Digital Sound Design: W3: Synthesis Flashcards
DSD: How do you perform additive synthesis? explain with example.
E.g. replicate a cello sound:
1) Analyse a real chello. Look at the timbre: the fundamental and the overtones. See where they are an what amplitude they have.
2) For every fundamental & overtone create a sine wave at that frequency (a sine wave does not have any overtones) with the same amplitude.
3) when you add enough overtones, it will start to sound like a cello.
DSD: What is subtractive synthesis?
You take a complex waveform and filter some frequencies out, to create interesting sounds.
DSD: What are the 4 primary types of oscillators.
- Sine wave: just a fundamental frequency with no partials. (does not occur in nature)
- Triangle waveform.
- Pulse wave (most common one is a square wave).
- Saw tooth wave
DSD: what is a signal modifier?
Used for processing, things like filters, envelope generators, amplifiers,…
DSD: What is a triangle wave form. Give an example. (start at 20hertz fundamental
Fundamental frequency + odd numbered partials (1,3, 5, ..) that have an amplitude relation 1/n^2 (n=partial number). This means we have very little amplitude in the partials.
1 * 20 hertz (ampl=100db)
3 * 20 hertz (ampl=(1/3^2) of the amplitude, thus 1/9 of the amplitude => 11 db)
5* 20 hertz (ampl=100db/25)
DSD: What are pulse wave forms?
Most common one is the square wave. fundamental frequency + odd numbered partials in an amplitude relationship of 1/n (n=partial number). This means the amplitudes are bigger then the triangle. Other pulse waves are created by varying the ‘duty cycle’ (compression and rarefaction of a soundwave). This is the relationship of the compression to the rarefaction (sound wave goes up, then down). A standard sound has a compression (and rarefaction) half the size of a waveform cycle. A square wave is like this standard sound. By varying the pulse width we can change the ratio of compression to the full cycle. e.g. 4 to 1 ratio, where compression is only 1 fourth the size of the duty cycle. By doing this we cancel out some of the overtones and thus changing the timbre.
DSD: Explain soundwave compression and rarefaction.
Because of the longitudinal motion of the air particles when producing a sound, there are regions in the air where the air particles are compressed together and other regions where the air particles are spread apart. These regions are known as compressions and rarefactions respectively. The compressions are regions of high air pressure while the rarefactions are regions of low air pressure. A soundwave is depicted as a line going up and down. up = compression, down = rarefaction.
DSD: What is a saw tooth waveform?
A fundamental frequency + all partials with an amplitude relationship of 1/n (n = partial number).
DSD: What are the four types of filters?
1) Low pass filter
2) High pass filter
3) Band pass filter
4) notch/ band reject filter
DSD: Explain resonance control in a filter?
This will amplify the frequencies in the cutoff range.
DSD: What is a time variant envelope generator?
Sets an envelope on amplitude of the sound
- Attack: Time from silence to maximum amplitude.
- Decay: time going from maximum to secondary (sustain) level
- Sustain: Secondary amplitude level
- Release: time it takes to get back to silence.
DSD: How do you simulate percussive or string instruments in sound synthesis?
By modifying the amplitude envelope.
DSD: What are the two types of signals an oscillator can generate?
A carrier signal (horizontal line in diagram) and a controller signal (vertical line) (e.g. an lfo).
DSD: What is a LFO? What accoustic technique does this simulate (sine lfo).
A controller signal oscillator inaudible for the human ear. Hence low frequency oscillator between 0 and 20 hertz.
This simulates a tremolo (rapid alteration of volume).
DSD: what happens when we increase an lfo to 20 Hertz
Our brain can no longer hear the alterations of volume and starts to pick it up as a new pitch. It starts to produce side-bands