Diagram Flashcards
D is inspected two days before E
G marches three groups behind F
There are three spaces between L and M, and M is examined before L
How do you diagram
J and H cannot be selected together?
It depends on whether it is a linear or a group game

Double Not Arrow means the two terms can never be together
(Grouping Question)
inference – double not - important for grouping
Attach two statements
Arun will be selected if and only if Bai is selected
if and only if creates two seperate conditional statements
- A if B
- A only if B
Only two scenarios are possible under a double arrow
- A and B are selected
- Neither A nor B is selected
Double Arrow
Only two scenarios are possible under a double arrow
- A and B are selected
- Neither A nor B is selected
Introduced in three ways
- If and only if - or its variants - if but only if - or - if yet only if
- Vice Versa (as in “If A is selected then B is selected and vice versa”)
- By repeating and reversing the terms (“If A is selected then B is selected, and if B is selected then A is selected”)
(Can be made through if and only if)
if and only if creates two separate conditional statements
- A if B
- A only if B
S is not selected if R is not selected
(And contrapositive)
There are two days between the day Q is inspected and the day R is inspected
There are two spaces between Q and R
F is displayed immediately prior to G, and is displayed at some point before I
Whatever term is modified by unless, except, without, until becomes the ….
Necessary Condition
The other term is negated and becomes the sufficient condition
Unless a person studies, they will not recieve an A
study –> A
S is not fourth unless T is fifth
S4 –> T5
Whatever term is modified by unless, except, without, until becomes the Necessary Condition
The other term is negated and becomes the sufficient condition
Unless a person studies, they will not recieve an A
study –> A
Laron performs second only if Nancy performs sixth
If V is displayed immediately before W, then S must be displayed third
If K is first then M is before P
G does not speak fourth unless Q speaks second
Only desginates a
necessary condition… just like only if
Only zombies eat brains
Eat brains > Zombie
only designates necessary condition
Only if designates
necessary condition
Only if one is starving it is acceptable to eat a slim jim
n and s?
slim jim > starving
only if desginates necessary
With “If and only if” statements what are the only two conditions
Either both conditions occur or neither one does