Disability and identity Flashcards
Medical model
Person who is unable to do things and should be treated manually . Seen as limited due to their impairment. Defined by their disability
Social model
Society as the disabling factor. Sees disability as a societal problem based on discrimination or ignorance (disabilism) which could be solved socially.society is the problem. Disability is socially constructed.
There are many obstacles to forming a positive disable identity:
Socialised to see the,selves as inferior
Isolated from any other as they are not seen as normal so they become lonely
Lack of positive role models in the media
Disability is an able bodied society leads to reaction of pity, avoidance and awkwardness
All agents reinforce this:
Master status: becomes the most important part of their identity
Learned helplessness: how a person may believe that they are incapable of changing situations and thus sail to take action to help themselves
Zola- Discriminatory language
The vocabularly we use to describe ourselves ar borrowed from able bodied society
Barnes (1992)- Representations of disability
In need of pity and charity As victims As villains As super cripples As a burden As sexually abnormal As incapable of participating fully in community life As ordinary or normal
Workplace: Oppenheimer and Harker- consequences of being unemployed
Benefits are nit enough(inadequate)
Disability tests
Society causes poverty and social exclusion by discriminating and a lack of provision
How disability and identity changing?
Scope campaign #EndTheAwkward#:breaking the discomfort around disability
Media: CBeebies presenter Carrie Burnell
Workplace: Tv shows such as th office and the diner
Paralympic Games 2012