Diencephalon Flashcards
Part of the thalamus that have reciprocal connections with the mamillary bodies, and cingulate gyrus.
Modality- specific and limbic group of thalamic nuclei.
Anterior group
Part of the thalamus with relationship with prefrontal cortex
Multimodal associative group of thalamic nuclei (for behavior, memory, integration)
Medial group
Part of the thalamus that links the subcortical visual areas with association cortical visual area
Pulvinar and lateral posterior nuclei
Part of the thalamus that links basal ganglia and cerebral cortex
Ventral anterior nucleus
Part of the thalamus that links cerebellum with cerebral cortex
Ventral lateral nucleus
Part of the thalamus that links the somatosensory neural system (medial lemniscus and spinothalamic) of te contralateral half of the body with the somatosensory cortex
Ventral posterior lateral
Part of the thalamus that links the somatosensory neural system (medial lemniscus and spinothalamic) of te contralateral half of face and taste system with the somatosensory cortex
Ventral posterior medial
Part of the thalamus for arousal, motor control, and awareness of sensory experiences
Part of the thalamus acting as auditory pathway
Medial geniculate nucleus
Part of the thalamus acting as relay station for visual pathway
Lateral geniculate nucleus
Thalamic vascular supply:
- basilar
- posterior cerebral
- posterior communicating
- internal carotid
Structure that contains pallidal and cerebellar efferents to the thalamus
H fields of Forel
Perecentage in humans wherein the two thalami are connected
Parts of the epithalamus
- Stria medullaris thalami
- Habenular nuclei
- Pineal gland
Function of pineal gland
gonadal function
circadian rhythm
The anterior nuclear group of thalamus is part of the limbic system which is concerned with what functions
- emotional behavior
2. memory mechanisms
What are the three parts of the dorsomedial nucleus?
- dorsomedial magnocellular division
- dorsolateral parvicellular division
- paralaminar division
The dorsomedial thalamic nuclei belongs to the neural system concerned with the following functions
affective behavior decision making judgment memory integration of somatic and visceral activity
Bilateral lesions of the dorsomedial nucleus will result to this syndrome
lost of physical self- activation
poor motivation
reticular formation continuation in the substhalamus
zona incerta
Syndrome affecting the Posterolateral (thalamogeniculate) thalamic territory
Dejerine- Roussy sundrome
Clinical manifestation of lesion in the anterolateral thalamic territory
neuropsychological impairment
Clinical manifestation of a medial (paramedian) thalamic territory lesion
Akinetic mutism
Kline- Levin
Clinical manifestation of lateral thalamic territory lesion
hemiparesis and dysarthria
Clinica; manifestation of posterior thalamic territory lesion
hemisensory dysfunction and visual field defects
Movement disorder affecting the subthalamic nucleus
Most thalamic infarcts are seen where?
posterolateral supplied by PCA
paramedian supplied by the BA
In this syndrome, patient appear awake and maintain a sleep-wake cycle but unable to communicate in anyway
akinetic mutism
Klein Levin syndrome characteristic
excessive somnolence hyperphagia hypersexual behavior impaired recent memory eventually ending with recovery
sensory disturbances confiend to one hand and to the ipsialteral mouth region
where is the localization?
Cheiro- Oral Syndrome
Ventral Posterior Thalamic Nucleus
Localization for Alien Hand Syndrome
Ventral Posterior
Ventral lateral
Dorsomedial nuclei
Localization for Thalamic Acalculia
Ventral lateral nuclei
Dorsomedial thalamic nuclei
Medial thalamus language deficit
anomia aphasia
Anterolateral thalamus language deficit
transcortical aphasia
Lateral thalamus language deficit
anomia aphasia