Digestive System Flashcards
What are the exocrine secretions of the GI tract?
HCl, H2O, HCO3-, bile, lipase, pepsin, amylase, trypsin, elastase, and histamine***** secreted into lumen of GI tract
What are the endocrine secretions of the GI tract?
Stomach and small intestine secrete hormones to help regulate GI sx: gastrin, secretin, CCK****, GIP, GLP-1, guanylin, VIP and somatostatin
Where does max abs occur?
What lines the lumen of GI tract?
Mucosa (made of simple columnar epithelium)
What is the thin layer of smooth muscle responsible for the folds that increase SA for absorption?
Muscularis mucosae
What is the submucosa?
Thick, highly vascular layer of CT
What is the importance of the muscularis layers contracting?
Move food through the tract, pulverize/mix food -> helps facilitate enzymes
How is the GI tract extrinsically innervated?
- PNS increases motility/GI secretions
- SNS reduce peristalsis/secretory activity
What enzyme catalyzes partial digestion of starch?
Salivary amylase (mixed with food during mastication/chewing)
What are the 3 phases of deglutition/swallowing?
1) Oral phase - voluntary
2) Pharyngeal/esophageal phases - involuntary
3) Larynx is raise, epiglottis covers entrance to respiratory tract
What moves food from esophagus to stomach?
-After food passes -> LES constricts
What happens if LES is not working?
Regurgitation of chime which is acidic -> acid reflux
-In pregnancy high estrogen -> LES loosens
What is the most distensible part of GI tract?
Stomach (empties into duodenum)
What are the fx of stomach?
Stores food
Initiates digestion of proteins (pepsinogen -> pepsin)
Kills bacteria
Moves food/chyme -> intest
What do gastric glands secrete?
Gastric juices
What do goblet cells secrete?
What do parietal cells secrete?
HCl and intrinsic factor*********
- Requires B12
- Blocked by proton pump inhibitors
What do chief cells secrete?
Pepsinogen (zymogen) -> Pepsin
-Activated by HCl (pepsin is more active at pH of 2)
What do enterochromaffin-like cells (ECL) secrete?
Histamine and serotonin
What do G cells secrete?
What do D cells secrete?
What do stomach cells secrete?
Ghrelin (desire to eat)
How do parietal cells produce HCl?
- Secrete H+ into gastric lumen by primary active transp (ATPase pump)*****
- Takes in Cl- against its electrochemical gradient, by coupling its transport w/ HCO3-
What is HCl production indirectly stimulated by?
Gastrin and ACh
-Both stimulate release of histamine -> stimulates parietal cells to secrete HCl