Discussion Forum for 12 Angry Men Flashcards
How are we able to see deviancy in in the beginning of this movie
Everyone but Juror 8 is stating that the person is guilty - this is deviant behaviour because it goes against the norm in that social group
How is symbolism evident in the movie when they mention “those people” who love in the slums
Labelling theory is present - if this label causes deviance it could be Lemert’s secondary deviance
How is critical theory evident in the movie when they mention ‘those people’ who live in the slums
The more dominant class is setting the tone for ‘normal’ and marginalizing everyone who does not, or can not conform to ‘normal’ to the fringes of society - creations anomie [functionalism] amongst those marginalized
How was subculture and social organization created in the movie when they mentioned ‘those people’ who lives in the slums
They create subcultures [deviant] offer a form of social organization which increases stake in conformity within the subcultures. - we see functional mini societies in slum neighbourhoods, but because they do not conform to the ‘normal’ set by the dominant class, they are labelled as ‘deviant’ and we see othering happening regarding the labelling of ‘those people’
How would the jurors mind change about the decisions they make if the crime was not a murder but a white collar crime
We would see prejudice, a trend of disbelief that the accused would be capable of having the access and prestige to commit such a crime.
How would the jurors mind change about the decisions they make if they crime was not a murder but a sexual assault on his wife back in the day
we would see the crime as not a crime. Sexual assault to ones wife back in the day was legal
How would the jurors mind change about the decisions they make if the crime was not a murder but a street crime
The jurors would have less hesitation to convict the defendant, in fact juror may have even voted guilty. Stereotyping of ‘those people’ being the perfect candidate for street crime. - he fits high demographic [young men] for street crime
How was prejudice expressed in this movie
No one would give this man a chance of innocent because of his background and crime