Disability Statistics (1.D 40%) Flashcards
Test your ability to demonstrate an understanding of the data trends and implications of disability demographics and statistics.
How many globally have vision impairment or blindness?
At least 2.2 Billion
Of these, at least 1 Billion have a vision impairment that could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed.
Most people with vision impairment are over what age?
50 years old
What is the most common form of Color Vision Deficiency?
1 in 12 males (8.3%) and
1 in 200 females (0.5%)
What percentage of people who are colorblind have red-green colorblindness?
(color vision deficiency)
How common are blue-yellow color vision defects?
Fewer than 1 in 10,000 people worldwide
Affects males and females equally.
How many people worldwide have low vision?
According to the WHO
246 Million or 3.5% worldwide
What percentage of people with vision impairments live in low-income settings?
What percentage of blind Americans can read Braille?
Less than 10%
How many people have disabling hearing loss?
According to the WHO
~430 Million
How many people in the EU use sign langugage as their first language?
750,000 people in EU
How many people worldwide have Central Auditory Processing Disorder?
What percentage of people worldwide are deaf-blind?
0.2% - 2%
According to the World Federation of the Deaf-Blind
In which age group are speech sound disorders most prevalent?
Children (5 - 25% depending on age group)
Adults (1 - 2%)
How many are affected by selective mutism worldwide?
Affects 0.47% - 0.76%
How many people have aphasia in the US? In Great Britiain? Globally?
At least 2 Million (US)
At least 250,000 (GB)
Unknown globally
About what percentage of adults in the US have a mobility disability?
or 11% according to the BoK & US Centers for Disease Control
What percentage of children worldwide have ADHD?
2 - 7% of children
Or 3 - 7%…not sure which is correct yet
What percentage of adults have ADHD?
Out of those with ADHD, how many have challenges concerning attention and concentration but not impulsiveness or hyperactivity?
2 to 3 out of 10
(20 - 30%)
What condition often presents with manual dexterity / fine motor control disabilities?
What percentage of people worldwide have Rheumatoid Arthritis?
What percentage of adults have obesity?
39 - 40%
How many people worldwide have an intellectual disability?
Estimated 200 Million
Source: Special Olympics
What percent of people with reading disabilities have dyslexia?
70 - 80%
What percentage of the world has dyslexia?
5 - 10%, maybe as high as 17%
Affects boys and girls equally.
What percentage of people have dyscalculia?
3 - 6%
How many people are affected by ASD/autism?
Approx. 1 in 100
(Autism Europe) - Epidemiological studies
How many estimated children in the US have NLD?
Around 1 in 100, or 1%
Affects boys & girls equally.
How many people have epilepsy worldwide?
According to the WHO
50 Million
one of the most common neurological diseases
What percentage of people with epilepsy have photosensitive epilepsy?
How prevalent are anxiety disorders worldwide?
2.5 - 7%
or 284 Million
Which is the most prevalent mental health disorder?
What are the 4 most common mood disorders?
According to US Government Mental Health Service
- Depression
- Bipolar Disorder
- Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Self-Harm
How many people 18 and older have mood disorders?
According to MedlinePlus
Nearly 1 in 10
(Not in BoK)
How many adults are affected by major depression in the US each year?
According to Mental Health America
More than 8% (21 Million)
of American adults yearly
(Not in BoK)
How many youth (aged 12-17) are affected by major depression in the US each year?
According to Mental Health America
15% (3.7 Million)
(Not in BoK)
How many individuals with depression in the US seek treatment from a mental health professional?
(According to Mental Health America
About 1/3 (35%)
(Not in BoK)
How many people worldwide experience bipolar disorder?
According to the WHO
19 Million
What percentage of the US population report at least 1 depressive symptom in a given month? What %age report 2+ in a year?
According to Mental Health America (MHA)
About 20% report 1 in a month.
12% report 2+ in a year.
(Not in BoK)
How many people worldwide have schizophrenia?
According to the WHO
24 Million
1 in 300 people
What percentage of people in the US have schizophrenia?
According to PsychCentral
About 1%
(Not in BoK)
Why are disability statistics difficult to compare across countries?
- “Disability” is defined differently
- Collection methods vary (self-reported or administrative observance = variance in results)
- Political/Public Relations biases (bias against perceived stigma complicates data collection)
What percentage of people experience significant disability?
According to WHO
1.3 Billion people
16% worldwide
(1 in 6 people)
How are lives of people with disabilities affected?
- Poorer health outcomes (more risky behaviors: smoking, poor diet, physical inactivity; higher risk of violence)
- Lower educational achievement (edu gaps; worst in poor countries)
- Less economic participation (higher unemployment; earn less when employed)
- Higher poverty rates (higher deprivation: food insecurity, poor housing, lack of access to safe water/sanitation, poor access to health care, fewer assets. Extra costs for medical care or assistive devices. Poorer than non-disabled people with similar income.
- Increased dependency & restricted participation (Reliance on institutional solutions, lack of community living and inadequate services. Residential institutions responsible for lack of autonomy, segregation, and other human rights violations.)
How much more likely are disabled people in low-income countries to experience catastrophic health expenditure than non-disabled people?
50% more likely
How many years earlier do some people with disabilities die compared to those without disabilities?
20 years
People with disabilities have ____ the risk of developing depression, asthma, diabetes, stroke, obesity or poor oral health.
Twice the risk
People with disabilities find inaccessible and unaffordable transportation ____ times more difficult than for those w/o disabilities.
What types of health inequities arise from unfair conditions faced by people with disabilities?
- stigma
- discrimination
- poverty
- exclusion from education & employment
- barriers faced in the health system
What is the disposable income of people with disabilities?
$6 Trillion
What percentage of people with disabilities live in developing countries?
According to UN Development Program (UNDP)
Of the 80% of disabled persons worldwide, how many live in rural areas?
Unsupported statistic
60 - 75% live in rural areas
What percent of street children have some type of disability?
Unsupported statistic
What is the unemployment rate among PWD in developing countries?
Unsupported statistic
greater than 80%
Why are poor people more at risk of acquiring disabilities?
Lack of access to:
* good nutrition
* health care
* sanitation, and
* safe living and working conditions
How many people worldwide live with a disability?
According to Disabled World
650 Million people
What percentage of the world’s poorest people have some kind of disability?
According to the World Bank
Steady increase in these numbers
In countries with lifespans over 70 years, how much of their lifespan do they live with disabilities?
8 years or 11.5% of lifespan
What percentage of children with disabilities in developing countries do not attend school?
According to UNESCO
Unsupported statistic
What is the estimated percentage of people with a disability?
10 - 20%
1 or 2 out of every 10 people
Of approx. 7 billion people on the planet, about how many of them have disabilities?
700 Million to 1.4 Billion
What percent of the world’s population has a disability?
According to WHO (2010 global pop estimates)
15% or >1 Billion people
2-4% (200M) of whom experience significant difficulties in functioning
What percent of people 15+ years old live with a disability?
World Health Survey (WHS) &
Global Burden of Disease
World Health Survey:
785M (15.6%)
Global Burden of Disease:
975M (19.4%)
How many of the 15+ living with disability have very significant difficulties in functioning or have “severe disability”?
World Health Survey:
110M (2.2%)
Global Burden of Disease:
190M (3.8%)
Equivalent: Quadriplegia, severe depression, blindness
How much does chronic illness account for years lived with disability in low-income and middle-income countries?
66.5% of all years lived with disability
How many have disabilities in their childhood (0-14 years)?
According to Global Burden of Disease
95 Million (5.1%)
Of whom, 13 Million (0.7%) have “severe disability”.
What disability groups are most excluded from the labor market?
- Mental health difficulties
- Intellectual impairments
Severe impairments at greater disadvantage
Why is the global estimate for disability rising?
According to WHO
- Population aging
- Rapid spread of chronic diseases (diabetes, mental illness, cardiovascular)
- Improvements in methodologies used to measure disability
What are employment rates (21 to 64) in the US for people with and without disability?
2022 American Community Survey (ACS)
US Employment:
45% w/ disability:
81% w/o disability:
What are global employment rates for disabled men and women compared to non-disabled men and women?
According to World Health Survey
Global Employment Rate:
Disabled men (53%) and women (20%);
Non-disabled men (65%) and women (30%).
What disabilities identified in the ACS accounted for the highest and lowest employment rates?
2022 American Community Survey (ACS)
High: Hearing disability: 58.1%
Low: Self-Care disability: 17.9%
What is the global literacy rate for people with disabilities?
Unsupported statistic
Global Literacy Rate:
3% Overall
1% Women & Girls
What are poverty rates (ages 21 to 64) in the US for people with and without disability?
2022 American Community Survey (ACS)
US Poverty:
24.7% w/ disability
9.6% w/o disability
In 2022
What was the difference in poverty rate between working-age people with and without disabilities?
2022 American Community Survey (ACS)
15.1 percentage points
(24.7% - 9.6%)
In 2022
What disabilities identified in the ACS accounted for the highest and lowest poverty rates?
2022 American Community Survey (ACS)
High: Self-Care Disability: 31.9%
Low: Hearing Disability: 18.5%
A 2009 OECD study found working age people with disabilities are ____x likely to be unemployed than people without disabilities.
2009 OECD study of developed countries
2x as likely to be unemployed
Americans 85+ represent ____% of total older population (65+) and accounted for ____% of those with a disability.
2014 US Census Bureau
13.6% of those 65+
Accounted for 25.4% of those w/ disability
Disability of 65+ worldwide
- Any age = 10%
- 70+ = 20%
- 85+ = 50%
WHO 2003; 2006
% of 65+ with a disability
1. Independent living
2. Self-care
3. Ambulatory
4. Cognitive
5. Vision
6. Hearing
7. Any Disability
- 15% Independent living
- 9% Self-care
- 23% Ambulatory
- 9% Cognitive
- 7% Vision
- 15% Hearing
- 36% Any Disability
What employment rates did the recent OECD study on 27 countries find for people with and without disabilities?
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Global Employment Rate:
44% with disability
75% without disability
From the recent OECD study of 27 countries, how much higher was the inactivity rate for among persons without disability?
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
2.5 times higher inactivity rate at
* 49% inactivity w/ disability
* 20% inactivity w/o disability
How less likely are people with intellectual impairments to be employed than people without disabilities?
3 to 4 times less likely
And more frequent and longer periods of unemployment
How does disability prevalence differ between older populations and the population as a whole?
30 - 60% in older pops;
10 - 20% for pop as whole
How many disabled people in the UK were born with their disabilities?
Disability in UK (2013)
17%. Majority acquired disability later in life.
____ can be both the cause and the result of _____.
Result: Large proportion of PWD and their families live in or near poverty. Esp true in poorer countries, where PWD are often the poorest of the poor and the most vulnerable.
How does the world’s population with disability compare to the world’s poor with disability?
According to the 1999 World Bank survey of
poverty & disability literature
1 in 10 disabled globally;
1 in 5 disabled of the world’s poor
Has been interpreted to mean PWD are 2x as likely to live in poverty
She’s cautious abt that particular statistic.
Ann Elwan says disabled people are estimated to make up what percent of the poor in developing countries?
Unpublished communication between established disability researcher
and a World Bank expert (1999)
15 - 20%
Evidence linking disability & poverty is not unambiguous in all cases.
In the US, PWD are ____x as likely to live in poverty than the general population.
2x as likely to live in poverty
What percent of PWD live below the poverty line in the US?
According to 2014 US Senate Report
30% live below poverty line
Much worse in poor countries due to healthcare, sanitation, & safety
In poorer countries (than the US), the # of PWD is greater due to deficiencies in:
- health care
- sanitation
- safety
PWD are the poorest of the poor, and the effect on
individuals and families can last generations.