1) It is also called the “Natural Method” because it is based on how children learn their native lge.
2) It came as reaction to the limits of GTM when it comes to creating a communicative competence in students.
3) This method’s name hints that TL is used directly without the interference of L1.
DM Principles (6)
1) Instructions should be given in TL
2) Students must think in TL
3) Oral bonds and communication must be built between teacher and student.
4) Only everyday Vocabulay is taught.
5) Vocabulary must be concrete and Grammar must be taught inductively and implicitly.
6) Pronounciation is emphasized on.
DM Characteristics (5)
1) Vocabulary is learnt in sentences instead of isolated words.
2) Self- correction is encouraged bc it facilitates learning.
3) The teacher must demonstrate/ act NOT explain/ translate.
4) The syllabus is based on everyday lge
5) Focuses on speaking then Listening, readig and writing.
DM Advantages (4)
1) It teaches the lge NOT about the language.
2) Student learn TL the same way children learn their native.
3) It is the first method to focus on teaching Vocabulary in context.
4) Enhances Speaking.
DM Disadvantages (3)
1) It’s expensive since teacher needs material.
2) It needs time which teachers don’t have due to overloaded Educational Systems.
3) It might not work in large classrooms.
DM Goal
To help students speak everyday lge.
He guides students and directs the activities.
they must be active in class