1: First Principles Flashcards
What do economists want to find out?
They want to find out how markets allocate goods and resources and how markets have to be regulated in order to make sure they function properly
What is unexpectedly also an important field of research?
An important field of research is the economic role of the government: the ways it can levy taxes and provide services
Economists also deal with problems related to political institutions like:
- Effects of different voting systems
- The causes and consequences of political and military conflicts
- Relationship between different levels of government
What is the definition of scarcity?
refers to situations where the wants exceed the means
What is the definition of Economics?
Economics is the science that studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses
“Economics is the study of how people and society choose with or without the use of money to employ scarce productive resources which could have alternative use to produce various commodities over time and distribute them for consumption now and in the future among various people and groups of society”
==> economists try to understand how resources are used to alleviate scarcity
What are opportunity costs?
the joy and fulfillment that one would have expected to enjoy from the other option is the opportunity cost
==> If one makes decisions under the conditions of scarcity, then going one way necessarily implies that one cannot go another way
Which are the three levels of analysis?
- Individual level
How do individual people behave under conditions of scarcity? - Interaction level
Typically individual behavior does not take place in isolation - Aggregate level
They are a result of individual decisions and the rules that govern individual interactions but an analysis of a certain phenomenon at the aggregate level usually abstracts from a lot of the details of individual decision-making and interactions in order to still be able to see the forest for the trees
What is an example for fields of research that investigate how human beings interact with one another on an interaction level?
Equilibrium models of trade and market behavior or game theory
What is methodological individualism?
A scientific position that requires that all social phenomena be explained with reference to individual behavior
==> according to which ultimately all phenomena which are studied on the aggregate level need to be tracked back to patterns of behavior on the individual and interaction levels
How is the relation described between micro and macroeconomics?
The observation, that behaviour of aggregates is more reliable if linked to the individuals led to the microfoundation of macroeconomics
==> the attempt to relate aggregate phenomena like unemployment or growth to individual decision-making.
How is a theory defined in this chapter?
For the prupose of this subchapter theory is defined as a relatively broad conceptual approach that makes reasonable conjectures about casual relationships in the world.
What is a conjecture?
an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information (Vermutung, Mutmassung)
It is impossible to say that a conjecture is true in the sense that it is in total accordance with reality.
What is the Münchenhausen Trilemma?
The basic problem is that scientify reasoning requires that one ir prepared to provide proof for any of one’s statements. However, such proof can only be given by means of another statement, which must also be provable.
The Münchhausen Trilemma makes the point that one has the choice between exactly three unsatisfactory options to deal with this situation
Which are the three unsatisfactory options to deal with a situation in the Münchenhausen Trilemma?
- Infinite Regress
- Circularity
- Dogmatism
What is infinite regress?
You prove your point with a statement, this statement has to be proven again, and again and again etc.
What is Circularity?
The statement and the proof support eachother
Example: a flawed interpretation of the theory of evolution that defines the species that fits best in an environment as the one that survives and then one argues that the species one observes must fit best into it’s environment.