Disabilities, Challenges, and Assistive Technologies: Categories and Characteristics of Disabilities and Associated Barriers Flashcards
Chapter 4.2 of the CPACC body of knowledge.
Name the 9 different categories of Disabilities:
- Visual disabilities
- Auditory disabilities
- Deaf-blindness
- Speech disabilities
- Mobility, Flexibility, and Body Structure Disabilities
- Cognitive disabilities
- Seizure disabilities
- Psychological / Psychiatric disabilities
- Multiple / Compound disabilities
Name the 3 types of Visual disabilities:
- Blindness
- Color blindness
3 Low-vision
Define Blindness:
Sensory disability involving the complete or near-complete loss of vision
Define Color blindness:
A sensory disability that impairs a person’s ability to distinguish certain color combinations
Define Low-vision:
Uncorrectable vision loss that interferes with daily activities
Name barriers for people with Visual disabilities:
- Materials, menus and navigation aids are not made available in alternative formats
- Lack of descriptions that would aid navigation
- No text alternatives for structural elements on websites
- Page cannot be resized without loss of information
- Missing visual cues
- No alternatives for video content
- Difficult navigation systems
- Insufficient color contrasts
- No full keyboard support on websites
Define Visual disabilities:
Sensory disabilities that can range from some amount of vision loss, loss of visual acuity, or increased or decreased sensitivity to specific or bright colors, to complete or uncorrectable loss of vision in either or both eyes.
Define Auditory disabilities:
Sensory disabilities that range from partial to complete hearing loss.
Name 3 types of Auditory disabilities:
- Deafness
- Hard of Hearing
- Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
Define Deafness:
Total or near-total loss of hearing
Define Hard of hearing:
Hearing loss ranging from mild to severe, who still have some useful hearing, and may communicate through sign language, spoken language, or both understand spoken language in some situations, with or without amplification
Define Central auditory processing disorder:
Described as greater than expected difficulty hearing and understanding speech even though no measurable hearing loss exists. Or the inability to interpret, organize, or analyze what’s heard.
Name barriers for people with Auditory disabilities:
- Not enough amplification of sound during events etc.
- Unavailability of sign language interpretation
- Loud or conflicting noises in environment
- Websites that require voice-activation
- Audio presented without captions or audiodescription
- Media players that do not support custom captions
Define Deaf-blindness:
Deaf-blindness is a rare condition, that requires touch as the primary means of communication. It is a sensory disability that includes both deafness and blindness
Define Speech disabilities:
Speech disorders can range from mild slurred speech to the complete inability to move the mouth to speak
Name 5 types of Speech disabilities:
- No speech
- Articulation
- Aphasia
- Apraxia
- Dysarthria
Define Articulation:
Speech disorder involving difficulties articulating specific types of sounds.
Name 3 types of Articulation disorder categories:
- Speech sound disorder
- Phonological process disorder
- Motor speech disorder
Define Aphasia:
An impairment of language, affecting the production or comprehension of speech and the ability to read or write. Various types of Aphasia exist.
Define No speech:
Having no speech, or mutism, is an inability to speak and can be caused by damage to the brain and / or speech muscles, by emotional or psychological reasons, or by a combination of causes.
Name barriers for people with Speech disabilities:
- Lack of text-based alternatives for speech communication
Define Mobility, Flexibility, and Body Structure Disabilities:
Mobility impairments cause decline in the independence of an individual’s movement, purposeful movement and other extremities. They can be temporal or chronic of nature.
Name 4 types of Mobility, Flexibility, and Body Structure Disabilities:
- Manual dexterity/Fine motor control
- Ambulation
- Muscle fatigue
- Body size or shape
Define Manual dexterity/Fine motor control:
The intricate and detailed movements of the hand and wrist needed to manipulate, control and use objects, produce neat, legible handwriting, and dress independently.
Define Ambulation:
The ability to walk from place to place independently with or without an assistive device.
Define Muscle fatigue:
A common non-specific symptom experienced by many people and is associated with many health conditions. It is often defined as an overwhelming sense of tiredness, lack of energy and feeling of exhaustion, and difficulty in performing voluntary tasks.
Define Body size or shape:
Disabilities caused by a variety of disorders that affect a person’s stature, proportions or shape. Examples include acromegaly, dwarfism, rheumatoid arthritis, and obesity.
Name barriers for Mobility, Flexibility, and Body Structure Disabilities:
- Wrongly sized seating
- Controls out of reach or touch-only.
- Steps and other obstacles as barriers for entrance
- Body shaming and social discrimination
Define Cognitive disabilities:
Cognitive disabilities may occur on their own or result from a variety of conditions or injuries such as traumatic brain injury.
Name 6 types of Cognitive disabilities:
- Intellectual disabilities
- Reading and Dyslexia
- Math and computation
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Non-verbal learning disability
Define Intellectual disabilities:
Significant limitations both in intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem solving) and in adaptive behavior, which covers a range of everyday social and practical skills.
Which three criteria must be met to diagnose Intellectual disabilities:
- Their IQ is below 70-75
- There are significant limitations in two or more adaptive areas (skills that are needed to live, work, and play in the community, such as communication or self- care).
- Appears before the age of 18
Define Dyslexia:
A learning disability that impairs a person’s ability to read.
Define Math and computation disabilities:
Math and computational disabilities impact a person’s ability to learn and communicate math. Dyscalculia involves an inability to understand arithmetic and how
to calculate.
Define Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:
A developmental problem characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
Name 4 of the main symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:
- inattention
- distractability
- impulsivity
- hyperactivity
Define Autism spectrum disorder (ASD):
A range of conditions characterised by some degree of impaired social behaviour, communication and language, and a narrow range of interests and activities that are both unique to the individual and carried out repetitively.
Define Intellectual disabilities:
Significant limitations both in intellectual functioning (reasoning, learning, problem solving) and in adaptive behavior, which covers a range of everyday social and practical skills.
Which three criteria must be met to diagnose Intellectual disabilities:
- Their IQ is below 70-75
- There are significant limitations in two or more adaptive areas (skills that are needed to live, work, and play in the community, such as communication or self- care).
- Appears before the age of 18
Define Dyslexia:
A learning disability that impairs a person’s ability to read.
Define Math and computation disabilities:
Math and computational disabilities impact a person’s ability to learn and communicate math. Dyscalculia involves an inability to understand arithmetic and how
to calculate.
Define Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:
A developmental problem characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
Name 4 of the main symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:
- inattention
- distractability
- impulsivity
- hyperactivity
Name barriers for Seizure disabilities:
- Activities in which sudden loss of consciousness can cause serious harm
- Driving
- Flickering images or lights
- Web browsers or sites with audio or animations that can’t be turned off
Define Non-verbal learning disability:
Nonverbal Learning Disability is very much like Asperger Syndrome, in which people with the syndrome have normal intelligence and language development, but have trouble with social skills, sensory input, and making transitions.
Name barriers for Cognitive disabilities:
- Complex sentences and words
- Complex page layouts
- Long passages of texts without illustrations
- Animations
- Audio that can’t be turned off
- Complex visual designs
- Social isolation
Define Seizure disabilities:
A seizure disorder interferes with a person’s regular activities.
Name 2 types of Seizure disabilities:
- General seizure disorders
2. Photosensitive epilepsy
Define General seizure disorders:
A sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain. If a person has two or more seizures or a tendency to have recurrent seizures, they have epilepsy.
Define Photosensitive epilepsy:
A condition in which people affected have seizures triggered by flashing or flickering lights, or patterns
Name barriers for Seizure disabilities:
- Activities in which sudden loss of consciousness can cause serious harm
- Driving
- Flickering images or lights
- Web browsers or sites
Define Psychological / Psychiatric Disabilities
There are many types of psychological and psychiatric disabilities, which include problems in a person’s perceptions, thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
Define the social disability Social Anxiety Disorder:
Social Anxiety Disorder is a disorder in which a person feels anxiety or fear in certain or all social situations,
Define 3 types of Psychological / Psychiatric disabilities:
- Social disabilities
- Emotional disabilities
- Behavioral disabilities
Define Behavioral disabilities:
A pattern of disruptive behaviors in children that last for
at least 6 months and cause problems in school, at home and in social situations.
Define Emotional disabilities:
A condition where a person might suffer an unexplainable inability to learn, build or maintain satisfactory relationships, perform inappropriate behavior, a general unhappy or depressed mood and a tendency to develop fears.
Name barriers for Psychological / Psychiatric disabilities:
- Limited affordable options for health care
- Lack of knowledge for treatment
- Social stigma
Define Multiple / Compound disabilities:
The phenomenon of more than one disability being present within a person at the same time.
Name the main areas of underdevelopment for Multiple / Compound disabilities:
- Intellectual functioning
- Adaptive skills
- Motor skills
- Sensory functioning
- Communication skills
Define Apraxia:
A motor speech disability that occurs when a person has difficulty using muscles for speech production to form sounds of words.
Define Dysarthria
A motor speech disability that occurs due to brain damage. The muscles for speech production are impaired, causing slurred speech, slow speech, mumbling, or a voice that may sound hoarse or breathy.