Digestive System Cancers Flashcards
Esophageal cancer accounts for what % of cancers in the US
What sex is most likely to develop Esophageal cancer?
Men are 3-4 times more likely than women to develop esophageal tumors
What race is more likely to develop Esophageal cancer, and at what %?
African Americans 50% more likely over white people
At what age is Esophageal cancer most likely found in?
Most tumors are seen in patients aged 55-85
At what stage is Esophageal cancer mostly diagnosed in, and what is the 5 year survival rate?
It is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage and is almost uniformly fatal
21% 5-year survival rate
What countries have the greatest frequency of Esophageal cancer?
Greatest frequency in China, northern Iran, and South Africa
What percent of esophageal cancer is associated with GERD?
30% of esophageal cancer associated with GERD
What are some common causes of esophageal cancer?
SCC (squamous cell carcinoma) – excessive alcohol and tobacco use – synergistic effect
Adenocarcinoma (neoplasia of epithelial tissue that has glandular origin)– tobacco use
Barrett esophagus/syndrome (Damage to the lower portion of the esophagus caused by long term GERD)
30% of esophageal cancer associated with GERD
Diets low in fresh fruits and vegetables, high in nitrates
Rare/less common causes of esophageal cancer?
- Achalasia – lower 2/3 loss of peristaltic activity (A rare disorder making it difficult for food and liquid to pass into the stomach) – 5-20% risk of SCC (squamous cell carcinoma)
- Tylosis – rare genetic disorder causes excessive skin growth on palms and soles – 40% lifetime risk of developing esophageal cancer in some patients. When associated with esophageal cancer, it’s called Howel-Evans syndrome.
3.Plummer-Vinson syndrome – iron-deficiency anemia, post-cricoid dysphagia, upper esophageal webs
- Caustic injury (tissue damage caused by a chemical reaction with a caustic substance, such as an acid or base)
Symptoms of esophageal cancers
90% of patients have dysphagia and weight loss
50% of patients have painful swallowing
Symptoms of locally advanced disease include vomiting blood, coughing blood, coughing and/or hoarseness
Esophageal cancers patterns of spread are:
*Esophageal lesions usually spread longitudinally
*Early spread to lymph is common, occasionally causing skip metastases (as in you could have a lesion in the upper portion and one in the lower portion but not in between)
*Tumors invade adjacent structures in locally advanced disease
*Distant metastases occur in many organs, but lung and liver are most common
Esophageal cancer treatments
- Radiation therapy in combination with chemo is the treatment of choice
- Surgery is limited to middle and lower lesions, but is a difficult procedure and has high morbidity and mortality rates
*Even after a curative resection, most patients have distant failure with spread to lungs, liver or bone
What is a consequence of radiation to esophagus in regards to their ability to eat
eating thru a tube (peg tube?)
Although less common in the US, gastric cancer is the _______ leading cause of cancer death globally; __________ is the highest-risk geographic block
Eastern Asia
What are the risk factors of Gastric cancer?
Risk factors include diet, smoking and alcohol consumption, certain genetic disorders, infections (H. pylori and Epstein-Barr), and pernicious anemia
Most Gastric cancer tumors are ______________.
Most tumors are adenocarcinomas
Treatment for Gastric cancer is mostly…
Mostly surgery & chemo
5 year survival rate for Gastric cancer is?
36% 5 year survival rate
What do 95% of Pancreatic cancer tumors begin?
95% of tumors begin in exocrine cells
What is the 5 years survival rate of Pancreatic cancer?
It has a poor prognosis, with a five-year survival rate of only 5%
What is the most common tumor type for Pancreatic cancer?
The most common tumor type is ductal adenocarcinomas (80%)
What is the clinical presentation of Pancreatic cancer?
Clinical presentation includes jaundice, abdominal pain, anorexia, and weight loss
At what stage is Pancreatic cancer typically found?
Typically, tumors present at a late stage with inoperable advanced disease
Pancreatic cancer is the ________ leading cause of cancer death in the US.
It is the fourth leading cause of cancer death in US and is considered one of the deadliest malignancies
What percent of Pancreatic cancer patients are over 70 years of age?
70% of patients are over 70 years of age
What are the known causes of Pancreatic cancer?
Although there is no known cause, it is associated with cigarette smoking, hereditary factors, obesity, a high-fat diet, and type 2 diabetes
Pancreatic cancer lesions occur most frequently in the_________ and ___________ in the anatomy of the pancreas.
Lesions occur most frequently in the head and neck of the pancreas
Pancreatic cancer
- make cards about staging *
It is locally invasive with direct extension into duodenum, stomach or colon at diagnosis
Spread to the liver and local lymph nodes is also common
Pancreatic tumors tend to be aggressive and resistant to chemo and radiation therapy
Liver cancer primary tumors are typically a result of:
Primary liver tumors are typically the result of a chronic hepatitis B or C infection, cirrhosis due to alcohol consumption, or obesity
Liver cancer arise predominantly from what cells?
Arise predominantly from the parenchymal liver cells or hepatocytes (90%) and are called hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)
Liver cancer rates increasing fastest in what gender?
HCC continues to increase rapidly in the United States, with rates increasing fastest in men.
Liver cancer secondary metastatic tumors are _________ times more common than primary liver cancer?
Secondary metastatic tumors are also very common in the liver, 20 times more common than primary liver cancer.