Dirnagl - Cerebrovascular Disorders, Stroke Flashcards
What are the symptoms of stroke (FAST acronym)
Face drooping
Arm weakness
Speech difficulty
Time to call 911
What are some specific stroke symptoms?
- motor deficit
- dysarthiria
- dysphagia
- aphasia
- sensory deficit
- ataxia
- visual disturbance
- headache
- not so common: impaired consciousness
Are strokes painful?
Normally no, no nociceptors in the brain
-if there is hemorrhage, then yes. the meninges have nociceptors
Which artery is most commonly affected in stroke?
A. anterior cerebral artery
B. middle cerebral artery
C. posterior cerebral arteries
D. posterior circulation
B. middle cerebral artery
What are the important considerations after a patient has a Transient ischemic attack (TIA)?
- although do not leave a persistent deficit, TIA does increase risk for a major stroke
- TIA patients must be treated to prevent a stroke
- Annual risk of stroke during first 5 years - 5%
- treating a TIA with TPA may cause harm
What are the main cerebral vascular diseases?
- Ischemic stroke
- Aneurysm
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Primary intracerebral hemorrhage
Which of the following is the most common cerebral vascular disease?
A. Ischemic stroke
B. Aneurysm
C. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
D. Primary intracerebral hemorrhage
A. Ischemic stroke (85% of cerebral vascular diseases)
What are the different types of Ischemic stroke?
- atherothrombotic (50%)
- cardioembolic (30%)
- microangiopathic (20%)
What is the only clinical proved pharmacological therapy in ischemic stroke?
i.v. thrombolysis
What treatments of acute ischemic stroke have proven efficacy?
- stroke unit
- i.v. thrombolysis within 4.5 hr of symptoms
- endovascular treatment within 6 hours
What is the mortality rate of stroke?
A. 5% B. 20% C. 25% D. 50% E. 80%
C. 25%
The risk of stroke is greater for men than for women.
A. true
B. false
A. true
25% of men and 20% of women can expect to suffer from a stroke if they live to be 85 years.
Stroke is considered a ‘disease of the elderly’.
A. true
B. false
A. true
the most important risk factor for stroke is age
What are some methods of secondary prevention of stroke?
- 300mg Aspirin
- Anticoagulants (cardiac embolism)
- treat hypertension
- quit smoking
What is the Penumbra?
A functional lesion (cells are alive but have lost their function) that surrounds a structural lesion (cells have died).
- an area at risk for becoming a structural lesion - Neuroprotection potential?
- a region of silence in electrical activity, but with preserved metabolism
- decreased blood flow, but increased O2 extraction
Why is a CT scan used immediately after stroke?
- CT cannot be used to see a lesion at this time
- is used because with CT you can detect hemorrhage
- if hemorrhage is present –> do NOT use TPA
What is Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI)?
- A type of MRI
- uses the diffusion of water/protons (measures protons)
- in normal tissue: this diffusion happens normally
- if tissue is compromised, this movement is hindered
- DWI can detect abnormalities at 5hr post stroke already
What is Perfusion Weighted Imaging (PWI)?
- inject a contrast agent - seen by MRI machine
- signal time course of the contrast agent
- colour coded (blue = relatively low flow)
- perfusion deficit occurs when blood flow is blocked and the contrast agent stays in tissue
- huge perfusion deficit in middle cerebral artery territory
Stroke only affects neurons.
A. true
B. false
B. false
Now it is understood that microglia, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, vessels, endothelium, basement membrane and ECM, immune cells, pericytes, and EC space may also be affected in addition to neurons.
From a temporal perspective, inflammation and apoptosis occurs before energy failure/excitotoxicity of cells.
A. true
B. false
B. false
Energy failure/excitotoxicity of cells occurs at a time scale of min-hrs, whereas inflammation and apoptosis occur at a time scale of hrs-days.
Is overactivation of the cell involved in stroke?
Yes. Overactivation causes excitotoxicity and energy loss.
-this was found as bloking the Glutamate receptor AMPA reduces infarct size
What is Microglia’s role in stroke?
Can be either protective/damaging depending on context.
- in animal models, anti-inflammatory therapy protects the brain
- but also, microglia protect against injury, and their selective elimination dysregulates neuronal network activity after stroke.
How can evolution affect a disease that is not under evolutionary pressure?
Via hypoxia, hypoxic environments
-we have mechanisms that can deal w these extreme conditions that also protect against stroke