Diagnostics Flashcards
fungi sampling tip
sample from the periphery of the lesion (center may have bacterial contamination)
Diff quick
Mycoplasma haemofelis
Polychrome methylene blue
bacillus anthracis
modified ziehl-nielsen
brucella abortus
direct microscopic exam provides info on:
number of bacteria/fungi, morphology, host cell response
direct microscopic exam limits:
requires expertise, sensitivity of direct staining is low, usually does not allow species ID
Culture media
contains essential nutrients for growth of general bacteria (non specific nutritional requirements)
selective media
for growth of only selected bacteria
Phenylethyl alcohol sugar (PEA) media selective for
Gram + bacteria
MacConkey Agar selective for
gram - bacteria
Sabourad’s dextrose agar selective for
fungal cultures
Differential media
distinguish one bacteria growing on the same plate from another
Blood agar differentiates
which bacteria produce hemolysin