Digestive System Flashcards
*What is Peristalsis?
Smooth muscle contractions that move things (food/stool) through the digestive system. *Thats why we have diarrhoea, the muscles move in a ripple pattern, and they speed up.
What does the Digestive System do?
Breaks down nutrients so that they can be used by the body Physically and Chemically
Eliminates solid waste from the body
Alimentary canal runs from mouth to anus
What does the mouth do? What are the parts of the mouth and jobs?
Where digestion starts. Teeth: grind, chew. Saliva: Lubricates the mouth, Tongue: Pushes food back so we can swallow. Saliva glands produce saliva.
What is Pharynx?
What is Esophagus?
Muscular. Attached from mouth to stomach. Parallel with Trachea, they have a C shape around them, so there is room for expansion.
How long is Esophagus?
25 cm
What does the liver do?
Filters toxins, drugs, alcohols. URQ. *Liver produces Bile.
Hat does the stomach do?
Continues to break down the food. *Chyme is an enzyme in the stomach. ULQ
What does the pancreas and spleen do?
Insulin is produced in pancreas, and spleen filters blood. Insulin breaks down sugars. Diabetes is created if the body is not producing enough insulin, or produces too much.
What does the gal bladder do?
MRQ. *Gal bladder stores Bile
What does the small intestine do? What are the 3 parts?
*3 sections, Duodenum: More fluid is added. Food comes from stomach to this. Looks really runny. Jejunum: Absorbs the nutrients, looks really runny. Ileum: Absorbs the nutrients.
What does the large intestine do?
Colon, Bowel: Sticky. Colostomy is where this is found. Large intestine is reabsorbing the water liquid into the body
What does the appendix do?
Does nothing. A pouch, if crap goes in there and doesn’t get flushed out it turns into toxins. LRQ
What does the rectum do?
Holds the Feces
What does the anus do?
Where stool comes out
*What are the 6 Major Structures of the Digestive System?
Mouth Esophagus Stomach Small Intestine Large Intestine Anus