Dimensions of Inequality: Race and Ethnicity Theorists Flashcards
Life chance
Institutional racism
Cully and Dyson (1993)
Palmer et al (2005)
Aloce (2006)
Vandice (1991)
Whien et al
William James Wilson
Saunders argues that migrants fail to adapt to British culture. In his work, Social Mobility Myths, Saunders argues black ethics minority groups have or develop cultural attitudes which lead to poverty. Once they are in this position of poverty, they accept this and do not attempt to improve their positions, so they adopt a fatalistic culture.
In Losing aground, Murray identifies African Caribbean families have a higher proportion of single parent households. He claims the absence of male role models creates a life of turbulence. Thus affecting academic attainment and work ethic.
New Right
They fail to consider the structural cause of inequality associated with ethnicity and fail to consider racist prejudice that prevent ethics groups from becoming socially mobile. For example, the ethnic pay gap in the UK.
Rex and Tomlinson
Ethnic minorities experience of class and status inequality can lead to poverty, which is made more severe through racism. Within, Colonial Immigrants in a British City, they suggest a Black underclass has been created, of people who feel marginalised, alienated and frustrated.
Grint and Nixon
“The experience of non-capitalist societies, ancient and modern, suggest that nothing of this sort is likely”. In opposition to Marxist arguments that ethnic stratification are derivatives of class stratification and would therefore disappear in the demise of capitalism.
The production of hybrid identities, as a result, racial or ethnic differences are not fixed and imposed by membership of an ethnic group. Instead, identity becomes a matter of choice. Ethnicity and race are reduced in importance and influence, so racism and racism disadvantages will decline.