Digestion and absorption Flashcards
Luminal phase
hydrolyzation and solubilization of fats, proteins and CHs by pancreatic and biliary secretions
Mucosal phase
terminal hydrolysis of carbohydrates and peptides
Processing and packaging of fats into chylomicrons for cellular export
Transport phase
transportation of nutrients across the intestinal mucosa into systemic body fluids
Essential fatty acids
alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) linoleic acid (omega-6)
Acinar cells
secrete chloride-rich juice in resting state
secrete pancreatic enzymes when stimulated
centroacinar and duct cells
secrete water and electrolytes containing sodium, HCO3, K, Cl
Secrete large amounts of Na and HCO3- when stimulated
Innervation of exocrine pancreas
PNS: vagus
Sym: celiac and superior mesenteric ganglia
Above itneract with small intrinsic ganglia –> blood vessels, acini, duct cells, islet cells
NT: ACh, VIP stimulate secretion of pancreatic juice
Low rate of HCO3- secretion by duct cell
Mainly relies on CO2 diffusion into cell –> carbonic anhydrase
Acid exported via H-Na exchanger, driven by Na/K ATPase
Bicarb exported by HCO3-/Cl- exchanger
Cl- balanced by CFTR, driven by secretin/VIP stimulation
High rate of HCO3- secretion by duct cell
Import of HCO3- by HCO3/Na co-transporter, driven by Na/K ATPase
Export mainly through CFTR channel, driven by secretin/VIP stimulation
(Minor: HCO3/Cl- exchanger, HCO3- channel)
Acinar cell secretion
Enzymes stored in zymogen granules, then released upon stimulation
Hormones: secretin, CCK
Activation of trypsinogen
Enzyme inactive until it reaches the lumen of duodenum
Trypsinogen activated by brush border enzyme enteropeptidase (enterokinase), by removal of a trypsinogen activating peptide (TAP cleavage)
Trypsin can autocatalyze trypsinogen and also other zymogens
Pancreatic acinar cells produce pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (PST1) proteolytic enzyme inhibitors to prevent autodigestion
Cephalic phase of pancreatic secretion
Sight of food –> activates neural pathways –> pancreas produces small volume of viscid secretion
Purpose: mobilize enzymes so they are within duct lumen, ready to be flushed out when secretion increases significantly
Gastric phase of pancreatic secretion
Distention of stomach –> activates vago-vagal pathway that induces some pancreatic secretion
Intestinal phase of pancreatic secretion
most significant
Chyme enters duodenum –> enzyme secretion at full potential
Regulated by secretin and CCK
Secretin during intestinal phase of pancreatic secretion
Stimulated by pH <4.5
Secreted by duodenum
Stimulates pancreatic duct cells to secrete mostly electrolyte rich fluid (HCO3-)
CCK during intestinal phase of pancreatic secretion
stimulated by broken down FAs, AAs
Secreted by duodenum
Stimulates vagal afferent fibres –> vagal efferent –> intrinsic pancreatic cholinergic neurons –> acinar cell secretion
(may also act through blood, also potentiates secretin-induced fluidsecretion)
To secrete pancreatic enzymes
Carb digestion
- Salivary amylase
- Pancreatic amylase - most responsible
- Brush border carbohydrases perform further hydrolysis (produce glucose, galactose, fructose)
- Colonic bacterial flora - metabolize oligosaccharides that reach colon (produce short-chain fatty acids)
Carb absorption
duodenum and upper jejunum mature villus cells = highest capacity for monosaccharide absorption (glucose, galactose, fructose)
Glucose/galactose via Na-dependent SGLT1
Fructose via Na-independent GLUT5
Monosaccharides transported to basolateral side via GLUT2
Carb metabolism
- Insulin –> GLUT4 translocated to cell surface
- Glucose –> G6p, converted to glycogen
- Glycogenolysis via glycogen phosphorylase –> G1P –> glycolysis
Fat digestion
- Gastric lipase from chief cells
- Gastric mixing, FAs, dietary proteins, lecithin, lysolethicin and bile salts promote emulsification
- Intestinal hydrolysis by pancreatic enzymes in prox. duodenum (lipase, cholisterolesterase, etc)
- Micellar solubilization via bile salts
- Micelles diffuse through “unstirred water layer” on enterocte surface, delivering lipolytic products only (bile salts recycled or excreted)
Fat absorption
Mostly in jejunum and proximal ileum
Short/med-chain FAs cross via FA binding proteins (without micelles), enter portal blood directly
Long-chain via micelles –> bind cytosolic FA binding proteins –> re-esterified in ER to triglycerides –> lymph
TGs, PLs, cholesterol and apolipoproteins –> chylomicrons –> exocytosis –> central lacteal –> lymph –> thoracic duct –> L. subclavian vein –> systemic circulation
Bile salts reform micelles or recycled
Fat metabolism
Lipoprotein lipase on endothelium hydrolyzes TGs in chylomicrons to FAs and glycerol
FAs enter adipocytes, muscles, hepatocytes
Adipocytes and mucles: esterify FAs –> TGs, or to PLs
Hepatocytes: FAs –> TGs
Glycerol –> gluconeogenesis (liver)
Adipocytes –> release stored lipids via hormone-sensitive lipase - hydrolyze TGs to FAs and glycerol
Hepatocytes: beta-oxidation
Protein digestion
Gastric pepsins Pancreatic enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin, elastin, carboxypeptidases A and B) in proximal duodenal lumen
Protein absorption
Di- and Tri-peptides cross via H+-dependent Pept1
Brush border hydrolases hydrolyze larger oligopeptides - cross via Na dependent/independent transporters
AA transporters on basolateral surface of enterocytes
Protein metabolism
Proteins stored in all tissues for structure or function
Excess AA: converted to TGs or glucose then glycogen
Protein is constantly metabolized to accommodate demand
Vit B12 digestion
Released by mastication and gastric acid
- R-proteins from saliva and parietal cells bind free cobalamin at low pH
- Pancreatic enzymes in duodenum hydrolyze R-protein and allow IF to bind cobalamin
Vit B12 absorption
- IF-cobalamin complex resists pancreatic proteolysis, taken up by specific ileal enterocyte receptors
- Complex separated within enterocyte
- B12 accumulates in mitochondria, transported out basolaterally
- B12 immediately binds ileal pool of transcobalamin II, required for transportation in portal/systemic circulation
- Transcobalamin-cobalamin complex endocyted by cells, then enzymatically released
Vit B12 metabolism
Formation of blood and DNA (regenerates folate)
Delivered throughout body
Excess secreted by liver into bile, then recycled
Vit A digestion
micellar solubilization
Dietary retinal esters hydrolyzed to retinol in intestinal lumen before absorption
Vit A absorption
duodenal enterocytes take up retinol via passive and facilitated diffusion
Retinol incorported –> chylomicrons –> leaves mucosa into portal circulation
Vit A Metabolism
Hepatocytes hydolyze retinyl esters to release free retinol –> bind retinol-binding protein and prealbumin in sinusoids, OR stored ins tellate cells as RBP-bound retinol
Retinol may undergo oxidation to retinal –> retinoic acid for phototransduction
Secreted into bile
Vitamin D digestion
Mostly from endogenous synthesis in skin cells as a result of UV radiation
Vit D absorption
Passive diffusion into small intestinal mucosa (facilitated by pH)
absorbed into circulation unchanged in chylomicrons
Vit D metabolism
hydroxylated first in hepatocytes, and then in renal tissue to calcitriol
Promotes intestinal calcium and phosphate absorption
Termination of activity via CYP-450
Vitamin E digestion
esters may be hydrolyzed following micellar solubilization by pancreatic and duodenal esterases
Vit E absorption
passive diffusion across intestinal mucosa
incorporated into chylomicrons