15: Oligopolistic firm behavior Flashcards
What aspect is different in this chapter?
So far, we have analyzed firm behavior in markets with perfect competition (many firms) and monopolistic markets (only one firm).
Now, we consider a situation in between:
In an oligopoly, only few firms supply a good.
What do the firms now in oligopolistic markets?
These firms are aware that they are large enough such that they can affect the market price (in contrast to perfect competition).
However, each firm also knows that not only its own behavior that is, the quantities it produces or the price it sets, affects its own profit, but also the decision of the (few) other firms in the market.
What is the consequence of firms knowing that they are not alone in this market?
Thus, firms in an oligopolistic market consider their strategic interaction.
Which variables can firms use to determine their strategy?
In general, firms can use two variables to determine their strategy:
They can decide to charge a particular price or they produce a particular quantity.
Why does choosing between the two variables not make a difference for the monopolist?
If the monopolist determines one of these two variables, the other one is automatically determined by the demand curve.
What is Cournot competition?
In a market with Cournot competition, firms simultaneously decide which quantities they want to produce.
The total quantity in the market then determines (together with the demand function) the market price.
Therefore, firms play a simultaneous game in which the quantities are the strategies.
What is Bertrand competition?
In a market with Bertrand competition, firms simultaneously decide which price they want to change.
The quantities are then determined together with the demand function.
Therefore, firms play a simultaneous game in which the prices are strategies.
What does the market demand function look like (two firms = i = 1, 2)?
p(X) = A-BX with X = x1 + x2
p(x1, x2) = A - B(x1 + x2)
What is different between the market demand function in an oligopoly (duopoly) with cournot competition than in our norma, linear (inverse) demand function?
The main difference is that we directly write that the total quantity in the market X is the sum of the two individual quantities, x1 + x2.
==> If a firm wants to find its production x1, that maximizes its profits, it also must consider the effect of the other firm’s production on the market price.
What does the profit function of firms look like?
max profit(x1) = p(X)x1 - C(x1)
(Revenue - costs)
= A - B (x1 + x2)) x1 - C(x1)
How do we determine the own production x1 that maximizes our profit for given x2?
We must differentiate profit 1 with respet to x1 and treat x2 as a constant parameter.
==> this is the first-order condition
0 = A - Bx2 - 2Bx1 - C’(x1)
A - Bx2 - 2Bx1 = Marginal revenue
C’ (x1) = Marginal cost
When is the profit maximized? What is the difference here in comparison to the other markets?
The profit is maximized if the marginal revenue is equal to marginal costs.
==> The main difference to the previous markets is that the marginal revenue depends not only on the own quantity, but also the quantity of the other firm.
What is the “reaction function”?
An equatoin that shows us the optinal quantity of firm 1 conditional on the quantity of firm 2.
x1 = 9 - 0.5x2
What is a cournot equilibrium? Where do we find the cournot equilibrium?
If both firms choose a quantity that is a best response to the quantity of the other firm, the firms are in the Cournot equilibrium (which is simply the Nash equilibrium of a Cournot duopoly).
We can find the Cournot equilibrium at the intersection of both reaction functions.
How do we compute the Cournot equilibrium?
We can compute this intersection by substituting the reaction function of one firm into the reaction function of the other firm.