Digestive system Exam 4 Flashcards
The Digestive system has Ingestion, motility, Digestion, ____________ and _____________ as functions.
absorption and defecation
Digestive tract îs also known as_________, the passageway for food.
Alimentary Canal
What are the alimentary canal passageways?
-Oral Activity
-Stomach (acid)
-Small intestine (designed for reabsorption, has microvilli)
-Large intestine (compacting trash & pulling out water)
-Anal Canal (what we can’t absorb leaves)
Accessory Organs are?
-Salivary glands
In the mouth the saliva has salivary amylase that breakdowns ________/ digests ________
carbohydrates, starch
What is one mechanical way of digestion in the teeth?
-chew into smaller pieces the have more surface area
-partly voluntary/ reflexive
What is Bolus?
Form of food that’s been chewed up and swallowed.
-softened mass of food
In the pharynx, swallowing is the process of?
Deglutition reflex
The small intestine has 3 parts, what are they?
Duedenum, Jejunum, Ileum
The large intestine has 4 colons and a cecum, rectum, appendix and anal canal. Put them in order.
Transverse colon, Descending colon, Ascending colon, Cecum, Sigmoid colon, Rectum, Appendix, Anal Canal
What is the swallowing process in the Pharynx?
- Swallowing center is in medulla oblongata
- soft palate elevates blocking the nasopharynx
- the Trachea moves up, epiglottis folds down
- the upper esophageal opens and the bolus goes down the esophagus
Deglutition: The Swallowing Reflex process
1.Tongue pushes bolus against soft palate and the back of the mouth, triggering swallowing reflex.
- Breathing is inhibited as the bolus passes the closed airway. Epiglottis (elastic cartilage) folds down to help keep swallowed material out of the airways.
- Food moves downward into the esophagus propelled by peristaltic waves and aided by gravity.
What connects the pharynx to the stomach?
In the esophagus, food bolus is moved to the stomach by?
Smooth muscle peristalsis
The lower esophageal sphincter is also known as the ___________________
If the esophageal (gastroesophageal) sphincter is over extended or damaged in the stomach, what can happen in the esophagus?h
Heart burn, gastroesophagenal reflux, GERD
What prevents acid from ascending to the esophagus from the stomach?
The esophageal (gastroesophageal) sphincter
What 3 things does the wall of the digestive tract have in Mucosa?
-Mucosal epithelium
-Lamina Propria
-Muscularis Mucosa
What 3 things does the Submucosa have in the wall of the digestive system?
-Loose connective tissue
-Blood vessels
-Lymphoid nodules
The mucosal epithelium in esophagus is what tissue?
Stratified squamous
Stomach and intestines are mostly what tissues?
Simple columnar or cuboidal
The rectum is what tissue?
Stratified squamous
The muscularis external has 2 layers called?
What causes their movement?
-Inner circular muscle
-Outer longitudinal muscle
Movement by peristalsis
In Ureters, the inner muscle is ______________ and the outer muscle is ____________.
longitudinal, and circular
Where does most digestion take place?
Stomach and small intestine
In the stomach, gastric digestion is performed y=by what?
Parasympathetic N.S. (vagus nerve)
The vagus nerve stimulates the stomach to produce_________
Gastric Juices (hydrochloric digestive enzymes/mucus)
What is the most outer layer in the wall of th e digestive tract?
Serosa (Visceral peritoneum)
In the stomach there are 3 phases, what are they?
Cephalic, Gastric, and intestinal phases
The sight, smell, and taste of food initiates long reflexes in the _____________. This is called the ____________ phase (food senses), which is stimulated by the Cephalic phase. (Don’t have food yet)
Medulla Oblongata, Anticipatory
Does the cephalic phase secrete gastric juices (Hydrochloric acid) in the stomach?
In what phase does food actually get down into the stomach?
Gastric phase (stimulus food in stomach)
Does the Gastric phase secrete gastric juices? Does it increase or decrease production?
Yes, Increase
Stimulates contractions in stomach into bloodstream & cycles back into the stomach increasing gastric prod.
Intestinal phase is _______ and is driven by?
Food in small intestine, and driven by Intestinal gastrin
The stomach ______________ digests and we stimulate it with ___________before it enters the stomach.
Mechanically, gastric juices
What is the stomachs function?
Store food
As stomach begins to fill, the _______ muscle relaxes to ______ and allow stomach to receive stored food.
smooth, expand
What is Fungus in stomach?
Upper stomach that stores food
What is Pyloric in stomach?
Lower stomach that digest
What controls the movement of chyme into the small intestine?
-Pyloric Sphincter
lets a small amt go through and closes up and then lets another small amt through
What regulates the passage of food, chyme through the pylorus into the small intestine?
Pyloric Valve/ sphincter (smooth muscle)
What are two forms of chemical digestion?
-Chief cells and Gastric lipase
Chief cells secrete?