Directors Flashcards
Gone Baby Gone, The Town, Argo
Ben Afflect
Annie Hall (Oscar), Manhattan, Sleeper, Play it Again, Sam, The purple Rose of Cairo, Bullets over Broadway, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Hannah and Her sisters, Vicky Christina Barcelona
Woody Allen
MAS*H, Short Cuts, The Player
Robert Altman
Gandhi (Oscar), A Chorus Line
Richard Attenborough
Rocky (Oscar)
John Avildsen
Madame X
Lionell Barrymore
Life is Beautiful
Roberto Benigni
Warren Beatty
Kramer Vs. Kramer (Oscar)
Robert Benton
Person, The Seventh Seal
Ingmar Berman
The Last Emperor (Oscar), Last Tango in Paris
Bernardo Bertolucci
Point Break, The Hurt Locker (Oscar), Zero Dark Thirty
Katherine Bigelow
Terms of Endearment (Oscar)
James. L. Brooks
Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, Mars Attacks, Sleepy Hollow
TIm Burton
The Deer Hunter (Oscar)
Michael Cimino
It’s a Wonderful Life, You Can’t Take it With you (Oscar) It happened one night (Oscar), Mr. Deeds Goes to Washington
Frank Capra
Hallowee I, II, III….Scream I, II
John Carpenter
The Gold Rush, The Great Dictator, Limelight, City Lights
Charlie Chaplin
Fargo, No Country for Old Men, Raising Arizona, The Big Lebowski
Coen Brother
The Godfather (1, 2, 3) (Oscar 2) Apocalypse Now, Peggy Sue Got Married, Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Francis Ford Coppola
Lost in Translation
Sofia Coppola
Dances with Wolves (Oscar)
Kevin Costner
A Nightmare on Elm Street
Wes Craven
Michael Crichton
My Fair Lady (Oscar), Gaslight
George Cukor
Casablana (Oscar)
Michael Curtiz
Cleopatra, The 10 Commandments, The Greatest Show on Earth
Cecil B. Demille
The Silence of the Lambs (Oscar), Philadelphia
Jonathan Demme
Mission: Impossible, The Untouchables
Brian De Palma
Unforgiven (Oscar), the BRidges of Madison County, Million Dollar Baby (Oscar), Mystic River, Gran Torino, Letters from Iwo Jima
Clint Eastwood
The Battleship Potempkin, Ivan the Terrible
Sergio Eisenstien
La Dolce Vita
Federico Fellini
Nanook of the North
Roberty Flaherty
Gone with the Wind, (Oscar), The Wizard of Oz
Victor Fleming
The Grapes of Wrath (Oscar), How Green was my valley (Oscar), the Informer (Oscar), The quiet Man (Oscar), Fort Apache, Stagecoach
John Ford
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Oscar), Amadeus (Oscar)
Milos Forman
All That Jazz, Cabaret (Oscar)
Bob Fosse
The French Connection (Oscar)
William Friedkin
Braveheart (Oscar)
Mel Gibson
Jean-Luc Godard
Birth of A Nation, The Struggle
D.W. Griffith
The STing (Oscar), Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Slaughterhouse Five
George Roy Hill
Recca, Read Window, Psycho, Frenzy, Stranger on a Train, North by Northwest, Vertigo, Notorious
Alfred Hitchcock
Cocoon, Apollo 13, A Beautiful Mind (Oscar)
Ron Howard
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (Oscar), Prizzi’s Honor, The Maltese Falcon, The African Queen
John Huston
Lord of the Ring’s Trilogy (Oscar for Return of the King), The Hobbit, The Lovely Bones, King Kong
Peter Jackson
In the Heat of the Night, Moonstruck
Norman Jewison
The Big Chill, Body Heat
Lawrence Kasden
On the Waterfront (Oscar), Gentleman’s Agreement (Oscar), A Streetcar Named Desire
Elia Kazan
2001: A Sace Odyssey, Dr. Strangelove, Spartacus, Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, Eyes Wide Shut
Stanley Kubrick
Seven Samurai, Rashomon, Ran
Akira Kurosawa
Fritz Lang
The Bridge On the River Kwai (Oscar), Dr. Zhivago, A Passage to India, Lawrence of Arabia (Oscar)
David Lean
Brokeback Mountain (Oscar) LIfe of Pie
Ang Lee
A firt full of Dollars, The Good the Bad and the Ugle, Once Upon a Time in American
Sergio Leone (Spaghetti Westerns)
Rain Man (Oscar), The Natural, Good Morning Vietnam
Barry Levison
Star Wars, American Graffiti
George Lucas
Letter to Three Wives (Oscar), All About Eve (Oscar), Guys and Dolls
Joseph L Mankiewicz
Awakenings, Big, A league of Their Own
Penny Marshall
American Beauty (Oscar)
Sam Mendes
The English Patient (Oscar)
Anthony Mingella
Gigi (Oscar), An American in Paris
Vincent Minnelli
Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? The Graduate (Oscar), Silkwood, Working Girl, Postcards from the Edge
Mike Nichols
Inception, The Dark Knight, Interstellar
Christopher Nolan
Midnight express, Mississippi Burning
Alan Parker
In the Line of Fire, Air Force One
Wolfgang Peterson
The Wild Bunch, Roman Polanski, Chinatown, The Pianist (Oscar), Rosemary’s Baby
Sam Peckinpah
Out of Africa (Oscar), The Electric Horseman, Tootsie
Sidney Pollack
Ordinary People (Oscar), A River Runs Through It, A few Good Men, Quiz Show
Robert Redford
West Side Story (Oscar)
Jerome Robbins
Oliver (Oscar)
Sir Carol Reed
Tom Jones (Oscar)
Tom Richardson
Raging Bull, The Last Tempation of Christ, The Gangs of New York, Cape Fear, The Departed (Oscar), Goodfellas, Taxi Driver
Martin Scorsese
Keystone Kops Series
Mack Sennett
Midnight Cowboy (Oscar)
John Schlesinger
Duel (TV movie), Close Encounters of the Third Kind, ET - The Extra Terrestrial, The Color Purple, Jaws, Poltergeist, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Empire of the Sun, Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park: The Lost WOrld, Schindler’s List (Oscar), Saving Private Ryan (Oscar), Munich, Catch Me If You Can, The Terminal
Steven Spielberg
A Place in the Sun (Oscar), Giant (Oscar)
George Stevens
Platoon (Oscar), Born on the 4th of July (Oscar), The Doors, JFK, Natural Born Killers, Wall Street
Oliver Stone
Prince of Tides, The mirror has two faces, Yentil
Barbra Streisand
Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Jackie Brown, D’Jango Unchanged, Inglorious Bastards
Quentin Tarantino
Small Change
Francois Truffaut
Citizen Kane, MacBeth (1958), The Magnificent Ambersons
Orson Welles
Seven Beauties
Lina Wertmuller
The Lost Weekend (Oscar), The Apartment (Oscar), Sunset Boulevard
Billy Wilder
Plan 9 From Outer Space
Ed Wood
Mrs. Miniver (Oscar), The Best years of our Lives (Oscar), Ben-Hur (Oscar), Wuthering Heights, Funny Girl
William Wyler
The Taming of the Shrew
Franco Zeffirelli
Forrest Gump (Oscar), Cast Away
Robert Zemeckis
From Here to Eternity (Oscar), A Man for All Seasons (Oscar), The Day of the Jackalhigh Noon
Fred Zinneman
David Zucker