Digression 9 Flashcards
A tale about the importance of common knowledge:
Why does the anouncement of the outsider make a difference?
Before his anouncement, each islander knew that there are blue-eyed persons on the island, but she did not know that the other islander knew it as well, knew that she knows it etc.
==> Thus, the knowledge that there are blue-eyed islanders was not common knowledge. This changed with the anouncement by the outsider. From that moment on, the existence of blue-eyed persons became common knowledge.
A tale about the importance of common knowledge:
Why does the fact that they have this common knowledge now make a difference?
To see this, one can use an inductive argument. If there is exactly one person with blue eyes, that person knows that there is no other person with blue eyes on the island. Before the anouncement of the outsider, it was a possibility that there is no one with blue eyes on the island, so there was no need to leave. However, given the information by the outsider, the blue-eyed person learns that she must have blue eyes, so she leaves at night one.
A tale about the importance of common knowledge:
What does this want to tell us?
induction states that no one will leave during the first n−1 nights. However, given that everyone is still around after night n−1, each blue-eyed person has to conclude that there are n persons with blue eyes in total, one of them being him- or herself.
Thus, the rather innocuous-sounding announcement by the outsider allows the islanders to eventually figure out the color of their eyes.
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
What is a pure strategy?
A pure strategy is a specific, deterministic choice of action that a player makes in a game. Unlike a mixed strategy, which involves randomizing among actions, a pure strategy selects one particular action without any randomness.
For example, in Rock-Paper-Scissors, a pure strategy would be choosing “Rock” every time
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
Can a game have no Nash equilibrium? Provide an example.
Yes, a game can have no Nash equilibrium in pure strategies. An example is Rock-Paper-Scissors (RPS).
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
Why does RPS have no Nash equilibrium in pure strategies?
In RPS, whenever a player chooses a best response, the opponent’s payoff can be improved by switching strategies, so no stable strategy profile exists.
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
What is a mixed strategy?
A mixed strategy is a probability distribution over pure strategies, where each strategy is chosen with a specific probability.
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
How do mixed strategies solve the problem of non-existence of Nash equilibria in games like RPS?
By randomizing strategies, players make their opponents indifferent between choices, creating a stable equilibrium.
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
What is the key condition for a mixed strategy Nash equilibrium in RPS?
Each player’s mixed strategy must make their opponent indifferent between all pure strategies.
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
What does Nash’s theorem guarantee?
Every game with a finite number of players and pure strategies has at least one Nash equilibrium in mixed strategies.
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
Why is Nash’s theorem significant?
It ensures that predictions about game outcomes can be made under very general conditions.
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
What is an example of a real-world application of mixed strategy Nash equilibria?
Penalty kicks in soccer, where goalkeepers and kickers randomize their choices (left, middle, right) with probabilities of 1/3.
Existence of a Nash Equilibrium:
How do goalkeepers and kickers in soccer align with Nash equilibrium predictions?
Studies show their observed behavior in penalty kicks is consistent with theoretical predictions of mixed strategies.
Economies of social media:
Why might the QWERTY keyboard be considered an inefficient standard?
The QWERTY keyboard layout was originally designed in the 19th century for typewriters, where it helped prevent jamming by spreading out commonly used letter pairings.
Over time, it became the default standard, even though more efficient layouts like the Dvorak Simplified Keyboard have since been designed, which are faster and less tiring to use.
However, QWERTY persists due to network effects:
- Most people have learned to type on QWERTY.
- Software, devices, and training materials are built around QWERTY.
- Transitioning to a new layout would require significant effort for users, educators, and manufacturers.
This situation is an example of a coordination problem: Everyone sticks to the QWERTY layout because everyone else uses it, even though an alternative might be better.
Economies of social media:
How is the QWERTY example relevant to the economy?
It illustrates how multiple equilibria and coordination problems can lead to the persistence of inefficient standards, which is also at the core of many digital technologies.
Economies of social media:
What is a network externality?
A phenomenon where the value of a platform or service increases as the number of users grows, making it more attractive to others.
Economies of social media:
How do network externalities affect platform success?
Platforms with more users are more attractive and can dominate the market, even if they offer lower quality than competitors.
Economies of social media:
What role do network externalities play in industries like social media?
Network externalities often dominate quality differences, allowing platforms with more users to thrive regardless of factors like user-friendliness or privacy transparency.
Economies of social media:
What is a typical pattern observed in industries with network externalities?
In the early stages, multiple platforms compete, and the platform with the fastest-growing user base typically dominates, creating a strong incumbent advantage.
Economies of social media:
How does game theory explain competition among platforms?
The competition is a game with multiple equilibria, where users may coordinate on different platforms. The number of users, not quality, predicts which platform will succeed.
Economies of social media:
Why is it difficult for new platforms to succeed against incumbents?
Once a platform dominates the market due to its large user base, it is protected against new entrants, even if the new platforms offer better quality.
Cooperation Problems and externalities:
When do externalities exist?
Externalities exist, if the acts of an individual A have an impact on the well-being of another individual B, that A does not take into consideration:
It is a non-internalized interdependency.
Cooperation Problems and externalities:
In what way does the prisoner’s dilemma display the link between cooperation problems and externalities?
Looking at cooperation problems, like the prisoner’s dilemma, one sees that it is exactly an externality that is at the heart of the problem:
The rational behavior of one individual makes the other individual worse off, but the individuals do not find a way to internalize the effect.
Hence, cooperation problems are metaphors for situations with mutual externalities, like anthropogenic climate change.
What is deterrence in the context of the Cold War?
Deterrence is the art of producing in the mind of the enemy the fear to attack, often through threats of severe retaliation.