Different Types of economies Flashcards
Name the 3 types of economies
Free Market economy
Mixed economy
Command economy
Describe a free market economy
-Resources allocated through price reduction consumer determines what is produced by their willingness to spend their money on food
-Consumers make decisions based on satisfaction and producers make decisions based on profit
-Individuals are free to make their own choices and own the factors of production without government interference
Give advantages of a free market economy
-resources are efficiently allocated,leading to customet satisfaction,increasing sales
-a free market economy encourages competition due to lack of government interference
-consumers have a wider selection of products
Give disadvantages of a free market economy
-there is a high chance of a monopoly forming which lowers competition
-firms can get away with poor working conditions for workers due to lack of government intervention
-can lead to inequality due to lack of government interference
-can lead to market failure
Describe a command economy
A system where the government decides goods and production,process,quantity and price in a country
In this system,the government also manages income and investments
Give disadvantages of a command economy
-lack of innovation and competition
-less freedom for work leaders to lower quality products
-less flexibility
-can lead to government failure
-distorts the price mechanism
Give advantages of a command economy
-government gives incentive for people to work,protection of personal freedom
-efficient production and allocation of resources as well as the improvement of social welfare
-can correct market failures
According to Adam Smith The price mechanism is also known as the … …
Invisible hand
Describe a mixed economy
Resources are allocated through the government and the price mechanism
Which type of economy did Adam Smith support
Free market
Which type of economy did Karl Marx dislike the most and why
Free market,because the lack of government intervention can lead to capitalism and the exploitation of workers
Which type of economy did Karl Marx support
Command economy
What type of economy did Freidrich Hayek support and did not support
-Supported Free market (the price mechanism is a communication network)
-Did not support command economy