dilleniidae spot id Flashcards
Thlaspi arvense
Brassicaceae, stinkweed
- many basal leaves
- 4 white sepals
- clasping cauline leaves
- fruit a leaflike silicle
Mitella nuda
Saxifragaceace, Bishop’s cap
- rounded leaves with crenate margins
- regular flower with spiderwebby
- terminal raceme
Ribes oxyacanthoides
Grossulariaceae, Northern gooseberry
- 3-5 lobed leaves
- reddish-blue berries
- prickly internodes
- cupped corolla, open calyx
Ribes triste
Grossulariaceae, Wild red currant
- maple-lead shaped textured leaves
- red berries
- squished flowers in drooping racemes
Epilobium angustifolium
Onagraceae, fireweed
- pink flowers in terminal raceme
- slender leaves
- tufts of white hair on seeds
- petal-like sepals, thin petals
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
Ericaceae, bearberry
- dull red drupe with dot at bottom
- urn-shaped flowers
- creeping branches
- spatulate leaves
Ledum groenlandicum
Ericaceae, Labrador tea
- green leathery leaves above
- brown wooly leaves below
- inflorescence at branch tips of white flowers
- drooping beaked capsules
Oxycoccus microcarpus
Ericaceae, small bog cranberry
- 4 reflexed petals
- small leaves
- thread-like, creeping stems
- large red berries
Vaccinium myrtilloides
Ericaceae, blueberry
- covered in velvety hairs
- urn shaped flowers
- blue berries with waxy bloom
Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Ericaceae, bog cranberry
- cup-shaped flowers (open tips)
- red berries
- leathery leaves with dots on underside
Pyrola asarifolia
Pyrolaceae, Pink wintergreen
- round-reniform leaves with veyr long petioles
- cup-shaped corolla with pink tips
- curved style
- terminal raceme
Menyanthes trifoliata
Menyanthaceae, buckbean
- petals covered in long white hairs
- aquatic plants
- compoud leaves with 3 leaflets, forming slight cup
Viola canadensis
Violaceae, Canada violet
- long stalked, cordate leaves with toothed magins
- solidatry white flowers with yellow throat and purple veins
- beard
Cornus canadensis
Cornaceae, Canada bunchberry
- whorled leaves with deep veins
- bright red drupes
- 4 white bracts surrounding inflorescence of tiny flowers
Cornus stolonifera
Cornaceae, red-osier dogwood
- prominent venation
- flat-topped cyme of 4 petals flowers with long styles
- opposite leaves
- red branches
- white drupes with black dots