factor XII (Hageman factor?
an important clotting factor that activates the kinin system, leading to bradykinin (increases vascular permeability, dilation, pain). activates the clotting cascade!
what is Kallikrein?
an intermediate product that is chemotactic. it activates factor 7 but can self activate
Factor Xa
leads to vascular permeability
binds protease activated receptors on endothelial cells, activating them. cleaves fibrinogen (to make fibrinopeptides) to increase vascular permeability (chemotactic). cleaves complement factor 5 to form factor 5a.
what is activated when he clotting system is activated?
the fibrinolytic system (active inflammatory mediators)
factors serving to antagonize driving/facilitating mediators of inflammation to allow for a baseline. lipoxins, compliment regulatory proteins (C1 inhibitor), IL-10, TGF-beta
antagonize leukotreines (anit-inflammatory mediator)
secreted by macrophages. down regulates activated macrophages
promotes fibrosis. anti-inflammatory as process moves to scarring.
what is the basic definition of tissue repair/healing?
restoration of tissue architecture and function if possible after injury
regeneration of injured cells and tissues involves cell ________ which is driven by growth factors and is critically dependent on _________ of extracellular matrix
proliferation, integrity
what cell types proliferate during repair
remnants of injured tissue (to restore normal structure), vascular endothelial cells (new vessels for repair), fibroblasts (source fibrous tissue to make scar)
list the 3 groups of tissues that have an intrinsic proliferative capacity:
labile (continuously dividing), stable, permanent
labile tissue
continuous turnover from stem cells and proliferation of mature cells. injured cells replaced by residual cells and stem cells if basement layer is intact.
what tissues have labile tissue?
bone marrow, surface epithelia: skin, oral cavity, GI, ducts, urothelium, etc
stable tissues
quiescent tissue (minimal replication even though capable in response to injury/loss). exception is liver since has robust capacity to regenerate. most have limited regeneration capacity.
what are some examples of stable tissue?
parenchyma of most solid organs: liver, kidney, pancreas. also endothelial cells, fibroblasts, smooth muscle
permanent tissue
terminally differentiated, can’t proliferate. limited stem cell replication and differentiation that is insufficient for regeneration. forms scars instead
what are some examples of permanent tissue?
neurons, cardiac muscle
do mature tissues carry variable proportions of the 3 groups of proliferative tissues?
yes! most tissues have some regeneration and scar formation
stem cells summary
characterized by self renewal and asymmetric replication (can make daughter cells that have 2 fates), embryonic and adult